Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 805: Not a wonderful first contact

It has been 24 hours since the Lunar Track Construction Committee announced its response plan.

It is also almost the first time to confirm the announcement of the program by the Lunar Track Construction Committee, which has been given high priority by all countries in the world.

The UN emergency meeting was held in New York, and representatives of various countries, senior political figures, and authoritative experts in related research fields attended the meeting.

Before the meeting began, the Deputy Secretary-General Eliasson got up from the conference table and read the speech in his hand in a solemn voice as the opening remarks of the whole meeting.

"...we have always known little about life outside the earth. We have enough evidence to prove that we are by no means the only lucky winner in the galaxy, but from beginning to end we send signals to the outside world, launching detectors, Never really found the traces of life."

"And now things have turned around. From what happened to the three colonists of Ares, we can at least know that at least in the solar system, we are not alone."

"However, the first intimate contact is not always wonderful. I believe that all of you here have also exchanged this question with experts in their respective fields of research. The species from Mars has a strong vitality, even in a thin atmosphere. The environment, up to Baidu's temperature difference between day and night, and the absence of magnetic field protection, can survive stubbornly."

“It is foreseeable that their arrival will definitely have an unpredictable impact on the environment we live in.”

"You, I emphasize once again, this is a global crisis! Solving this problem should not be the responsibility of a certain country, but should be the responsibility shared by all mankind!"

"Thank you."

Applause was heard in the venue.

In a round of applause, the Deputy Secretary-General Eliasson slowly sat back to the position.

With the end of the opening remarks, the UN emergency meeting officially kicked off.

At the conference table, representatives of all parties stood on their own side and put forward their own demands and their own opinions on how to deal with this crisis.

For example, the US proposal is to establish a completely closed resettlement area in the Sonora Desert, where astronauts are placed to study and treat their physical condition.

Others have suggested asking for their own opinions and asking if they are willing to make sacrifices for the future of mankind, the so-called euthanasia, although it may be due to the impact and two of the astronauts are Americans, so the words are not said. So direct, but it is indeed a time-saving and labor-saving method.

After all, if a person dies, all the problems are solved, and the remaining bacteria samples are slowly studied.

However, everyone knows that this is impossible.

In addition to the opinions of the US, the most attention of the whole meeting was the opinions of the Chinese representatives.

After all, people are still waiting for the moon palace, but the United Nations has made a decision, and finally it depends on whether the Chinese side nods.

Facing a pair of double sights, the Chinese representative stood up and said slowly, with a steady but serious tone.

"Our position is consistent."

"From the perspective of the overall interests of the international community, we will not risk allowing three astronauts to return to Earth until it is confirmed that the species will not pose a threat to the Earth's ecological environment."

"We propose that, as announced by the Lunar Track Construction Committee, we will build a research facility on the surface of the moon to provide solutions for the safety of the three astronauts while seeking solutions."

"How do you guarantee the safety of the three colonists?" Interrupted the speech of the representative of the Chinese side. The US representative stood up and said aggressively, "Long-term in a low-gravity environment will have an unpredictable impact on human life and health! Do you ignore the human rights of patients when considering this issue?"

In the face of the attack by the US representative, the Chinese representative asked unceremoniously, "So, have you considered the human rights of the three colonists before sending the three colonists to Mars?"

There was a whisper in the venue.

The words of the stomach were blocked in the eyes of the blind, and the representative of the US opened his mouth, but he could not say a word.


In this matter, they really did not spit out the position of China in dealing with the problem.

If they think about these things in advance, instead of rushing to launch the bfs spacecraft to Mars, it won't bring so much trouble.

After a deep look at the representative of the US party who was eating, the heart of the country was dark and refreshed. The representative of the Chinese side continued to say, "Not to mention the concerns you raised can be solved with technology."

"In order to ensure that the facilities can operate with sufficient funds, we welcome countries to contribute to the common interests of our humanity. At the same time, we also welcome scholars from all over the world to participate in the study of life on Mars!"

After a heated discussion, the United Nations finally adopted the Chinese solution.

After all, the initiative is now in the hands of the Chinese side.

Even if the United Nations makes other decisions, the country that is a permanent member can refuse to implement UN resolutions on the grounds of "considering the interests of the international community as a whole."

