Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 859: Defeat the battle of Jinling?

The day of December 18.

The grand auditorium of the old campus of Jinling University welcomed a special group of guests. This group of people has different skin colors, ages to twenty years old, up to the age of seventy or eighty.

The gathering of so many foreign friends is actually quite unusual for the old campus where the school is not necessarily seen several times. It has also attracted the attention of countless students.

In order to maintain order and ensure the safety of the presenters and participants, the Jinling City authorities almost mobilized the police force in half of the city, and even dispatched armed police officers and soldiers to **** the entire report.

For a scholar, it is quite rare to be able to get such a level of attention.

But if you think about it, it is not too strange.

More than 2,000 internationally renowned scholars attended the report, and even thousands of people did not get admission qualifications. At their own expense or following the tutor to Jinling to participate in this industry event, just to know the results of the report for the first time. Phd, even master students.

Such a huge lineup, even if it is a top meeting such as icm or icpam, I am afraid it is difficult to compare with one.

Standing at the school gate of the old campus, there are Chinese and English volunteer armbands hanging on the arms. The two do not know from which teacher's office was a sentence that “takes you to see the world” to the master students who flicked over. Looking at the grand occasion in the distance.

"This arranging field is called the Huashan sword in the mathematics world!"

"Where is the Huashan sword, the protagonist of this report is also two people, clearly the battle of the Forbidden..."

One is the youngest Philtz Prize winner, the well-deserved king of young scholars, and the other is one of the founders of modern algebraic geometry, the first person under the pope of algebraic geometry.

With such a contrast, there are still a few points to leave the lonely city and Ximen blowing snow.

Looking at the entrance of the big auditorium, the two men had just entered the mathematics world with a little half, and they couldn’t help but feel fascinated.

A thousand words are combined into one sentence...

Philippine strong, horrible!

Just passing through the door, I heard two young and new conversations. Xu Chenyang, who came to attend the event from MIT, almost didn't laugh out loud.

Decisive battle for the Forbidden?

This statement is quite interesting.

Just then, he suddenly saw a familiar face not far away. Unexpectedly, he greeted him from the distance and walked quickly.

"Zhang Xiong! Haha, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Hearing the greeting, Zhang Shouwu, who was heading for the auditorium, stopped. When he saw Xu Chenyang coming to himself, his face suddenly appeared a surprised expression.

"Xu Xiong? So smart, are you here too?"

"It’s just two big battles to fight the battle of Jinling, I have to come," Xu Chenyang said with a joke, and continued, "What's more, Riemann's conjecture has stood on the building of analytic number theory for so many years, even Grothendieck The old gentleman was stunned before this difficult time. Now he said that the academician of the army opened a hole in the fortress of Riemann’s conjecture. I believe that anyone who knows how terrible this puzzle is will not miss this. A grand event."

As a leader among young scholars in China and the world, he naturally received an invitation from Jinling University. But then again, even if he did not receive an invitation, he would probably come to attend the report at his own expense.

After all, the opportunity to witness history is only once in a lifetime.

Missed any time, it is a loss.

Apparently, it was interesting to say that the battle of Jinling was awkward. Zhang Shouwu smiled and said: "Haha, it is true that this is the case. It seems that this situation is somewhat serious."

Xu Chenyang smiled and asked: "Why, Zhang Xiong is not optimistic about the academician of the army?"

"It's not a problem that can't be seen, but Faltins can't handle it well." Sighed a little, as if recalling a distant past, Professor Zhang said slowly, "I went to Princeton to study. Worshiping the old Mr. Faltins, the first thing is to ask if he can give me a question. The old man only said a word to me."

Xu Chenyang: "What did he say?"

"...I have done all the easy questions, and the rest are very difficult. For example, Riemann guesses," squinting at the auditorium hall not far away, watching the mathematicians from all over the world, holding Zhang Shouwu of the vacuum flask sighed with nostalgic voice. "I have left Princeton for so many years. I have not understood the humor of the Germans until now. But one thing is certain. His understanding of the Riemann conjecture is probably in the world today. the first……"

"If he even thinks that Professor Lu’s proof is wrong, and it appears at this report."

"So I am afraid, he is ready to give him a lesson."

Professor Zhang’s point of view is a more pessimistic one.

In fact, before the start of this report, not everyone in the domestic mathematics community is optimistic that Lu Zhou can succeed. As he said, people who know Riemann's conjecture more than Faltins may have brought the research into the grave.

If Faltins thinks that the proof of Lu Zhou is problematic, and the core argument is partially wrong...

Then 80% or more is wrong.

However, after hearing Professor Zhang’s words, Xu Chenyang just smiled softly and said in a chat with a general chat.

“I met Professor Lu at the Brazilian Mathematical Congress and talked briefly with him. Although it was only about the ns equation and some problems in the field of partial differential equations, he left me the impression that until today. I am still fresh in my memory."

Zhang Shouwu frowned his eyebrows and asked him curiously.

"What impression?"

"He is a man who is good at making miracles."

After a pause, Professor Xu Chenyang continued.

"No matter how mundane the method is, he can dig out the clues that are ignored by everyone... no matter how small the clue is."

"I believe he will make a miracle again."

"And this is why I am not far away from here on the east coast of North America."


In the auditorium, the crowds are moving.

If practitioners in related fields are standing here, they will certainly be unable to exclaim.

Almost half of the big cattle in mathematics are sitting here, and the field of research covers almost all the research directions of each branch of mathematics.

To tell a joke, if someone throws a bomb down, the entire mathematics community must go back at least half a century...

Standing next to the podium, Lu Zhou, a suit and a singer, took a deep breath, and his heartbeat gradually stabilized.

Although there has been no report for some time, this **** feeling is no stranger to him.

It is as if there is an unknown force that flows in his blood vessels, which makes his spirit more concentrated than ever before, and is also active as never before.

Gently pinching his fist, just as he was preparing to review the previously prepared content again, an old man in a black turtleneck coat came over to him.

The dry fingers clenched with a cane, as if a candle could blow out of the wind, and the old man trembled and stopped at the side of the steps, staring at Lu Zhou.

After a long time, the face of the ravine, suddenly cracked a rare smile without irony or ridicule, said.

"are you ready?"

Knowing what he was waiting for, Lu Zhou nodded.


Professor Faltins grinned.

However, the eagle-like eyes were flashing sharp edges, and there was no smile in it.

"I hope that you are really ready. I will not be merciful in this issue concerning the future of the entire mathematics community."

"Please be sure to do this," made a gesture of please, Lu Zhou said calmly, "to defend the rigor of the mathematics world, I will hand it over to you."


When he reached out and pressed the cap, the old man dropped a word and turned around.

"Even if you don't say it, I will do the same."

. m.

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