Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 813: Dr. Z saves the world?

"After 27 days of coma, I was awakened. Two of the colonists of Ares have recovered! 》

"Strict report release! Mars bacteria are jointly attacked by the team of experts of the Moon Palace! The mysterious doctor "z" provides important clues! 》


Almost immediately after the waking of Johnson, the latest developments in x-0172 bacteriological research were published to the global media through the Lunar Track Construction Committee.

When I learned that the three colonists who were in a coma had successfully recovered, and successfully cleared the infected bacteria in the body, they immediately caused a sensation in the international community.

After the "Everyone's Daily" first reported the relevant news, the "Washington Post" immediately reported the news, and interviewed the UN Deputy Secretary-General Eliasson on the incident.

A month ago, it was he who stood at the emergency meeting of the United Nations and read out a joint initiative calling on all countries in the world to jointly respond to this crisis.

Although it is not this joint initiative that really motivates countries to cope with this crisis, it is undeniable that his speech is quite iconic.

When asked how to evaluate the performance of countries in responding to this global crisis, Eliasson gave almost no hesitation to a high degree of certainty.

"...This is another great humanity facing nature. The brilliance of humanity connects us together. We have not given up anyone in the face of difficulties!"

Reporter: "Taiwei, the black colonizer who has not been successfully rescued, how do you think about it."

Eliasson: "I don't think it's only temporary to be rescued. I believe that the international team of experts has enough experience and knowledge. All they need is just a little time!"

In any case, among the three patients infected with x-0172 bacteria, it is already a considerable breakthrough to successfully cure two of them.

According to the timetable announced by China, Johnson and Jones will transfer from the Moon Palace to the Dawning International Space Station within a week, where the United Nations dispatches experts to conduct the final medical examination and then return to the surface in the return cabin.

So far, the Earth's ecological crisis caused by Martian bacteria has come to an end.

In the long wait of these 27 days, countless people expressed concern about the future of the Earth's ecosystem, and now all the worries are finally settled.

In the face of the unbreakable spores of x-0172 bacteria, human civilization will no longer be helpless, and almost no one doubts that it will take a long time for the remaining colonists to recover.

All they need is a little bit of time.

At the same time, in addition to the two colonists who are about to return to Earth, the media has also paid attention to "Dr. Z" who played an important role in the whole incident.

According to Professor Stephen of Stanford University, if it were not the solution provided by the Ph.D. and the key pheromone molecular formulas and synthetic methods, they might now be stuck in the bottleneck of how to block the spore formation of x-0172 bacteria.

"... His research has made a decisive contribution to our eventual elimination of Martian bacteria in the colonists!"

"Although I don't know why he chose to be anonymous for what reason, I hope he can stand up and accept this honor to save the world!"

Speculation about the identity of Dr. Z, as the x-0172 bacteria-related reports continue to ferment.

It’s not just the media who are curious about the identity of the unnamed scholar. The general public has also generated considerable interest in this anonymous scholar.

What's more interesting is that if his name is written on the paper in a generous manner, the people who eat me may not be so interested. Even if the media has carried out overwhelming reports, everyone will forget it soon after seeing it.

It’s as though everyone knows that the Nobel Prize is very good, but not many people will remember who took the Nobel Prize in a certain year.

However, nowadays, even those who are indifferent to biology are curious. Who is the author of this paper, who is the scholar of which country, and for what reason has chosen to be anonymous...

Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies.

Institute of Biology.

Professor Liu Zuobing handed a report to Lu Zhou’s hand and said with a few voices.

“Unbelievable, I didn’t expect the long-acting slow-release agent that we had dreamed of, even on Mars.”

After discovering that the pheromone secreted by x-0172 bacteria forms spores, it can promote the active dormancy of the organism.

After taking over the report, Lu Zhou gave a cursory glance.

According to the data obtained from experiments in mice, the mice implanted with x-0172 bacteria actively activate the bacteria in the body to form spores when they encounter a low temperature of 12-15 degrees, releasing the dormant pheromone to push the host into a dormant state. .

