Compared with Jinda, who is celebrating the school, Lu Zhou, who was elected as an academician of the two academies, has to calm down a lot.

After all, compared to the scholars who have finally climbed to the top of the academician after ten years of drilling, the title of this lifetime honor did not bring him more things.

Therefore, when the notice was received, let alone the feeling of surprise. For Lu Zhou himself, even the unexpected emotions did not appear, and more was just a kind of calmness.

The support he has received in the academic world of this country, as well as the resources he can call, has long been far from what ordinary academicians can match.

Jinling University.

Number of hospital offices.

In order to deal with the students' papers, Lu Zhou rarely took time out of his busy schedule. However, when he just walked into the office, he was shocked by the pile of things piled up in the corner.

It didn't come back in a week, so my office was a storage room.

Lin Yuxiang, who was sitting at the door, saw Lu Zhou, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he pushed the chair and stood up.

"Professor, you can count it back. The people who have been looking for you in the past few days are going to break the threshold of the office."

Did not go to the forest assistant, looking at the half-human cactus that was closest to him and leaning against the wall, Lu Zhou could not help but ask.

"Where did this come from?"

Looking at the half-man cactus for a while, I finally remembered who sent Lin Yuxiang to shoot, and suddenly said, "This, this is the Professor Zhang from the Institute, he also let me give you With a blessing, I hope that your academic path will be as clear as a cactus."

This blessing is not a problem, but it always feels weird...

"...I will see Professor Zhang thank him for me next time," Lu Zhou coughed, and suddenly noticed the thermos on the table. He reached out and took a glance. "Where is this coming from?"

He always felt that this thing was like where he had seen it, but for a moment and a half he couldn't remember where it was. However, Lin Yuxiang, standing next to him, immediately remembered it and said with a smile.

"This is what Professor Tang sent you!"

Upon hearing this, Lu Zhou finally remembered where he had seen this thing, and suddenly he was sweating.

"He shouldn't have sent me your own?"

If this is the case, then this gift is too hard, right?

"Where do you say that someone will give away the cup that he used? But he sent it to you, as if he used the same paragraph," Lin Yuxiang grinned and said, "Speak up, Professor Tang When I handed the cup to me, let me bring you a sentence, so that you pay more attention to take care of your body, usually drink less instant coffee, and thirsty to drink more hot water."

When I heard this, Lu Zhou couldn’t help but warm up.

He knows a lot of professors at Jinda, but he is most worried about his own, and he is estimated to have retired.

For the teacher who took himself to the path of mathematics, Lu Zhou has always been very respectful. Although he did not give himself a special help in academics, he pointed out himself outside the academic field. In one direction, I helped myself to take a lot of detours when I was young.

Therefore, every year, whether there is space or not, Lu Zhou will bring some gifts to visit the elderly.

Looking at Lu Zhou, who did not speak a word, Lin Yuxiang asked with a wink.

“Do you want me to pour hot water for you?”

After returning from the memory, Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head, and put the thermos in his hand.

"No, you can help me record the gift, put it on my excel form and send it to my mailbox. If the value is more than 500 yuan, I will return it. If you want to collect it, it will be piled up in the corner. It is."

"Yes!" He gave up his hand in a playful manner, and Lin Assistant said with a wink, "Package on me."

Going back to the desk and sitting down, Lu Zhou opened the drawer, took a stack of papers from it, and opened the first one to review it carefully. Although it is only a master's thesis, he has always been very demanding of his students.

After all, the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies has so many resources to offer. I want to graduate from him with water and water. I don’t want to think about it.

Less to say, you have to get out of the water one area?

This is also for their own good.

Just then, the door knocked at the door of the office.

Put down the pen that I just picked up, Lu Zhou said.

"Please come in."

The door of the office was pushed open. I saw the president of the University of Hong Kong, Xu, and walked in with a smile.

"Congratulations, Lu Academician! In the future, you are the youngest academician in the history of Jinda University. It is estimated that no one can refresh this record within a hundred years."

"It's hard to say, we are very young and talented. Who will expect that there will be a scholar who is even more powerful than me?" Lu Zhou smiled and stood up from the office chair, facing the sofa. I made a gesture of asking, "Please sit down."

"You're welcome."

After a few words, the two sat down on the sofa in the office.

Lin Yuxiang came over with a pot of freshly boiled tea and poured it on.

Looking at the mist rising on the cup, Xu’s head paused and smiled and said.

