Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 822: Examination of a question



Lu Zhou stunned slightly.

Silence for a while, he said with a soft cough.

"Computational materials science is also a kind of mathematics..."

"I don't want to learn to calculate materials," Han Mengqi shook his head stubbornly. "I want to learn math."

As if I felt that my expression was not accurate, she added one later.

"I mean pure math."

"Pure math..."

Upon hearing this request, Lu Zhou suddenly felt a big head.

Although in terms of reason, he does not really want to make irresponsible remarks about the ideals of others...


Put down the ballpoint pen in his hand, the ten fingers crossed on the desk, and Lu Zhou looked at Han Mengqi seriously.

"Can you tell me why? You have been studying materials for three years. Why choose to go to study pure mathematics at this time?"

In general, it is common to study other applied mathematics from purely mathematical translations, but it is somewhat rare to switch from this applied mathematics to pure mathematics.

And if it is someone else, but among all his students who study computational materials, Han Mengqi is the most talented and one of the most satisfying students.

Even Jereco, who has already gone to MIT to read Bo, may not be able to compare her with her talents.

Obviously, there is no limit to the future of computational materials science, but it is necessary to turn to study a brand new field. It is impossible to say that he does not feel sorry at all.

After all, when training her, Lu Zhou was considered to have devoted a lot of effort.

In the face of Lu Zhou’s serious eyes, Han Mengqi slightly moved his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and said with a complex tone.

"I didn't like chemistry at all... I chose chemistry at the beginning, just because of the adjustment. In fact, I originally planned to transfer to mathematics. As a result, you got an undergraduate training program at Jinda. I was then It’s just the top few in the department’s grade point. After being told by the guide, I’ve been smeared...”

Perhaps it is too naive to feel that this reason, so that when she talks about it, she is embarrassed to continue to go on.


Lu Zhou almost didn't have a blood spray.

Miss Sister... Oh no, little sister, you graduated from this master's degree, and now it is really appropriate to turn the entrance examination into the old Huangli of the professional adjustment.

"Is there nothing wrong with the adjustment? My mathematics major is also adjusted," said Lu Zhou, trying to persuade him. "The key is not to adjust the adjustment, but to be inappropriate."

“It’s not suitable,” Han Mengqi shook his head and looked at Lu Zhou seriously. “But it’s like it or not.”

Looking at her serious eyes, Lu Zhou slightly stunned.

Speaking of it, it seems that she is the first to refute her point of view...

After a moment of silence, Lu Zhou recalled what he had said in the beginning, and finally sighed and said.

" are right, the interest is the best teacher."

Aside from the system factor, he really likes to study mathematics problems, and the feeling of immersing himself in the mathematical world, will choose mathematics as the direction of his struggle.

If his students really like math...

He did not stop her position.

Even in his opinion, computational materials science is more suitable for her than mathematics.

When I heard Lu Zhou agree with her own thoughts, Han Mengqi’s face suddenly smiled and said happily.


"I won't stop you," Han Wenqi looked at with joy. Lu Zhou paused for a moment and continued. "But my PhD is not so good... especially pure mathematics."

Slightly rubbed the lower lip corner, Han Mengqi said firmly.

"It doesn't matter... I will work hard."

"...some things can be done not only by hard work. Mathematics is a discipline that tests talents, especially pure mathematics. There are many people who are engaged in research in this field, but they can really make what they call results. However, there are few and very few people. Some people live their lives for a lifetime, and they just learn and sum up the knowledge of their predecessors, far from being creative."

Said, Lu Zhou took a piece of draft paper from the table, picked up the ballpoint pen resting on the table, conceived for about ten seconds, wrote a line of calculations on the paper.

[For any real number s>1, define ζ(s)=Σ1/(m^s)......]

Looking at this line of calculations, Han Mengqi slightly wrinkled the nose.

"this is……?"

It looks like it is very simple.

Lu Zhou replied in an understatement: "Riemann zeta function."

Said, he wrote the last part of the question.

[... Prove, ζ (2n) is the number of transcendence. 】

When I heard the words of Riemann, Han Mengqi, who was still thinking about this seemingly simple question, immediately made a scream, and said in a war: "Is it difficult to arrange such a difficult job when I come up?"

"Don't be afraid to hear Riemann, but you live in the future after his death 150 years later." Lu Zhou smiled and handed this super high hand into the hands of Han Mengqi. "In addition, this is not homework. , but the exam."


"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded. "If you can solve this problem, I will allow you to read a Ph.D. in pure mathematics here."

Having said that, he paused for two seconds and then added a sentence later.

"Of course, if you change your mind and want to read the calculations, the door to my office is still open for you."

After all, her paper on topological crystal insulators, Lu Zhou is quite satisfied. If the little girl can retreat and return to study the calculations, he is certainly welcome.

I want to learn pure math...

This stuff is not so eager to learn.

Staring at the draft paper in his hand, looking at the line and the question of seeking the number of transcendental, Han Mengqi felt the scalp numb.

Not to mention how to solve it, she did not even figure out the problem itself.

When I was studying the computational material science problem, the mathematical methods she used were basically concentrated in the fields of functional analysis, geometry and topology. Like this kind of analytic number theory, even if she had heard it, she didn’t remember it. live……


If you give up like this, it is too much like her.

Biting his teeth, Han Mengqi looked up and stared at Lu Zhou.

"Don't expect me to retreat... I will start by collecting information."

"How come, I am looking forward to your answer," Lu Zhou smiled and continued. "However, your time is only two months. I hope you can give me an answer before the end of the year."

"Hey, where to get two months, one month is enough."

Reluctantly snorted, Han Mengqi took this draft paper and turned away.

After the door was opened, it was closed again, and the office returned to silence, only to hear the sound of the tip brush.

Sitting in the office chair and pondering for a long time, Lu Zhou suddenly looked up and looked at He Changwen, who was sitting at the table not far from him, that is, the pure mathematics doctor he was bringing now, and asked.

"Chang Wen, if you prove that ζ (2n) is a transcendental number, you can think of several methods."

He Changwen, who was working on his book, stopped the pen in his hand. After hesitating for a while, he pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose with the pen cap inserted in the back and said.

"I... probably think of one... no, it should be two ways."

The last half of the sentence was that he hesitated for a moment and said in a positive tone.

With his ability, this sentence should come true.

Lu Zhou nodded and said shortly.

"Two are good."

He Changwen slightly hesitated, and asked: "For a master student, will it be too difficult?"

Although the professor just talked with the master student, he did not deliberately listen, but still passively heard something.

For those who have not been exposed to pure mathematics at the undergraduate or master's level, it is a bit too difficult to challenge such a difficult problem.

This is not only a problem of missing mathematical methods, but also a test of pure mathematics. And these things are not easy for a beginner to cross, let alone a layman who hasn't gotten started yet.

Lu Zhou smiled lightly.

"At this stage of the Ph.D., it is time to learn to ask questions and find ways to solve them."

"If she can come up with a different approach than the standard answer, it is naturally the best."

"If she can't think of it, it can only show that she doesn't have the talent in this area, or she is careful to reconsider the road to the future."

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