The bacteria on Mars were discovered in the three colonists of Ares. In the international community, a thousand layers of sprays were stirred up. The fate of the entire Earth Biosphere seems to be in the Lunar Rail Construction Committee of China. Hands.

Fortunately, in this crisis, China has shown a serious and responsible attitude of the big country. The Lunar Track Construction Committee almost announced the response plan at the first time, which is to calm down the people who are in panic.

In fact, talking, at first, Lu Zhou is not too serious, after all, there are too many things that need him to worry about every day.

Until the morning of Xiaguang’s return to the next morning, a pale blue pop-up window suddenly appeared in his sight.

[Emergency mission: biological invasion (limited time 90 days)]

At first, Lu Zhou thought that he hadn't woken up yet, and he was blind.

It wasn't until he stumbled from the bed and squinted for a long time before he suddenly reacted.

Stretching his hand in front of the sights and sliding off the light blue pop-up window, Lu Zhou immediately lay back on the bed and closed his eyes, silently in his heart.


The familiar feeling hits the cerebral cortex, and the eyes open again, and the eyes are pure white.

Without any hesitation, Lu Zhou quickly walked to the front of the system screen in the middle of the system space, and reached out to the options on the taskbar.

Sure enough, the urgent task is hanging in the first place on the taskbar.

The taskchain icon below it has not only become gray, but also has a locked icon next to it.

"... It seems that this means that the emergency mission will not be solved first, and other missions will be temporarily locked and cannot be carried out?"

But to put it this, this is the first time he has seen the option of an emergency mission.

It seems that as his influence expands, the deepening of research into the deep water area has gradually begun to affect the future of the entire civilization.

Staring at the locked icon for a moment, Lu Zhou reached out and selected the icon of [emergency mission].

Soon, the details of the mission were presented to him.

[Emergency Mission: Biological Invasion (Hazard Level: 3)]

[Note: Low civilizations are always on the road to the rise of higher civilizations. According to recorded statistics, the destruction of more than 90% of civilizations stems from their own arrogance rather than the aggression of outsiders. 】

[Requirement: To resolve the invasion of alien species, the means may include, but are not limited to:

1 Deal with the source of infection: Who brought trouble, we will take who to **** (***** awareness +10, risk: ?%).

2 Natural selection, survival of the fittest: One day, the closed ecosystem of the earth will open, and the inability to embrace the future is destined to be eliminated. It is only a matter of morning and evening. (materialism +3, social Darwinism +5, risk: 70%)

3 The gift of the universe: Objectively speaking, this is a threat and an opportunity. Study it and find a way to coexist. (materialist consciousness +10, risk: 39%)

4 Pray for them: Listening to the fate may be a good choice. In short, find a place to put them in place. Maybe they will recover after a while? (idealism +10, risk: 15%)


[Reward: Unknown]

Lu Zhou:......

I saw the task list from the beginning, and Lu Zhou didn’t know what to do. Even because there are too many slots, he doesn't know where to start to vomit.

And regardless of the unconscious consciousness bonus, and what the risk assessment is, the column that most makes him feel speechless is the task reward, except for a capitalized "unknown".

What is the content that I want to reward is probably related to the choice he took in the mission? Or what does the task reward contain that can't be disclosed to him now?

But it doesn't mean that no information is left, at least give him a little hint!

Staring at the taskbar for a moment, Lu Zhou finally made a decision in his heart.

It is certainly impossible to deal with the three colonists first, and you can rule out this option with a little thought. This will not only lose the international image that China has established, but also bring about a serious diplomatic crisis.

If anyone is happy because of this, I am afraid that there is only nasa.

This not only means that they will have reason to refuse to pay the remaining balance, but also strongly condemned the lunar orbital construction committee with a sneezing tear. No one will go back to the failure of the Ares plan. People will only remember the deaths of the three colonists and the efforts that Nasa has done to save them...

“The task completion time is only 90 days, but it does not give the criteria for the completion of the task. Does it mean that the judgment criteria are based on the choices I made?”

"The theoretical risk of Option 2 should be the largest, and can be directly ruled out as Option 1."

"So to say..." Lu Zhou stopped his sight on option 3. "The only suitable option is this."

Whether it is to completely remove the parasitic bacteria from the three colonists, or to prove that it is harmless, or to find a way to make it exist in the earth's biosphere in a harmless form, first of all, it must be learned through research that it is what.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou did not hesitate to leave the system space immediately.

The time left for him is only 90 days. In terms of biological research, this time can be said to be quite urgent. The most important thing is that he is difficult to directly help, and can only indirectly support the research of other scholars. This undoubtedly added a lot of difficulty to his task.

Opened his eyes, Lu Zhou sat up from the bed, did not hesitate to take out his mobile phone, called the phone to go to Beijing, and reported the situation to the elders who served as the chairman of the Lunar Orbit Committee.

After listening to the report, the elder immediately asked seriously.

"Is the problem serious?"

“It’s more serious,” Lu Zhou said in a serious tone. “At present, we have little understanding of the bacteria, and there is not enough clinical evidence to prove that it is harmless. It only knows that it has tenacious vitality and it is difficult to pass normal. Means clearing. And taking a step back, even if it is harmless to the human body, it is difficult to ensure that it can be gently integrated into the Earth's ecosystem."

Although I don't know the concept of hazard level 3, I want to let the system release the task to him overnight, even if he does not hesitate to temporarily lock his task chain. It is still a bit serious to think about the problem.

Without any extra words, the elders immediately said.

"I have already understood the situation, what support do you need?"

Lu Zhou: "The time for the three Ares plan colonists to return to the United States may be delayed. At present, we can't believe for a while, Nasa and the White House can handle this matter perfectly under the pressure of public opinion."

“But in order to better solve this incident, we need the help of professionals from the international community.”

"I propose to cooperate with other countries on this issue. It is best to set up a special scientific research organization to drive the R&D forces of other countries to participate. This is a global crisis, but if it can be handled well, for us It is also an opportunity."

After listening to the requirements of Lu Zhou, the elders on the other end of the phone nodded and said in a serious tone.

"Okay, I will meet your requirements as soon as possible. In addition, before the decision of the central government comes out, you have the highest decision-making power for this issue. I believe in your professionalism, this matter will come to you!"

Lu Zhou said, he said.

"Well, I will do my best."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Zhou then called the phone to the Science and Technology Bureau, and briefed Director Li briefly. Then he immediately changed his clothes and then called the phone to Wang Peng.

"Come on the side of Zhongshan International to pick me up."

"Go to the Jinling Space Launch Center."

"The sooner the better!"

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