Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 821: I want to learn math with you!

The envy of Academician Li is not without reason.

In fact, the entire Chinese academic community, I am afraid there are no people who do not envy Lu Zhou.

At the top of the Nobel Prize Fields Award, the academicians of the two academies were elected, and the two or three billion projects were just moving. Thousands of scientific research dogs had to run because of a paper.

And to do all this, he is not even in the age of ...

For countless people, his achievements have basically marked the culmination of being a scholar.

However, there are some things that envy is not envious.

In the envy of the envy, Li Qingquan’s heart is also admire. The earth-shattering achievements made by Professor Lu after returning to China are just like many people who have to use their whole life to complete, even a lifetime that can’t be completed. It’s gone.

He is able to do all this, and he deserves to be so valued.

At least compared to the bureaucratic scholars who have vegetarian meals, he doesn't know where to go.

Just after the seminar of the Science and Technology Bureau on the lunar surface quality projector project was over, the founder of the project, Lu Zhou, had left Beijing to return to Jinling.

So far, the work of the Lunar Track Construction Committee has basically been on the right track. With the important work basically arranged, Lu Zhou finally has time to put some energy into the part of the Lunar Track Construction Committee. Going to Jinda.

Coupled with the graduation thesis, in the past few days, he will basically come to the office of the hospital to show his face.

"... Yesterday I received a reply from the editorial department of "international-materials-reviews". Congratulations, your graduation thesis has been successfully published."

Standing at the desk of Lu Zhou, Han Mengqi’s face showed a comfortable expression, and he was relieved.

For this graduation thesis, she has prepared for at least half a year. Now this hanging stone in the heart is finally on the ground, at least until next summer, she can be a little more relaxed.

Looking at the sigh of Han Mengqi, Lu Zhou smiled and continued.

"Don't rush to breathe a sigh of relief, do you think about things after graduation?"

Upon hearing this question, Han Mengqi touched the back of his head a little bit, then shook his head and hesitated to hesitate: "I...have not thought about it."

“Try it as fast as possible,” Lu Zhou looked at her and said seriously. “If you are planning to read Bo, you can start preparing for the first half of this year. If you are planning to work, you have to be in the first half of the semester. Find a good internship, if you have anywhere you want to go, I can help you write a letter of recommendation."

Staring at the tiptoe, Han Mengqi said with a little bit of trouble: "...Professor, can I ask a question?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "Ask, answering the student's graduation consultation is also part of my job."

"Reading Bo... What kind of feeling is it?"

"What kind of feeling? This question is a bit abstract," Lu Zhou thought for a moment and continued. "How do you describe it... In fact, it is probably the same thing as what you do every day? The only difference is probably Mentality."

“Psychology?” Han Mengqi bowed his head and asked with some interest. “Can you tell me something specific?”

Lu Zhou: "In short, the doctor's work is the same as the master's degree. The only difference is that the master's primary task is to skillfully use some scientific tools, such as graphic-model, Markov chain, etc., and use these tools. Solve some of the small problems encountered in scientific research. At this stage, new problems and what tools are generally proposed by the instructor, the master is responsible for specific solutions."

"And the doctoral study," Lu Zhou paused for a moment, recalling how his doctoral stage was spent, said, "The doctor's main task is to solve new problems with new tools. As for the so-called new problems here. It can be either a tutor or a self-report. Generally, at this stage, the students already have the ability to ask questions, and they can also come up with methods that others have not thought of. It is from this stage that you In the true sense, I am engaged in scientific research independently... Are you listening?"


Reminded by Lu Zhou’s voice, Han Mengqi, who had a dull gaze, slammed back.

I noticed that Lu Zhou was looking at himself. She realized that she had lost her face when she was distracted. She was embarrassed to scratch her head and bowed her head and apologized. "Sorry... I just got a little distracted."

Lu Zhou said with ease: "Nothing, I can see that your face is full of thoughts. When I am troubled by one thing and can't make a decision, even if I am distracted, there is no need to apologize."

Han Mengqi carefully asked: "...what are you going to be troubled with?"

Putting the pen cover in his hand and sitting on the back of the desk, Lu Zhou was silent for a while. It seems that he did not know how to answer this question.

However, after thinking for a moment, he replied with a slightly vague tone.

"... Of course, as long as people encounter problems beyond their ability, even I am not sure that every choice I make is the best. Even some things, even today I have not been able to give A good solution."

I don't know why, suddenly I care about what it is like to say.

After rubbing his eyes, Han Mengqi tried to brave the courage and asked.

"I can ask what is the problem?"

"Some private issues..." Lu Zhou coughed softly and forcibly opened the subject. "Going to the point, your talent in research is good. If you plan to continue on the academic road, I recommend you continue." Choosing the direction of computational materials science, especially the berry phase and topological effects in phonons, as well as the development of 3D topology materials and hydrogen storage materials, are quite popular and relatively easy to produce results."

The role of computational materials science is primarily to create predictable or descriptive models to help study the underlying mechanisms of materials and reduce the time and cost of new material development.

If it was put a decade ago, this is still a new subject, but now the subject has basically matured. Especially after the 18-year Nobel Prize in Chemistry, many research institutes will open relevant research departments. The general material science research team will also keep a phd who is proficient in computing materials in the project team, so the opportunity to work It is not awkward.

As for the easier outcomes...

He said that it is only relative to Lu Zhou’s laboratory.

The Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies is a strong experimental institution in the forefront in the world of aerospace materials, carbon materials, and new energy. Many academic journals in this field have even been “contracted” by the papers they produce. Therefore, it is naturally easy for Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies to make achievements in this field.

Looking at Han Mengqi who was in silence for a long time, Lu Zhou turned the ballpoint pen in his hand and asked.

"What is your idea?"

"I think……"

Gently biting his lip, Han Mengqi pondered for a long time.

Finally, she seemed to have made some determination, and suddenly raised her head and said in a firm tone.

"I want to... learn math with you!"

Lu Zhou: "...?"

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