What's more, in terms of voting, most countries still agree to hand over this matter to China.

On the one hand, it is based on the trust in China's space technology, and on the other hand, it is indeed because of what happened some time ago, and accumulated a lot of prestige for China...

As the debate on the solution ended, the second half of the conference focused on research funding, the number of researchers stationed in countries, the rights enjoyed in research institutions, and how the rights were guaranteed.

The meeting went from 10 am to 3 pm.

After the emergency meeting.

After a short meeting with NASA Director Carson, ESA Director Owens left the UN building and walked quickly toward the parking lot.

Immediately behind him, Deputy Director Ferrian suddenly spoke.


Without stopping, Owens returned with a sentence: "What?"

After hesitating for a moment, Ferrian continued to ask: "1.2 billion euros... Do you think this is worth it?"

"It doesn't exist whether it is worthwhile. In terms of justice, this is a crisis that needs the international community to cope with, and from a realistic point of view," Owens paused for a moment and continued to say slowly, "whether it is the downwind of the Chinese people to open up the moon." Cars, or participate in the study of life on Mars, are quite meaningful things."

“Compared to 1.2 billion euros, it’s really worthwhile.”


Just as the UN emergency meeting came to a close, it was on the Moon Palace, hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

In the living cabin prepared for the three Ares plan colonists, Zhao Shuxuan is routinely inspecting and recording their physical condition.

Very well with the work to complete the blood draw, the black guy sitting on the edge of the bed, a little sour wrist pulled by the gravity-free environment, and the Chinese doctor standing in front of him ... or the researcher to talk.

"Hey, what's the situation with us? Can you tell us at least... What did you find in us? We have the right to know the truth."

Filled with the form in his hand, Zhao Shuxuan said in a whispering tone.

"Your body is very healthy, don't think too much. There are only some unsettled factors, we need a little time to confirm, I promise that when everything is over, you can go home."

Taiwei’s face made a helpless expression and made a compromise: “Well... can you give me a computer to go online? Shouldn’t it be connected to the Internet?”

"The communication fee here is very expensive, I am afraid I can't meet your requirements, but the game console you want will be sent in a few days," he slammed the form in his hand and Zhao Shuxuan put the topic back. On the topic, continue to ask, "How do you feel about your body?"

Taiwei: "Everything is fine, good can't be better. To be honest, are you getting something wrong? Staying in a weightless environment makes me feel very uncomfortable. I feel my muscles are shrinking."

Zhao Shuxuan: "That is your illusion. Your skeletal muscles are very healthy. In addition, there is a special service cabin on the Moon Palace to provide a simulation of the Earth's gravity environment. If you feel unwell, you can go up and stay for a while, or take a bath or something. ""

When it came to a pause here, he continued to ask.

" the way, how long have you slept today?"

Tavi thought for a while and replied truthfully: "Eight hours, normal sleep, saying that there is nothing else to do except sleep. Isn't it?"

"8 hours...?" On the book, I recorded a note. Zhao Shuxuan glanced at the above record and frowned. "Do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

"I said, my health is not good, except for staying in space for too long," yawned, and Taiwei stood up from the bed. "The inspection is over? Then stop." I am bothered. I am going to have some coffee. It is too boring to live here."

Zhao Shuxuan: "Coffee is available in unlimited quantities in the service room. Although the variety is limited... By the way, are you sleepy? When did you start?"

"It’s always been a little bit," Taiwei waved his hand. "After all, life in outer space is so boring, even bars can't be found, let alone staying here is like jail."

After all, he passed the Chinese researcher and flew to the door.

However, when he left the living room, he did not find it. The researcher Zhao Shuxuan, who was standing behind and staring at his back, had a tight lock on his brow...

It seems that my guess is correct.

These little lives from Mars are really not that simple...-

(Thank you for your concern, I feel that I have recovered some. At this stage, I am discharged from my own observation. The doctor suggested that I pay more attention to rest, stop the fitness, pay attention to the weather changes, keep warm, if there is a new situation, seek medical treatment, etc., nothing else. Big problem. Those children who say that I am terminally ill-informed, I will be a joke.

Hey, who wants me to love you? )

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