Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 817: Big things to do before leaving office

To say the heart, in fact, Lu Zhou asked himself, I can't talk about any special ambitions.

It’s just that he’s found out now.

In the face of the mystery of the universe, the power of one person is ultimately small.

A calculation or a conjecture, he can spend a month or even a few months, shutting himself in a small room of ten square meters and quietly looking for answers, but systematic research projects piled up by countless problems. It is no longer a task for a certain scholar or even a single subject area.

Even if he can design the electric propulsion system perfectly, it can't be perfect for every screw on the engine, and these essential details need to be done by someone.

To see a farther world, he must rely on the power of ordinary people.

As an academic leader, his responsibilities have long been no longer just exploration and discovery, but also the guidance of latecomers, and so on.

At the same time, the more it moves toward the boundaries of knowledge, the more important the latter is...

As Lu Zhou expected, less than a week after he joined the teaching and research group, the policy of the Youth Light Class came down from the Ministry of Education.

As a class that specializes in cultivating academic talents, the department of the Youth Light Class will be opened, and students will be allowed to register from the second year of the sophomore year.

It is not just the name of the general counsel. The talent training program of the Youth Light Class itself, Lu Zhou also put forward a lot of valuable opinions.

Regardless of how much these opinions can play, he hopes that his experience will help some of his schoolmates, at least let them take a little detour...

Although the work of the teaching and research group took up part of the Luzhou time, it did not affect his work on the Lunar Track Construction Committee.

As October gradually came to an end, there was good news from the Hangke Group.

After countless days and months of design and practice, the second component of the lunar mining program, the automated vacuum arc melting unit, finally became the reality from the drawings under the joint efforts of more than 20 scientific research units.

With the ignition launch of the Long March 5 launch vehicle, the vacuum arc melting unit was sent to the cargo space of the International Space Station, and the earth-moon transfer orbit was transferred by the bridge.

After a week of intense work, the vacuum arc melting unit finally landed on the lunar surface under the remote operation of the staff of the Moon Palace and achieved a successful docking with the previously deployed automated mining unit.

With the start of the automated mining unit, the sharp bit is shredded by a shallow titanium deposit buried under the lunar soil and sent to a vacuum arc melting unit for smelting into titanium ore.

Although the production efficiency of the whole set is not high, the quality of the titanium alloy material is indeed slowly produced.

Looking at the numbers on the task list that are slowly moving up, Lu Zhou’s mind is also quite good. It seems that the system has approved the automated mining facilities he deployed on the moon.

According to this trend, at the latest month, he will be able to take another sideline task again.

The quest for the spur line is steadily advancing, and the main task of the second phase of the control of the Earth's moon has not fallen.

In order to cure the colonists who are still sleeping, and also to properly preserve and study the x-0172 bacterial samples, the lunar research facilities have been scheduled with the funding of the countries.

In the first half of next year, you will see the results.

At the same time, with the installation of several experimental cabins and multi-functional service cabins, the second phase of the Moon Palace will also come to an end.

Seeing that the Moon Palace of Huaguo has only the last phase of the project to be completed, the "Shenzhen Gate" on its own side has only just begun to work. The sound of the criticism of Ares is like the waves. Washing the east and west coasts of the North American continent.

How did they support the new Virginia, which opened up the frontiers of human civilization, how disappointing it is now. Looking back on the past two decades, even though Nasa has achieved countless results, all the light at this moment seems to have been overshadowed by the failure of the Ares plan.

Some North American celebrities commented that the past two decades have been lost for twenty years.

They are losing the space hegemony that has been established since the Cold War...

For the people standing on the land of China, they don't have too many special feelings for the so-called hegemony. They just look up at the jade plate hanging in the air, and they don't have a feeling of being separated from the world.

The change of all this is really too fast.

It’s like plugging in a rocket...

As if in a blink of an eye, the whole world has already smashed the sea...


From the return schedule of two astronauts in Ares, only the last three days remain.

Lu Zhou took a high-speed train and went to Beijing to attend the last Mars Rescue Work Reporting Conference held in the General Assembly Hall.

After the meeting, Lu Zhou did not immediately return to the hotel, but went to the Science and Technology Bureau to turn around and sent a plan that had already been prepared to Director Li.

"...the reorganization plan of the lunar orbital construction committee?" The last thing that Lu Zhou took over was seen. Finally, Director Li pushed down his glasses and looked at him with amazement. "You won't... and you want to let go, no matter what?" ”

The controllable fusion plan was also the same.

On the eve of success, the big man began to arrange things for the future. Not long after the ignition was successful, he resigned as the chief designer and handed everything over to the latecomers.

Looking at the expression of Li’s worried face, Lu Zhou replied with a smile.

"It's still early, when the lunar research facility is built, there is at least one big thing waiting for me to do it. From the position of the chief designer, how can I wait for this big event to finish?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Secretary Li sighed and whispered softly.

"Sometimes I really admire you, and the big power can be afforded."

"Although the wine is good, but it can't be greedy," Lu Zhou smiled. There is nothing to continue saying. "For me, this kind of thing that is not about research itself is enough. It is a waste to give me more." ”

Director Li: "After that? The project on the moon is finished. What are you going to do next? The second generation of nuclear fusion? Or Mars?"

"No," Lu Zhou shook his head. "I have done enough for you. The rest... I have to leave some time for myself to explore things that really interest me."

"This way..."

Although I don't really understand what is really interesting in Lu Zhoukou, Mr. Li can still understand a little bit, what Lu Zhou thinks.

After a pause, he solemnly spoke.

"When you leave the lunar track construction committee, I haven't retired yet. If there is anything I can do to help you, call me. As long as I can help, I will help you."

Lu Zhou smiled lightly.

"for sure."

Director Li: "Right, I can ask, what is the big thing that you plan to do before you leave?"

When I heard Secretary Li ask about this matter, Lu Zhou’s mouth couldn’t help but sigh a smile.

“Remember the moon landing engineering seminar more than a year ago?”

"Of course, remember," Secretary Li smiled and said with some emotions. "It’s really a quick time to talk about it. In the twinkling of an eye, what we discussed is not how to land on the moon, but how to build a house on the moon."

"What we can do is not just to build a house, but also to bring back the resources on the moon." Lu Zhou picked up a ballpoint pen from his desk and drew two lines on the white paper.

Looking at the two lines straight like the triangles, Director Li slightly frowned, and asked.

"……this is?"

"I am the last ring of the entire land transport system," Dunton said, Lu Zhou continued. "Remember the quality projector I said at the beginning?"

"It may be a little too difficult to build one on the ground with current technology."

"But on the moon, now we have the ability to give it a try!"

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