In fact, in terms of conscience, the question that Lu Zhou gave to Han Mengqi was somewhat reluctant.

Although this is an open question, anyone who has studied this field can give an answer, but in fact this question is not so well answered.

Because, it is related to a classic question about the Riemann zeta function.

That is, the transversal conjecture of the value of the Riemann zeta function at odd integer points.

It is also how Changwen said that this is not a layman who can be solved by a half-way.

Unless she is really talented, she is able to self-learn the relevant knowledge of the theory of numbers, collect the literature on the Riemann zeta function, and do some research...

But then again, if she is really talented in the field of pure mathematics, it is not a loss for Lu Zhou to accept such an apprentice.

In fact, during this time, Lu Zhou has been thinking about a problem.

The "Medal" from the higher civilization obtained some time ago revealed a very important message to him.

That is, as human civilization has been speculating since the exploration of space, human beings are not alone in this universe, and even have entered the line of sight of other higher civilizations, but for some reason they have not been in contact with them.

There are many possibilities for this reason. It may be because of the distance in space, or because of the special civilization philosophy or social concept of the other party. It may even be that the other party has disappeared into the long river of time, leaving only a few thousand. Information thousands of years ago...

Whatever the possibility, the system currently in his hands should have information about this higher civilization, and it is likely that he is the only way to obtain information about this higher civilization.

At present, if you want to crack the secret of the system, raising all disciplines to lv10 seems to be a level that cannot be avoided anyway.

And want to raise all disciplines to lv10, as a mathematical grade that determines the upper limit of other disciplines, there is no doubt that it must be first filled.

The only trouble is that the 3 million experience limit is really not easy to fill.

It’s only possible to provide such a huge experience without any surprises, and only the Riemann conjecture of this century’s mathematics.

The task chain of “Land and Moon Control” has basically no suspense in this step. With the bridge’s capacity to move the moon to the moon to a new order of magnitude, whether it is the moon palace or the moon. Research facilities are just a matter of time.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Zhou has extra energy to free up his hands and prepare for the impact of mathematics.

According to his past experience, the research projects being carried out will have a higher probability of becoming the target of the next system task. Although there is no way to figure out what this probability is, there is no harm in preparing in advance.

The task of arranging the Riemann zeta function to Han Mengqi the next day, stepping on the office at 8 o'clock in the morning, Lu Zhou put the laptop on the table, let Zhao assistant to give himself a cup of instant coffee. Then I sat at my desk and started a new day's work.

The coffee with the mist rising went to the side of the desk. Zhao Huan took the coffee cup on the table and took a document from under the elbow and placed it in front of Lu Zhou, whispering.

"Professor, after you got off work yesterday, President Xu came over and he asked me to give this thing to you."

Minutes of the meeting of the Youth Light Class Teaching and Research Group Seminar?

After seeing the words on the cover of the document, Lu Zhou’s eyebrows were lifted up with interest and reached out to open the page.

"I will take time to look at it. You should go ahead."

"Okay, Professor."

Assistant Zhao nodded and turned to his desk.

Leaning on the office chair, Lu Zhou sipped the coffee and simply passed the meeting minutes.

In general, the work of the teaching and research group was fairly smooth. After the policy of reforming the pilot, the framework of the “Youth Light” class of Jinda has basically been set up. The specific teaching plan was also confirmed in a recent meeting. The rest of the work was the selection of the first batch of students and the implementation of the teaching work.

Closing the minutes of the meeting in his hand, Lu Zhou cleared the scorpion and looked at He Changwen, who was sitting at the desk not far away and was burying his head and brushing the literature, and said.

"Chang Wen, give you a task."

As soon as he heard the call of Lu Zhou, He Changwen, who was brushing the paper, suddenly felt shocked and turned to look at Lu Zhou excitedly.

"Professor, let's talk, what topic?"

He has been a doctor for three years in Luzhou. Although he has made a lot of achievements, he has some dispensable work. In the final analysis, one is his level, and the second is that Lu Zhou is too busy, there is no air to bring him, the papers are basically to make their own topics.

Now Lu Zhou suddenly said that he had to hand it over to him. Of course he was very excited.

"...oh, not a subject."

Looking at his over-excited look, Lu Zhou probably guessed what he was thinking.

But unfortunately, although I am embarrassed to break his fantasies, it is not the time.

After clearing the scorpion, Lu Zhou continued, "The afternoon after tomorrow, there will be a discussion class in Room 101 of the teaching building. You will go to the next class. The students are undergraduates. When choosing the topic, pay attention to it. Don't choose them to make them feel too involved. I need you to prepare a discussion class outline and give it to me before tomorrow evening..."

As soon as he heard the discussion class and was still an undergraduate student, He Changwen suddenly frowned.

"Professor, can't you give me a challenging task?"

Lu Zhou coughed and said seriously: "Do it well, this is your exercise... If you finish well, you will soon have a challenging task waiting for you."


Putting the minutes of the Youth Light Class teaching and research group aside, Lu Zhou is preparing to start the work at hand, placed in the lower right corner of the computer desktop in front of him, and then popped up a row of pop-up windows.

Xiao Ai: [Master, you have new mail ヾ (● ゚▽ ゚ ●)]

Xiao Ai: [link]

Put down the ballpoint pen in his hand, Lu Zhou holds the mouse, and clicks on the link that Xiao Ai pops up.

After entering the mailbox, he quickly saw an unread message and was lying in the mailbox.

When I saw the imu icon in the mail, Lu Zhou’s face suddenly appeared a surprised expression.

International Federation of Mathematicians?

Looking down, Lu Zhou quickly followed the body part.

[... Dear Professor Lu Zhou, I am sorry to bother you in your busy schedule. According to the vote of all delegates at the last International Congress of Mathematicians, the next International Congress of Mathematicians will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2022. I would like to invite you on behalf of imu, I hope that you can report for 60 minutes at the International Congress of Mathematicians in St. Petersburg...]

[If you are interested, we will send you a formal written invitation. If you are busy with research, don't have time to come and hope that you can reply to us as soon as possible...]

[International Mathematical Union Secretary General Helder Holden]

After reading the email carefully, Lu Zhou thought about it for a while, tapping the keyboard with his finger, editing an email, and responding to the past.

[Dear Professor Hald Holden, I am honored to receive your invitation. 】

[If there is no accident, I will go to St. Petersburg to attend the next International Congress of Mathematicians, but I cannot guarantee that I will be there. But if all goes well, if I can be there, I will upload the 60-minute report before the deadline. 】

The name was knocked down at the place where the payment was made. Lu Zhou responded to the address and replied to the mail.

After doing all this, he leaned on the office chair and his eyes could not help but drift out of the window.

It’s really fast to say...

It will take four years in a blink of an eye.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Lu Zhou could not help but recall the life four years ago.

At that time, he was also a professor at Princeton, studying the secrets of the ns equation. At that time, I was probably living in another sense of enrichment that is completely different from the present.

Thinking of this, he actually started to miss some.

I don't know how his friends at Princeton are doing now...


(The new January has started again, and the big guys are going to vote for the monthly guarantee ticket~~~~)

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