The third Monday in October.

For the two superpowers in the space competition, today is definitely an extraordinary day.

According to the timetable announced in the last working report of the Mars Rescue Plan, today is the moment when the two astronauts return to their respective countries.

The greatest rescue in the history of mankind, which spans tens of millions of kilometers, has finally come to an end.

After so many things along the way, the two astronauts have already been exhausted.

After soliciting the opinions of the astronauts themselves, Jones, who was originally a Dutch national, will return to Amsterdam directly on a flight provided by the Dutch government. As for Johnson, it was originally an American. It was naturally a flight scheduled for him by the White House and returned to his home country.

Shangjing International Airport.

The Chinese Concierge arranged a grand handover ceremony.

Standing at the door of the special security checkpoint, Johnson finally saw his savior--promoting the entire rescue plan, and sent Xiaguang to the main designer of the lunar orbital construction committee of Mars.

"Thank you," holding Lu Zhou's right hand swaying, Johnson's throat was moving slightly, looking at him with some complicated lines of sight, not horrible. "Thank you, bring me back from Mars." !"

Although because of his identity and position, the one standing in front of him can be said to be the biggest competitor of Ares and even Nasa. However, this does not prevent him from paying the highest respect and gratitude to Lu Zhou himself.

"You're welcome," he tried to hold back the astronaut's hand. Lu Zhou said with a smile, "I have a chance later, I always come here to be a guest."

"It will be," loosened Lu Zhou’s right hand. Johnson looked at the American diplomat standing next to him and looked at the boat again. He took a deep breath and continued, "That... I am gone."

"Well, let's go," waved his hand, and Lu Zhou continued to smile and said, "Remember to say hello to Mr. Carson for me."

"I will bring him your greetings!"

At the end of the meeting, Johnson put on the carry-on baggage and turned to the gangway and boarded the plane.

Soon after, the hatch closed and the gangway was withdrawn and the flight took off.

As the roar of the engine drifted away, the plane had dragged a white line and disappeared at the end of the clouds in the sky.

Looking at the plane's far away, Lu Zhou blinked and was about to turn and leave.

The US ambassador to China, standing next to him, smiled and faced him and extended his right hand.

"Thank you for everything you have done for the American people and the people of the world. History will remember this moment of friendship."

"You're welcome, although we have country points on the earth, but out of this planet, we are all earth people," the hand holding the ambassador swayed, Lu Zhou smiled lightly, calmly said, " May history be remembered and friendship will last forever."

The ambassador smiled slightly.

"Most definitely!"

After the handover ceremony, there was a banquet.

Not very good at this occasion, Lu Zhou pushed the banquet to another person in charge of the Mars Rescue Program Working Group.

As for himself, he returned to the hotel where he stayed.

While passing by the hotel lobby, Lu Zhou borrowed printer equipment from the hotel reception and told the reception to send the printer equipment to his room, then went straight back to his room and took the unfinished from the suitcase. The paper on the lunar surface projector was conceived for a while after sitting at the desk, and continued to improve along the unfinished part.

In fact, the idea of ​​building a quality accelerator on the moon was not something he thought of temporarily.

As early as about 12 years ago, Nasa put forward similar ideas, and even completed technical arguments. Relevant papers are publicly available on their official websites.

In principle, the acceleration technology used in this facility is similar to the technology used in maglev trains.

That is, through a long and narrow orbit and electromagnetic acceleration technology, the ore or spacecraft is accelerated to the speed of separation, and then directly into the orbit around the moon.

Of course, although the whole technical principle is a one-word thing, it is not an easy thing to really want to turn it into reality.

As the chief designer of the entire lunar orbital construction committee, it is now necessary for Lu Zhou to do it. Of course, instead of making detailed drawings of the entire project, it is an overall assessment of the entire project.

For example, how long does the track need? What is the cost per meter or the budget? Technical feasibility geometry? How big is the risk? And the most critical, specifically built on the crater!

The data that may be used in the whole paper, Lu Zhou has been collected in advance by the researchers on the Moon Palace.

With his current lv5 engineering grade, coupled with the experience accumulated over the position of the chief designer of the Lunar Track Construction Committee, completing the entire paper is not a difficult task.

After knocking the last line, Lu Zhou clicked the mouse and chose the option to print.

Soon, the printer resting on the table slammed, and after a while, spit out a paper with a warm ink.

I took the printed paper and checked it carefully. When Lu Zhou was beginning to feel hungry, the footsteps sounded outside the door. After knocking on the door, Wang Peng, who was carrying a plastic bag, came in from the outside.

"Still busy?"

"Yeah," put down the paper in his hand, Lu Zhou noticed what he was carrying on his hand, so he asked casually, "What are you carrying?"

"I went to the headquarters in the afternoon, and when I came back, I brought you some local products."

Said, Wang Peng put the things in his hand on the desk of Lu Zhou.

"Roast duck?" Seeing what is inside, Lu Zhou’s eyes suddenly brightened and took it with great interest. "Good things, Quanjude?"

"Looking in the hutong," sat on the sofa, Wang Peng said with a smile. "No big name is famous, but I personally feel the taste."

"It's really fragrant," took a sip of the plastic bag and took a sip of it. He looked at the roasted roast duck, Lu Zhou said with a smile. "It just happened to catch up with the meal. If you come back to the beer, it will be perfect." ""

Wang Peng, who was just sitting on the sofa, stood up again.

"What brand do you drink, I will buy it for you."

"No need to use it, I can call the hotel front desk to send a few listeners," he closed the bag, Lu Zhou opened the drawer, took out a paper bag, and stuffed the newly-released paper into it. Compared to buying small things like wine, I have something here. I have to trouble you to help me."

Wang Peng did not ask what he was going to send, and said directly.

"Where to send it?"

Lu Zhou reached out and handed the paper bag in his hand to Wang Peng’s hand.

"The Forbidden City West, Chang'an Street."

"Whoever is handed over, you know."

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