"This time I came to bother, I congratulate you on your election as an academician of the two academies. Second, there is still one thing, I want to ask for your opinion."

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "You are too polite, what can help me, let me know."

"Haha, how can that be done! Although it is not a very troublesome thing, but your work is related to the future and future of our country. If Jinda’s affairs have delayed your work, then I have to go to the people of the whole country. Thanks for sin!"

I opened a somewhat exaggerated joke. President Xu looked at Lu Zhou and smiled. He continued, "There is something like this. Some time ago, the Ministry of Education came to the Golden patrol. I talked with the top of the Ministry of Education about undergraduate education. The problem is that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the current teaching system. Therefore, we intend to open a key class in several key majors in the faculties of the hospitals and institutions, as a reform of undergraduate education. Pilot, focus on training academic talents!"

For Xu’s statement, Lu Zhou said that he agreed with the nod: “Undergraduate education is worthy of attention. One scholar first came into contact with the concept of academics, which started from undergraduate. But paying attention to it, we can’t overdo it, in order to Reform and reform, in the end, there is no benefit other than adding a course burden to students."

President Xu nodded: "What you said, we understand, so it starts from the pilot class. If the pilot is successful, it will be promoted. If it is not successful, it will be improved!"

"I think it is feasible," Lu Zhou smiled. "But I really don't think there is anything to help."

President Xu smiled and said: "How can there be nothing to help? Lu Xuechang, but we have no role in mathematics! I heard that the place where you used to sit in the library was given by the students. It is still common to go there to worship now!"

Lu Zhou coughed a cry: "You have won the prize, it is all the students who made the performance art."

"Not a prize, I seriously want to ask you," President Xu waved his hand and solemnly watched Lu Zhou continue. "The undergraduate study is too far away for me. It is too far away for the experts of our teaching and research group. Moreover, our conditions in the past are different from the present, and neither the concept nor the experience can keep up with the times."

"With regard to this batch of reform pilot classes, I hope that you will be the general counsel of our teaching and research group. This will not take up too much time for you, just you need to provide some valuable advice."

If it was before, most of the Lu Zhou may not be able to react so quickly.

But now, as soon as he heard it, he understood the true intention of the principal who asked him to name him. Most of the time, the Ministry of Education has not completely talked about it, or the talk is not so smooth, bring his name, and do something better in the central side.

However, even if he figured this out, Lu Zhou did not say much.

This little thing is nothing but a nod to him. In the past few years, Jin Da has helped him a lot in both academic and academic fields. It is also necessary to do something for his alma mater.

What's more, for Jinda's students, this is also a good thing.

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "There is a small matter, then this general counsel, I will be well."

President Xu’s face also showed a smile.

"Then I will be the schoolchildren of Jinda, thank you Lu Xuechang."

Lu Zhou coughed and said: "Cough, don't do this. The schoolmates told me that there is nothing to be an acoustic long. You have to be two rounds bigger than me. Don't make this joke?"

President Xu licked the tea and put down the teacup and said with a smile: "Haha, it’s also... yes, when it comes to the pilot class, we’re going to name these reform pilot classes as Nobel’s class, you think how about it?"

Lu Zhou thought for a moment and shook his head.

"I don't think so."

“Oh?” Xu’s eyebrows lifted up and asked, “Why?”

"The Nobel Prize is a goal worthy of young scholars, but it is not the end of academics. Since we intend to use these reform pilot classes as a base for cultivating academic talents, I do not recommend that our students go from the very beginning. Instilling the thoughts of these skills," Dunton, Lu Zhou continued, "After all, we did not choose to become a scholar because of Nobel or Fields. Before we work in this direction, we should still have Other intentions that are more worthy of cherish are in it."

President Xu: "So what do you think should be better?"

Lu Zhou thought about it and said something.

"A young person is a strong country, and whether a country's young scholars are positive or not is related to the country's and even the nation's future 50 years, and even a farther future."

"I hope that the young people we cultivate can plant a seed in their hearts. After waiting for them to sprout, they can become a talent that is truly useful in society, science, civilization, and the future!"

"So, I propose that this pilot class is called the youth light!"

After listening to Lu Zhou’s words, President Xu was silent for a while.

After a long time, he whispered softly.

"Now young scholars, there are no one, there is such a mind."

After all, he took a thigh and nodded.

"Then, according to what you said, it is called the Youth Light Class!"

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