Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 812: 27 days in a coma


The first thing to return is pain.

Then, with a cold feeling crawling up the spine from the soles of the feet, Johnson opened his eyes fiercely and woke up from his sleep.

"Shet! It's so cold..."

The chill that was hit by the whole body was frozen and snoring. Johnson tried to shrink his body, but found himself fixed on the bed board by a nylon buckle.

Stretching out the cold fingers to untie the moving buckle. He held the bed with one hand and supported the body with one hand. He slowly floated up and sat on the bed.

At this time, he noticed that the Chinese researcher who had previously injected antibodies into himself was sitting on the bench next to the bed and looking at him.

"Your metabolism is still very low, and it will be normal to feel cold."

"How long will it take me to sleep?"

Zhao Shuxuan looked at the timer worn on his wrist.

"About 27 days."

"27 days?!" Surprisingly widened his eyes, Johnson whispered, "unbelievable."

Zhao Shuxuan: "Is there any problem?"

"...When I was in service with the Marine Corps, I was in a coma for a week because I was injured and I was lying on the bed for a month. I remember that just after I was allowed to get out of bed, my muscles were like being torn open. The same, with the help of medical staff, I spent half a month to walk normally."

Having said that, Johnson raised his arm and looked at his hands in an incredible way. He paused for a long time and continued. "But now, I feel like I have been sleeping for a long time... Noon?"

"It's really strange. It is reasonable to say that long periods of inactivity will cause muscle atrophy, but the pheromone secreted by x-0172 bacteria will prevent this, and protect the dormant cells while causing the cells to go to sleep." Johnson, Professor Zhao Shuxuan, who sat up on the bed, continued, "The specific physiochemical process is still under study. If you are interested in this, you can pay attention to the progress of subsequent research."

When I heard the word x-0172 bacteria, Johnson’s expression suddenly became tense, and asked Zhao Shuxuan.

"How is the Martian bacteria on my body now?"

Zhao Shuxuan: "It has been cleaned up."

When he heard this, Johnson slowly let out a sigh of relief.

A large stone hanging in his heart finally landed on the ground.

Martian bacteria have been cleared.

Now he should finally be able to go home.

After his own security has been guaranteed, he finally remembered that he had two teammates.

After a pause, he asked casually.

"Jones and Tavi? How are the two players in my situation?"

Zhao Shuxuan once again glanced at the timer on his wrist and replied with no emotional ups and downs: "Jones wakes up 15 minutes earlier than you, and now handles personal hygiene matters in the multi-functional service cabin. As for Taiwei, he The situation may be a bit complicated."

Johnson snorted a little: "What happened to Tavi?"

Zhao Shuxuan took a bit of dignity in his eyes. After a moment of silence, he said.

"In general, the way we remove x-0172 bacteria is to prevent them from forming spores and then kill them by antibodies. However, his condition is a bit special, because he is immune to x-0172 bacteria, causing him The spores in the body have been under attack. Even if we injected him with a blocking pheromone, it did not awaken the spores in his body into vegetative cells."

Johnson swallowed and asked: "That is..."

"He is still in a coma for a while, or sleep," Zhao Shuxuan patted him on the shoulder and slowly stood up from the chair. "Don't worry too much, we will find a way to cure him."

"……Thank you."

Johnson smiled a little weakly.

He is not very worried about this.

For the player who did not listen to the command, he did not like it. The reason why I care about one sentence is just the responsibility of the captain. As for the guy who can finally wake up, what does it have to do with him?

Anyway, the Ares plan has completely failed.

At this time, the door of the medical cabin was opened, and a researcher with a scorpion floated in.

When he saw Johnson sitting on the bed, Professor Stephen immediately went up and stood on the edge of the bed.

"Oh, I am sorry! Let you suffer... How do you feel now? Is there anything that feels uncomfortable?"

Being stunned by the enthusiastic Professor Stephen, Johnson looked at Zhao Shuxuan without looking at the situation.

Zhao Shuxuan gently coughed and explained to him: "This is Professor Stephen of Stanford University, and is also a microbiology expert appointed by the US government."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and for the third time he looked at the wrist timer.

"It seems that you need a little time, I will not bother you."

After that, Zhao Shuxuan drifted to the door and left the space for this "retrospective" to two people.

Looking at the door that was slowly closed, Johnson finally recovered, remembering the greeting that the professor had thrown before, and hesitated for a moment and said.

"I am doing everything right now, we...when can I go home?"

Professor Stephen smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Soon, the bridge that transported the goods is already on the way to the Moon Palace. The Chinese people promised us to take the returning bridge number and return to the International Space Station. The spacecraft sent us home."

I can finally go home.

John’s new feeling is probably the best news he has heard in these two months.

Looking at Johnson with a soothing expression, Professor Stephen continued with interest: "Speaking, how does it feel on Mars? Is it convenient to talk?"

Johnson: " this part of the medical examination?"

"No, it's just my personal interest," Professor Stephen shook his head and smiled and continued. "You are human heroes. No one ever printed their footprints on the desert planet, but you did it! I am curious, what is the life on Mars, I heard that you planted potatoes there? Use the soil of Mars? How is it delicious, is it delicious?"


Faced with the question that Professor Stephen has thrown in the cannon, Johnson’s smile is bitter.

Yes, they successfully printed their footprints on Mars, but it was brought back by the Chinese people from there.

No matter what you think, this is not a successful landing.

The final outcome was also true. The new Virginia Life Support unit sank in a dust storm that swept the world, and they were forced to withdraw after nearly a month.

Looking at the silver-white planet outside the porthole, Johnson took a deep breath and slowly said his feelings.

"This feeling... you won't want to come to the second time."

"It’s terrible."

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