Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 820: Lunar mass projector

Going to Beijing.

A ladder meeting room on Chang'an Street.

In a gray coat, Academician Wang Rongjun slowly walked into the conference room, found a position with his own brand name, and then placed the mug in his hand on the table.

I glanced at the table and wanted to go to the meeting documents, but found that there was no such thing.

With a snoring, the academician Wang Rongjun felt a little strange. When he was ready to get up and ask the staff for help, there was an unexpected sound next to him.

"Pharaoh, why are you here too?"

Wang Rongjun went back and saw the chief engineer of the China Railway Group. Academician Li Qingquan was wide-eyed in surprise and walked over from the last two rows of walkways.

Seeing this old friend, Wang Rongjun was a glimpse first, then his eyes snarled.

"I still want to ask you! The day before yesterday, I said that I was drinking together. You said that people are meeting in the southwest. Are you coming to Beijing now?"

"Cough, I did meet in the southwest the day before yesterday. I suddenly received a call from the Science and Technology Bureau. Let me come here to open a secret meeting. The tickets will help me buy it. I think that things are not good enough. Didn't tell you." Academician Li Qingquan coughed and continued, "I didn't expect you to be notified."

"Oh, even your old things have been invited. How can you not ask me to come over?" Reaching out and picking up the thermos cup, and taking a sip after unscrewing, Dr. Wang turned back and glanced at the crowded meeting room, suddenly meaningful. With a sigh of relief, "The people sitting here are not small."

Not only a few academicians of the railway system, but even the old academicians of the Engineering Academy of Aerospace and Aerospace Group were invited.

In addition, there are some people he is not familiar with. It doesn't look like the company, nor is it like the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the university. It is a bit like a research unit of the army.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but recall the phone that notified himself to come to the meeting two days ago.

Although on the phone, the person did not tell himself what was going to be discussed at the meeting, but looking at the situation and the battle, it is not easy to discuss what is necessary...

"Yeah," Sit down next to him, and the academician Li Qingquan nodded slightly. "The big bulls in the rail transit industry are basically sitting here. Could it be... The state intends to set up a project for the super high-speed rail? ?"

Thinking of this, Li Qingquan’s eyes suddenly trembled, and his face gradually showed a hint of excitement.

The so-called super high-speed rail is the concept of "high-speed flight train" proposed by Aerospace Science and Industry Group. It uses "magnetic suspension + low vacuum pipeline" technology to achieve supersonic "near-ground flight". In theory, the speed can reach more than 1000 kilometers per hour.

At the time when the high-speed railway in China was speeding up to 350 kilometers per hour, it has been blowing this wind. The technical feasibility argument has been completed very early, and there are also many academician-level big cattle platforms, just specific projects. I have not been able to talk about it.

First, it is safety. Secondly, China has just built a high-speed railway of 350 kilometers per hour, and there is not much demand for building a faster high-speed rail immediately.

In contrast, exporting high-speed rail technology to other third-world countries such as Africa, for the Chinese manufacturing to seize the global market, is more realistic.

However, now, the Science and Technology Bureau has suddenly convened so many bulls in the field of rail transit, as well as experts from the Aerospace Aerospace Group. It is hard not to let people think about this.

"...not easy to say," frowned and meditated for a moment. Academician Wang Rongjun finally shook his head. "It’s still a while to see how the leaders of the Science and Technology Bureau say it."

“It’s also true,” Academician Li Qingquan smiled. “It’s impossible to wait for the meeting to begin. I’ll leave it to the topic that I’m going to discuss today.”

As the hour hand reached the 10 o'clock punctuality, the participants were basically all arrived, and the staff in the grading conference room went to the front door of the conference room. The meeting was finally started.

The host of the conference was the top leader of the Science and Technology Bureau. When he saw Mr. Li go to the stage, the voice in the conference room gradually stopped, and many people’s faces showed serious expressions.

"Thank you very much for being able to come here during your busy schedule and participate in this meeting," stood in front of the microphone and cleared his throat. Director Li continued without hesitation. "The reason why everyone finds here is that there is one. Important things must be consulted by experts."

"Because this matter is very important, it is not convenient for public discussion. Therefore, I did not inform the contents of the meeting in advance of the meeting, and I hope everyone can understand it."

"In addition, the content we discussed at the meeting, I hope that everyone can be strictly confidential. At the same time, I hope that you will be dismissed and have any good ideas, please be sure to raise them at the meeting."

As said, on the curtain in front of the conference room, a picture was gradually projected.

When I saw this picture, the quiet meeting room suddenly sounded a noisy discussion.

A strange sight was exchanged with the people sitting next to them, and many people saw a surprised expression from each other's faces.

Moon surface quality projector!

Although many people sitting here have imagined a variety of topics that may be discussed today, they still have no idea that the top leaders of the Science and Technology Bureau will come up with such things.

When the content that appeared on the screen was not "super high-speed rail", the expression of Academician Li Qingquan was slightly disappointed, but did not say anything. The academician Wang Rongjun, who was sitting next to him, was open-mouthed, and he didn’t close for a while.

After a long time, I came up with a sentence.

"Is this going to build a high-speed rail on the moon?"

As if he had printed his guess, Li, who stood on the stage, cleared his throat and continued with a serious voice.

"... According to the construction plan provided by the Lunar Track Construction Committee, we intend to build a circular acceleration track based on the crater."

" electromagnetic acceleration, the working medium is accelerated to the moon escape speed directly on the lunar surface, and then transmitted to the lunar orbit through the second oblique orbit."

"... The plan will start at the same time as the lunar research facility. The first phase of the project is estimated at 200 billion yuan. It is expected to mobilize more than 70 universities, research institutes and enterprise R&D units."

Listening to the generous work of the Science and Technology Bureau, the expression on the face of Academician Li Qingquan sitting under the stage was slightly moved.

The first phase of the project budget is as high as 200 billion!

This is simply going to build another month on the moon!

Sitting next to him, frowning at the prin Wang Yuanjun, who was shown on the curtain, suddenly said.

"...The difficulty of making this stuff is not small, and even if it is finished, the power consumption will probably be an astronomical number! At that time, I am afraid that I have to build a supporting fusion power station on the moon. This lunar cannon is powered."

"Lunar artillery?" Li Qingquan academician picked up his eyebrows and smiled sideways. "This name is quite an image."

Wang Rongjun’s academician’s mouth was pulled.

"Is it a cannon?"

Use electromagnetic orbit to accelerate the working medium to more than two kilometers per second.

This end speed is much faster than the shells.

Looking at the screen of the ppt with his eyes open, the academician Li Qingquan, who was sitting next to him, suddenly felt a sigh and said.

"You said that the wind of this super high-speed rail has been blowing for five or six years."

I don’t understand that the old friend suddenly remembered this matter, and Academician Wang Rongjun asked him.

"It seems to be... what happened?"

Academician Li Qingquan: "There are quite a few academicians who give it to the platform?"

Academician Wang Rongjun: "...what do you want to say?"

Academician Li Qingquan sighed.

"Nothing, just a little emotional."

The same is more than 200 billion projects, the wind of the super high-speed rail has blown for five or six years, and there is no shadow. Nowadays, this "moon cannon" is just a sentence from that person, and the decision is made.

With so many big gangs standing together, they can't stand up to the word.

For so many years, the Republic has such prestige, I am afraid that even if I go back to that era, I can’t find a second place...


(Push two books, "The Resurrection of the Year" and "The Fairy Please Pay for It", you can learn about the children's shoes that are interested in the rebirth and the harem.

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