The sleep time reaches 24 hours and the host enters a full sleep state. When this state is reached, the host's metabolic capacity will drop to a fairly low level, and the host's somatic cell structure will be normal, able to re-convert to vegetative cells when appropriate, restore metabolic levels and exercise before dormancy ability.

When I saw it here, Lu Zhou’s eyebrows slightly raised a look of interest.

Perceived the expression of interest on Lu Zhou’s face, Professor Liu, standing next to him, smiled and said.

“Remember the nematode cell we got some time ago? Next we intend to insert the 18s-rdna gene fragment into x-0172 bacteria and synthesize a special protein that maintains the morphology of dormant biological cells through x-0172 bacteria synthesis.”

Lu Zhou turned the report in his hand and asked casually.

"Is there a problem with the dna added to x-0172 bacteria?"

Professor Liu Zuobing: "The risk is within the controllable range."

"Then do what you said," returned the report to Professor Liu. Lu Zhou nodded and said, "Remember, safety is always at the top of the list at any time."

Professor Liu Zuobing solemnly said: "Reassured, I will definitely be 10,000 careful in safety."

At present, nominally x-0172 bacteria are only in vivo samples on the Moon Palace, and samples sent to the Earth are inactivated. However, as the saying goes, as the chief designer of the Lunar Track Construction Committee, Lu Zhou is studying There are still some "one" privileges on the list.

As early as the first time after the incident, the x-0172 bacteria's living samples were returned to the Institute of Advanced Studies and were subjected to the strictest custody.

It’s just that this matter has not been made public.

When the report was collected, Professor Liu was about to leave, and at this moment he suddenly remembered one thing, so he asked.

"Right, that metabolic extract... have you used up?"

"One more thing, I am in the office. If you need it, I will let you send it to you later..." Seeing Professor Liu looked at himself strangely, Lu Zhou squatted and asked casually. ……what happened?"

Shaking his head, Professor Liu asked the question suspiciously.

"I don't know if I have a question."

Lu Zhou: "What is the problem? Ask."

Professor Liu Zuobing: "Do you know Dr. Z?"

Lu Zhou: "... don't know, what's wrong?"

"I just guessed it, don't go to your heart," Professor Liu said with a little embarrassed smile. "The doctor who sent the paper to arxiv will not be you."

A light cough interrupted Professor Liu’s words. Lu Zhou asked the sentence: “Do you think it is possible?”

Professor Liu was very honest and nodded.

"Generally speaking, biological pre-printed papers are printed on biorxiv a little more. I rarely hear peers throwing preprints onto arxiv... If I remember correctly, arxiv should be physics, mathematics. There are a little more papers in the direction of the computer."

Coupled with the number of people who can reach the x-0172 bacterial sample, several experts on the Moon Palace said that they did not write it themselves. On the ground, only the Jinling Institute of Higher Education can contact live samples.

It’s not Lu Zhou, it’s only when some of my students have written the fish...

But it is clear that the level of his students is more important than his own. It’s okay to give him a handful of their skills, so the high-level papers are obviously not something they can write.

However, he did not dare to fully believe his own judgment. After all, Lu Zhou has never published a paper on biological direction. He has not heard that Professor Lu has engaged in similar research...

At the thought of this, Liu Zuobing was a little confused.

Compared with Professor Liu, who is in trouble, Lu Zhou is a look of embarrassment.

Does biology have a pre-printed website?

Not on arxiv?

Mom, he was the first to hear about it.

Sure enough, the next time I did this kind of thing, I had to investigate it in advance, and it would be too embarrassing to be recognized.

"Okay, don't think that these are gone."

Coughing, Lu Zhou forcibly ended the topic and said, "No matter who Dr. Z is, we will remember his contribution. If he does not want others to know his identity, I think we should respect his choice. ... In addition, the project team on x-0172 bacteria can be disbanded and the relevant research data is merged into the frozen dormancy project team."

Slightly stunned, Professor Liu immediately asked.

"Don't there be another colonizer who didn't wake up?"

Lu Zhou: "The most difficult thing we have gotten through, and the rest is handed over to the international team of experts to solve it. As for you, continue to study the cryonics technology."

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