Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 810: Unscrupulous international expert group

On the moon palace.

In the experimental cabin.

Sitting on a chair next to the porthole and looking at the silver-white planet outside the window, Ian Crawford, a professor of astrobiology and planetary science at Birkbeck College, University of London, suddenly smiled and said.

“About six years ago, I wrote an assessment report detailing the economic viability of lunar mining.”

Sitting across from him, the scorpion from the chin has been connected to the hairpin of the Stephen Palubi, snoring with his nose.

"and after?"

"I later published the paper in the "Physical Geography Process" and sent it to uksa," Ian Crawford shrugged and continued, "although the uksa bureaucrats probably Think of it as waste paper."

Professor Stephen: "Is it not?"

"Of course not," Professor Ian smiled and lifted his chin in the direction of the porthole. "Now the Chinese are not making it a reality?"

"Then one day, one day they will find that instead of sending the production line and workers to the moon, it is better to build it on the earth and send it to space," Professor Stephen muttered. "Not to mention that this is nothing remarkable, we have similar s plan,"

Although his Stanford University is not an exclusive college, as an American, he does not like to hear any news about China's favorable competition in this space race, especially in the Ares program. It has become a mess now.

The mood was not so good. He subconsciously reached out to his chest. Then he remembered that he was wearing a cabin spacesuit, not the jacket with a cigarette inside.

"Damn, is there a place to smoke here?"

He took his hand back, and as Professor Stephen planned to stand up from his chair, a voice came from the side.

“Smoking on the space station will add at least two million smoke particle recycling budgets to the ventilation system of each space capsule. You will still smoke on the ground.”

From the direction of the doorway, Professor Zhao Shuxuan grabbed the handrail of the bulkhead with one hand, and the other arm held the latest test report, and continued to say, "Okay, everyone. The rest time is here. Time is running out, and there are three unfortunate colonists of the Ares plan, waiting for us to save."

When he heard that the Chinese researcher unfortunately put the word and the Ares plan together, Professor Stephen’s eyes flashed a little disappointment, but did not say anything.

The Ares plan is indeed a long way to go. From the beginning of the sandstorm to the present day, it seems that it is full of misfortune. Now, the top astrobiology, microbiology and clinical biology experts from 7 countries are sitting here, not To do other things, is to give Ares plans to clean up the mess.

While distributing the printed test results in his hand, Zhao Shuxuan succinctly explained the situation to other researchers in the experimental cabin.

"The latest test results have come out. In addition to the No. 3 colonizer, the levels of antibodies and hypnotic pheromones in the No. 1 colony have declined. From the heart rate, metabolism is gradually returning to normal levels. It should not be used. How long will it take to wake up... Need me to give you some time to see the test results?"

"No, I have already finished reading," put the test results in the hand aside, Professor Stephen pushed his glasses and continued, "The key to the problem now is not on antibodies or x-0172 bacteria."

Professor Ian: "Sp."

“Yes, spores,” Professor Stephen nodded, looking around at other scholars in the experimental cabin. “Only by solving the spores, can you really solve those problems.”

Professor Lesley asked: "Do you have any good ideas?"

"We have two plans now."

“The first option was to find a way to prevent the formation of spores from x-0172 bacteria. The second option was to find ways to kill spores directly and remove them at all.”

After thinking for a moment, Professor Lesley whispered and said: "The second method is very difficult."

"Yes, so at present, the high probability is feasible." One glance at the environment in the experimental cabin, Professor Stephen continued, "I am blunt, the research conditions here are too simplistic. I don't know physics. It is more convenient to experiment in a gravity-free environment, but if we are going to find a way to prevent the formation of spores from x-0172 bacteria as soon as possible, it is best to send the sample to Earth and use the experimental facilities on the ground for research."

When he said this, Professor Stephen’s eyes fell on Professor Zhao Shuxuan’s body.

As the representative of the Chinese researcher and the person in charge of the entire x-0172 bacterial project, only he has the right to apply to the Moon Palace to send the inactivated samples to Earth.

Of course, Stephen hopes not only to inactivate the samples, but he also hopes that he can find ways to convince the Lunar Orbital Construction Committee to send the well-formed x-0172 bacterial spores to his laboratory at Stanford University.

Only there, he has greater control and can find ways to eliminate this bacterium once and for all.

However, the Chinese researcher did not make him wish.

Shaking his head, Zhao Shuxuan simply vetoed his proposal.

“This is too risky, and even a completely inactivated sample does not guarantee safety.”

"There is no theoretical 100% security, but we can do it in fact," Professor Stephen tried to convince. "Even if it is a terrible smallpox virus, do we not have samples?"

Zhao Shuxuan hesitated, but finally shook his head.

"This matter needs to be carefully considered."

Professor Stephen sighed heavily.

"We have considered it for a long time."


The academic discussion was over and there was no constructive result.

Seeing that time is not early, experts from all over the world have simply returned to the living cabin after simply solving the dinner, and they have entered the living space of shape and tree hole.

Lying vertically on the bedboard, Professor Stephen connected the laptop to the data interface of the bulkhead and connected the Earth's network with the communication channel provided by the Moon Palace.

Although there are various problems such as slow speed and high delay, it is enough to use this small water pipe to handle some of the work at home and to exchange opinions with researchers in the country.

After logging in to the instant messaging software, Professor Stephen was preparing to contact his assistant, and his assistant took the initiative to send a voice call request and contact him.

"I am sorry to bother you, Professor, but I have to report one thing to you."

Stephen gave a slight sigh, then frowned and asked.

"whats the matter?"

“According to your request, we searched the database for research on spores and anaerobic bacteria, and we found such a paper on arxiv.”

After a pause, his assistant continued.

“The author of the paper claims... he found a way to inhibit the spore formation of x-0172 bacteria.”

“It’s impossible, or there are only seven people in the world who can write this paper, including me,” Professor Stephen said with a smile and shook his head. “Take me an email.”

His assistant nodded.

"Good professor."

In the paper on arxiv, Stephen actually did not have any hope at all.

The first-hand information of x-0172 bacteria is basically on the Moon Palace. Other scholars want to do research in this area. First, they must find a way to get the specimen.

However, there are less than 12 inactivated specimens that are currently sent to the Earth. Only some large research institutions may have them, and those who can access these specimens may not be the kind of scholars who are only satisfied with arxiv.

Of course, although the probability of digging into a valuable paper from arxiv is almost zero, it does not prevent him from writing what the author of the paper has written.

After all, even if the right is to open up research ideas, it is quite good.

Opening the paper, Professor Stephen's gaze was inadvertently swept on the screen, but when he saw the third page in a row, his mouth suddenly scorned.

The eyebrows gradually became a bit serious, and he turned the paper back to the introductory part and looked at it again.

"What are these things written about... How did you write them?"

The words in the mouth are broken, and the more he looks down, the more surprised he is.

The eyes are constantly changing, doubts, surprises, scorn, incredible colors, and finally all the thoughts have turned into deep shock.

I suddenly turned the paper to the beginning. Professor Stephen now only wants to know one thing, that is who wrote this paper!

However, when he saw the author's name for a moment, he suddenly stopped.


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