Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 824: Friends from afar

Far on the other side of the earth.

On the campus of Princeton University, which was enveloped by the night, it was late at night, and only a few of the lights in the library with the night study room were lit.

In the activity room of a library near the apartment, Vera put a stack of papers on the table and opened a page in the paper. The slender index finger swept through the line and finally stopped in the middle. The position, whispered.

"...Thesis is on page 27, line 11, and there is a problem with the formula here."

Compared to three years ago, her personality has not changed. The only difference is that the short pony tail, which is always like the tail of a small squirrel, has been long enough to hang down to the arm, and it has become beautiful and easy to care. Greek princess.

If you put on a long skirt with a lace edge, even if you are mistaken for a real princess, maybe. However, unfortunately, it is just a very ordinary campus costume that wraps around the slender shoulders. This also makes her always mistakenly recognized as a high school student at the academic summer camp...

"I oh...oh, God, you are more strict than my doctoral tutor." Molina, with dark circles, rubbed her eyebrows, grabbed a pen from the table, and stretched a lazy The waist slowly sat up straight.

This feeling of staying up late in the liver is not good, whether it is a burden on the shoulder or lumbar. Although she entered the school earlier, but she got a Ph.D. and became a lecturer at Princeton University, she couldn’t be young.

At least, this is the case than the girl standing next to her.

After being praised by the partner, Vera smiled a little embarrassed and said with embarrassment.

"Where, I am still far worse than Ms. Sophie Morel."

When Molina was still a Ph.D., Sophie Morel was her mentor. They had a long time of cooperation on the critical line of Riemann’s conjecture, but in Sophie Morel. After the 18-year Nobel Prize was defeated, Sophie gave up Riemann’s conjecture of this difficult bone. She has already turned to other topics and is now a good mix.

Molina, still struggling on this subject, even though she has changed from a doctoral student to a lecturer at Princeton University, there is still no change.

As for why she and Vera get together, it is a long story.

In short, the two are now struggling for the same goal, the Riemann conjecture, in the same task force.

"No, that's why you are too modest. The coward can't complete the beautiful proof of the corner valley theorem, and it's absolutely impossible to find such a problem with care..." biting the pen cover and staring at the line of the watch. Lina grabbed her hair and said with some irritability, "Damn, Odritzko's zero calculation method, I should think early."

"Bingo, Odritz's zero calculation method," Vera whispered, using a ballpoint pen to write two lines on the paper, and corrected the error. "The algorithm after the correction can be launched, 40%. The non-trivial zero is on the critical line... Congratulations, Ms. Molina, you discovered a method other than the Levinson algorithm and re-certified the conrey critical line theorem."

In the last half of the sentence, she said it with comfort.

Although she is not sure, this can be called comfort.

It took another two months to try out the idea that I came up with in a month. The result of the final launch was the conclusion that was reached in 1990.

The critical line dividing the non-trivial zero of the ζ function is still standing on the nasty number of 40%. If anyone can push it forward a little, who would like to win the next or next next Fields Prize.

However, after so many years have passed, only the challenger has fallen, and no one has ever stepped back this dragon.

"But it makes no sense," Molina sighed. "Maybe... The Math Chronicle will consider receiving our paper."

Vera gave her an encouraging look and said softly.

"I think they should consider it, at least we have found another use of Odritz's zero calculation."

Unlike other disciplines, mathematics research is not completely results-oriented. Sometimes, although it does not produce a very beautiful answer, if the process is good enough, or interesting, it can be the reason for the publication. In particular, the "Mathematic Chronicle", although not already Princeton is in the process, but the paper on Princeton's output is relatively "loose".


It is more difficult to have the four top publications such as the Mathematics Yearbook.

"Maybe..." Molina licked some messy long hair. "Maybe we should change our mind. I studied Sir Attiya's notes some time ago and found his research very interesting."

Vera opened her mouth.


Molina, with dark circles, turned her head: "What?"

Vera said seriously: "You really should have been resting for a while."

Although it may be a bit less respectful to the late Sir Attiya, many people have had such an idea before he died, and eventually returned.

"Don't worry about me, I am very good..." Molina reached out and touched her forehead. "Maybe you are right, I should rest."

She began to study the papers of Sir Attiya, and she felt that she must be crazy.

Vera opened her mouth slightly and finally sat next to her, silent for a while, and asked.

"Why are you... always clinging to Riemann's conjecture?"

Upon hearing this question, Molina twitched in a rhetorical tone: "Like just why are you attached to that man?"

Vera's face was slightly red, and after hesitating for a while, she stared at the paper on the table.

"I... not as persistent as you said, but he gave me light when I was most helpless."

Molina: "But that was already a lot of things many years ago, isn't it?"

Vera was silent for a moment and nodded.

Indeed, she also knows that it has been a matter of many years ago.

She is not even sure if Lu Zhou still remembers what she looks like.

Although she always remembers what he looks like...

"I am the same," Molina smiled. The index finger squirted the empty mug on the table and continued. "Mathematics gave me the same thing."

Vera looked at her inexplicably.

“Why can it be Riemann’s conjecture?”

"I have the opportunity to say this again."

Said, Molina stood up from the chair, but because of too tired, the body swayed to the side. Fortunately, Vera immediately got up and helped her, so that she did not stumble.

"Thank you," the right hand held the back of the chair and stood still. Molina bent her mouth and said, "If he doesn't want you, you marry me."

Vera's face suddenly turned red, and quickly said: "Sorry... I am not that."

Molina grinned and smiled.

"I am just kidding, don't take it seriously."

As she said, she blinked and picked up the paper on the table and hugged it on her chest. The footsteps quickly went away.

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