The ability to eliminate spores has always been the most important indicator for measuring various sterilization methods.

At present, the top of this piece is probably the Austrian Octavis company, which uses the vaccine production workshop environmental disinfectant, which is the world's most effective disinfectant for killing spores. Its main component is hydrogen peroxide. Silver ion.

After discovering the x-0172 bacterial invasion, a batch of customized versions of these anti-virus agents was imported on the Moon Palace. However, although this is the case, it is not a problem to disinfect the Xiaguang or disinfect the space capsule, but it is definitely not acceptable for people.

In the face of spores that are parasitic in the human body, even if there are a large number of international experts stationed on the Moon Palace, there is still no good way.

At the moment, research seems to be in a deadlock.

Lu Zhou feels that if he doesn't do anything, I am afraid that even if he waits for another 90 days, it is difficult to see satisfactory results.

With the metabolic extract obtained from Professor Liu, Lu Zhou did not return to the Dean's office, but went straight to the third floor of the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, which is his private laboratory.

After closing the calm, Lu Zhou sat at the desk and placed the metabolic extract in the glass test tube at the corner of the table. Then he transferred the paper published by the research team on the Moon Palace from the computer for a long time, and finally gently Sighed.

"...Unfortunately, biology is not an area that I am good at, and I can't help if I want to help."

"Surely, can you only turn to the wisdom of higher civilization?"

Looking at the reagent placed on the table, Lu Zhou pondered for a while and closed his eyes.

"System, is there any way to kill x-0172 bacterial spores?"

Open your eyes again, the light blue light strips slowly passed through the field of view, gathered into a dialog box, presented in front of him.

[Solution to eliminate parasitic x-0172 bacteria in the human body]

[Required points: 10000 points]

"10,000 points?!"

Seeing this number, Lu Zhou almost didn't fall off the chair.

If he remembers correctly, all the points in his own are only 4,835 points.

At the thought of this, he could not help but start to doubt some of his life.

Is this bacteria so difficult?

He has spent so many years of mission points, not enough to redeem a solution...

and many more……

However, at this moment, Lu Zhou suddenly thought of something and slammed his head.

"Mom, how can I forget it?"

The system's pricing of "problems" is based on the content of the question. If you are asking about the solution to the whole problem, the required points are naturally extremely expensive, but if you split the problem into many parts and ask only the solution of one of the steps, the required points are relatively less exaggerated. It is.

The bottleneck facing the international research team is not **** the x-0172 bacteria, but **** the spores of the x-0172 bacteria.

Therefore, he only needs to change a question and answer...

“System, is there any way to stop the x-0172 bacteria from spores?”

X-0172 bacteria are difficult to kill, officially because they will actively form spores to protect themselves when they are attacked. Even physical methods such as high temperature, high pressure, ultraviolet light, and even radiation are hard to kill, let alone the antibodies produced by the organism itself.

Therefore, the key to clearing x-0172 bacteria is how to avoid spore formation!

As long as it has resolved its active defense mechanism, killing it is only a matter of minutes if the antibody has been found.

After a brief pause, the light blue dialog reappeared in the sight of Lu Zhou.

This time, the price of the system is much easier to accept.

[Scheme to prevent x-0172 bacteria from sporulation. 】

[Required points: 2500 points. 】

2500 points.

Probably equivalent to half of his total points.

Although some distressed, for the future of the earth's civilization, and for the urgent task in his taskbar, Lu Zhou bit his teeth and reached out to select the redemption button.


Almost at the moment when the index finger touches the option, the huge flow of information hits his brain like a tidal wave, smearing every inch of the scalp on his head.

For Lu Zhou, this feeling of instilling knowledge directly into the brain has not been realized for a long time.

It is like an unknown corner of the brain that is written with a memory that is not your own.

About half a minute passed, and the strange feeling finally dissipated.

Sitting in the chair for half an hour, finally digested the huge amount of information in the brain. When Lu Zhou opened his eyes again, the pupil flashed a glimpse of the moment.

"It turned out to be..."

Although it may not be realistic to let him design this solution himself, it is not particularly difficult to understand the biochemical level of his lv6 and the chemical level of the Nobel Prize.

Simply put, in order to prevent x-0172 bacteria from actively sleeping, a special pheromone is mentioned in the system design scheme.

Under the influence of this pheromone, it can deceive x-0172 bacteria to think that they are in a comfortable environment to achieve the purpose of "avoiding spores when they are attacked by antibodies."

" long as the infected person is injected or taken with the pheromone before taking the antibody, x-0172 bacteria can give up resistance."

Feeling the feeling of full of knowledge in the brain, Lu Zhou did not hesitate, immediately opened the laptop on the table, took a look at the reagent at the corner of the table, and began editing the paper.

The preparation method for the pheromone that blocks the spore formation of x-0172 bacteria has been given in the solution provided by the system, and it is not necessary to do it himself.

As for the effect of x-0172 antibody and metabolite extract on clinical treatment, Lu Zhou cited several papers published by Professor Leslie and Professor Zhao Shuxuan.

Time passes by.

The wall clock on the wall quickly went from morning to afternoon.

Looking at the final paper, Lu Zhou’s mouth couldn’t help but greet a smile.

Speaking of it, the feeling of this kind of mind on the paper is really long gone.

Since the number of titles on the body has increased, the number of scientific research tasks that he needs to complete in person has become less and less. Many times his work has become a plan for the general direction, rather than participating in specific research tasks. .

"...When the space race is over, it's good to have a good rest for a while."

In the heart, he heard a voice, Lu Zhou turned the paper into a pdf format, but when he was preparing to submit a manuscript, he suddenly remembered one thing.

You said that a mathematician suddenly wrote a bio-paper with such a high level. Is it a bit too ridiculous?

Moreover, although the results of this research are from his own hands, they are not personally studied by him, but are exchanged through system points.

At that time, if the study won the Nobel Prize, how much will make him feel a little embarrassed.

After thinking for a while, Lu Zhou suddenly moved slightly, pressing the backspace key to delete the author's name, and knocked a letter "z" on it.


Looking at this paper, I smiled with satisfaction. Lu Zhou opened the arxiv website and created a new account upload.

It is too much trouble to explain.

Simply, just hang a vest and throw it up.

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