The celebration is not over yet.

The performance of the opening ceremony has just passed two programs. However, on the lspm forum of the internationally renowned academic exchange community, it has been swept up by the hotly discussed posts.

Whether it is scholars who are engaged in research in related fields, or people who are just busy eating melon, all have joined the discussion of related topics.

[Academician Lu Niubi! 】

[Fuck, aren't you kidding? Second-generation controlled fusion? !! Not to say that it is fifty years before the ignition, and one hundred years before the fire is kept in the cage? 】

[How do I feel like an April Fool's joke? 】

【joke? How do you explain the aurora over the Yangtze River Delta city group! Did everyone have the same hallucination that day? !! 】

[Maybe some special celestial activity? Or ... a holographic projection? 】

[Holy special holographic projection! What holographic projection can fill the sky of a city group? !! 】

The holographic projection technology that can fill the sky of a city group is obviously impossible. Or, to put it another way, if this technology really exists, it may not be more surprising than the second-generation controllable fusion technology.

It's not just the internet that is talking about the reason for the emergence of that aurora, the front desk phone of East Asia Power Group has also been almost exploded.

Just when everyone was eager to know if all of this was related to the research on the second-generation controllable fusion technology, East Asia Power's official website suddenly published a low-key announcement.

The length of the announcement is very short, even less than twenty words, but the amount of information is extremely huge!

[The second-generation controllable fusion reactor has successfully ignited, and the long-distance laser power transmission device has been successfully commissioned! 】

After seeing this announcement, people finally understood what the aurora appeared over the Yangtze River Delta city group. And the discussion on the lspm forum about whether the aurora and the second-generation controllable fusion technology are almost all turned into wonder and wonder without exception.

No one expected that everything would come so suddenly.

Suddenly, they are not even ready to think about how to change the already prosperous and dazzling world after mastering the second-generation controllable fusion technology.

Many people did not even think that East Asia Power could really make this second-generation controllable fusion technology under the leadership of Academician Lu.

After all, the research on the second-generation controllable fusion technology has hardly been regarded as a major breakthrough in the past half century, so that the academic circle that has been lingering in the bottleneck for too long has even begun to re-examine. Is Helium III suitable as a fuel for second-generation controlled fusion technology.

Coupled with the decline of East Asian electricity, it has begun since the second half of the last century.

The bloated management system coupled with the rigidity of the management team has basically made the entire research and development center a senior nursing home with seniority. No two patents can be seen in half a year, but the output of papers remains high.

Even if Lu Zhou climbed out of the coffin, it would not be possible to rescue the weak giant.

What's more, he just took the chairman's seat and gave the giant a potent medicine.

Not only did he personally serve as a director of the scientific development committee of the board of directors, but it also quickly cut the whole land and eliminated the largest and most critical R & D department of East Asia Power: the Electromagnet Design Institute. Great blood transfusion.

At that time, the outside world was generally pessimistic about Lu Zhou's radical approach, believing that East Asia Power, a patient who was already crumbling, might completely lose its last breath because of this powerful medicine.

But now it seems that the opposite is true.

Instead of declining, East Asia Power has reborn in the light of the second-generation controllable fusion technology ...

Few people now doubt that all the decisions made by Academician Lu at the beginning.

If not even that is far-sighted, what else is worthy of this compliment?

Jinling First Prison.

Liu Sihai, sitting in the cafeteria, stared at the news indifferently.

After learning about the breakthrough of the second-generation controllable fusion technology, his face, which had little blood, was even worse with a touch of paleness.

Although he didn't see the aurora in the sky last night because of the poor lighting of the iron window, he also organized an ignition day event in the prison to allow them to watch the celebration until 9pm.

It is for this reason that Academician Lu's opening speech last night, he was watching the whole process.

At that time, he was thinking about what Lu Zhou said about the great gift. He did not expect to see the mystery revealed in the news early in the morning.

Moreover, it was the result he least wanted to see ...

"I didn't expect him to come out ..."

He murmured to himself, watching the news as if he had lost his soul.

To be honest, at this point, he basically has no hope of eluting the crime.

Witnesses and evidence are available, plus the case involves alpha virus and kb activities. Even if he is only a small cricket lying on the gun, it is definitely impossible to end up with light hair.

At this moment, he has only one obsession in mind, that is, seeing the man who took him away, standing in front of the camera of the news interview with a look of frustration, admitting the failure of East Asia Power in the second-generation controllable fusion project .

Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be slightly relieved.

In fact, I still remember that at the beginning of the year, when he saw an unprecedented scale of protests by citizens of Guanghan City and boycotted East Asia Power ’s experimental reactor project on the moon, he once thought that his dream would soon come true.

Even Lu Zhou would not be able to endure his experimental reactor plan in the end under such great political pressure.

But the facts before him are quite the opposite.

Without him, East Asia Power has not only completed the ignition of the second-generation controllable fusion, it is also like renewing a new life, getting better and better than before ...


"You have to be old."

Sitting in his home, watching the news, Wu Qing, former research director of East Asia Power, sighed a little.

Although fired by East Asia Power, he has always stood on the stand of an outsider, paying attention to the research progress of the second-generation controllable fusion technology.

Unlike those who are pessimistic about the second-generation controllable fusion technology, he is actually optimistic that East Asia Power can finally solve the bottleneck of the second-generation controllable fusion technology.

Especially after seeing the courage and determination of the man in reforming East Asia Power, even if he did oust himself from the position of scientific research director, he did not particularly hate him.

After all, his end result is much better than Liu Sihai who went to prison for "drinking coffee" ...

"... It's unbelievable," unwillingly put away the newspaper spread out on the holographic interface, Zhao Qian sitting opposite him, with a complex expression on his face, "How can an old antique from a hundred years ago be in Such a breakthrough in such a cutting-edge research field! "

Although one of the managing directors of East Asia Power, he should be pleased with the rise of East Asia Power.

But the thought of Lu Zhou who completed this project, standing on the apex of East Asia Power's previous chairman, was a complex mood in his mind.

Don't even think about it, the position of chairman is getting farther and farther from him ...

After glancing at Zhao Qian's complicated face, Wu Qing sighed softly.

Although the two are a bit different in age, they have known each other long ago and can be regarded as old friends. He has also heard of his friend's ambitions.

"Don't do stupid things."

"I know, just ..."

At a glance through the thoughts in his heart, Wu Qing said slowly.

"I don't want to reconcile?"

Zhao Qian nodded complexly.

Wu Qing was silent for a while and slowly spoke.

"To be honest, for this great god, the small temple of East Asia Power may not be very rare. In my opinion, if we didn't do it exceptionally, he may not suddenly run into trouble as the chairman. If you Be smart, you should definitely not sing against him at this time. It would be better to perform well in front of him. "

"Act well in front of him ..."

"Yes," Wu Qing nodded, looking at an old friend with a complex look. "According to historical experience, the second-generation controllable fusion technology has been completed. He may not always be in the position of chairman."

"Of course, this is just my personal opinion. You can also hear it as if you didn't hear it."

After that, the old man with the last name Wu stopped commenting on the matter, set aside an old friend who came to the door early in the morning, and continued to read the news on the holographic screen.

Zhao Qian, who was sitting on the sofa, fell into silence, seemingly indifferent, but his heart was already set off by Wu Qing's previous words.

Is this small temple in East Asia Power ...

Thinking of this, a bitter smile appeared on his face.

If even East Asia Electric Power, which can affect the entire Pan-Asian region and even the world's economic stability, is considered a small temple, he would never imagine that it would be worthy of that person's stage. What kind of existence is there ...

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