Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 858: Surging mathematics

Just when the entire industry was looking for a carbon-based chip research team, Guoan had already talked with Professor Wu’s team. After the confidentiality was agreed, the 20 million bonus of the Jinling Institute of Higher Education was also issued.

Of course, for confidentiality reasons, the two million bonuses were finally given to the main contributors in the research team in a low-key manner, and they did not sound out, and this made Lu Zhou feel a little pity.

What is the difference between a sheet of gold and a salted fish?

But when I think about it, he is relieved.

Such a large amount is really not very good, otherwise it will not be explained by the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies. The whole industry is afraid that it will understand what is going on.

At least before the completion of the carbon-based semiconductor industry in China, the relevant news still has to be kept secret.

The Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies will also cooperate with the intelligence department to release some smoke bombs, and will pay attention to this line of sight to other directions.

I have to say that Lu Zhou’s report on the quasi-Riemann conjecture is just the right time. Now the whole world knows that Professor Lu is studying the Riemann conjecture. Even if some people have some redundant associations based on some rumors, it is difficult to stand up...

In this way, the time passed, and as the distance approached mid-December, the atmosphere of the entire city of Jinling became somewhat unusual.

First, the airport made a banner and welcomed the visits of mathematicians from all over the world.

Then there is the crackdown in the whole city, followed by the inspection of health and the inspection of firefighting. The city appearance from the airport all the way to the old campus of Jinling University has been rectified.

Although it has really tossed people, the appearance of the city has also improved a lot.

In order to leave a shocking impression on the international friends, and to spread these shocking impressions to the rest of the world, the leadership of the municipal party committee is also enough to fight, even more than the old man of the Chinese Mathematical Society.

However, what they probably don't think is that these mathematicians from all over the world have no time to pay attention to these details, because their attention at this moment has been completely concentrated on the report meeting that will be held two days later.

Molina dragged the suitcase through the airport passage, and Molina, who had an invitation letter in her hand, stood around the customs and looked around, a little overwhelmed.

This is her first time to come to China.

It is the first time to come to China Jinling.

At this time, she suddenly noticed that there was an oriental face who was also dragging her suitcase and looked familiar but could not remember where she had seen it, so she went up and asked.

"Hello, may I ask... How about going to the old campus of Jinling University?"

The man smiled and shook his head, saying the temperature and said.

"Sorry, I am not very familiar with this place. I am going to take a taxi outside the airport. Listen to where you are going. Are you going to attend the report of Professor Lu?"

Molina: "Yes... you are not a Chinese?"

"Chinese, Australian, now living in Los Angeles," Tao Zhexuan smiled and looked at the one in his hand. "The organizer has already booked the hotel, according to them... we only need to give this letter to the driver. That's it."

When he heard that he was from Australia and lived in Los Angeles, Molina suddenly hooked the face and the person in memory, and could not help but widen her eyes.

"You are... Professor Tao?"

"It is a monk, may I ask you..."

Tao Zhexuan nodded with a smile and was about to ask Molina's name.

However, at this time, he suddenly noticed the customs side, an old man wearing a turtleneck coat and a black hat was dragging his suitcase out.

There was a surprise in the pupil. He temporarily put the strange lady aside, and rushed to the acquaintance, and walked forward and said.

"Professor Faltins? It’s so clever, I didn’t expect to actually meet you here."

Looking at Tao Zhexuan in a fixed eye, Faltins apparently recognized this, so he nodded his head and said hello. Then he said.

"Are you here too?"

Tao Zhexuan smiled and said: "How can I miss such an important report?"

Faltins’s eyebrows were lifted, and the wrinkles in the corner of his mouth were gently pulled down.

"Oh? It’s your cleverness, you must have a problem... Then who do you think is right?"

"It’s too early to say this. I have some confusion about his thesis. Even I have been thinking about it until now...but," shrugged, Professor Tao said with a smile, "not exactly Incorrect."

Frowning at this ambiguous answer, when Professor Faltins was still going to say something, Molina said with excitement.

"Mr. Faltins..."

The eyebrows were picked and Fartings looked to the side and finally noticed this.

But I thought about who she was for a long time, so she asked politely.

"you are?"

"Molina Abel, the student of Sophie Morel..." Molina was a little nervous and stretched out her right hand. "I am very glad to meet you."

Sophie Morel?

The name Faltins is a little bit impressive. It is a young scholar who is expected to compete for the Fields Medal. However, for him, the so-called Philippine prize candidate is nothing more than Err, and there is nothing special about it.

Among all the young scholars, there are only three that deserve his attention, and only one is worthy of his attention.

"A little daughter of Abel's family? I seem to have seen your father."

I didn't expect my idol to remember my father, and Molina said excitedly.

“When I was young, my father always praised me for your achievements in the field of algebraic geometry...”

"Is it? Unfortunately, I have no impression of him." As always, Poulings looked at her and looked away with less interest. "It seems that you have inherited one from your great-grandfather." Outside the beautiful surname, there is no inheritance from more."

He was stunned by a sentence, and Molina stood there with a stern look.

What is it that only inherits a beautiful surname?

Is this what people say?

I noticed that the atmosphere was awkward. Tao Zhexuan, standing next to him, coughed softly and said a round.

"Not everyone is good at math, it's nothing..."

Molina: "..."

Not good at math...


I am so angry!

Just as Molina, who was caught between the two geniuses, was about to collapse for her own blows, it was far away from the grand auditorium of the old campus of Jinling University, which is more than ten kilometers away.

At this moment, Lu Zhou, along with Professor Delini, who arrived in Jinling one day, was walking next to the garden that was said to have been left in the Republic of China. While chatting about something, he walked away.

With the old tutors, I visited the place where I am working now. I didn’t talk too much about the report meeting along the way. Until the big auditorium came to the side, the old Belgian man said.


Lu Zhou smiled and said: "Of course, I have already prepared enough."

"Faltins is one of the most outstanding scholars after the Grottendick era. Even if I compare with him, it may be inferior. If he goes to the appointment, he must be ready to refute your counterexample. You Make sure you are ready to do everything."

Lu Zhou did not answer this question, but instead asked a sentence.

“Do you think there is a problem with my proof?”

Looking far away at the quaint architecture of the Republic of China, Deligny was silent for a while, reaching out and gently pressing the brim on the bald head.

"I have seen your paper, I think you are not wrong, but I am not sure that it must be correct. I ask you, in the paper, you use the non-commutative cyclic coherence theory to describe the isomorphic class of flat φ-modules... Is the reference to the ?tale coherent method?"

Lu Zhou nodded: "Yes."

De Ligne's face showed such a look.

"What I considered when studying the Weiy conjecture is a similar proof of thinking. Using the homology to define the Fourier transform in the layer derivation category. However, I must remind you that the controversy is likely to appear here."

Lu Zhou thought for a moment and nodded.

"Thank you."

"I will pay attention."

. m.

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