
No? !

The "not" of Lu Zhou was forced by the whole, and Wang Zhengfei did not respond for a while.

Looking at Wang’s face, there was a slight disappointment. Lu Zhou continued to take a sip of tea, and then he said with a serious statement, “The graphene tube is not my research direction. The scholars who solve this technical problem have another person. I just solved it. Some of the problems in graphene about the Mott insulators have contributed a little bit of theoretical work."

It is said that it is a small amount of self-humiliation. After all, the discovery of Mott insulation and the part involved in theoretical calculations can be said to play a decisive role in the discovery of semiconductor graphene.

Therefore, the tiny contribution is absolutely exaggerated...

Probably it’s medium meaning.

However, the graphene transistor is indeed a contribution of Professor Wu. Although the general manager of the project has the power to put this hat on his head, this is not a problem in the mathematics world, but Lu Zhou still disdains to do it. This kind of thing.

Wang Zhengfei looked at Lu Zhou with some enthusiasm.

After a while, he smiled and smiled.

"Sorry... I don't understand what insulator you are talking about... Is it related to that carbon-based transistor?

Lu Zhou was too lazy to learn from science. He also guessed that he was not interested in understanding, so he just clicked.


For a moment, Wang Zhengfei’s gaze was instantly eager.

Who is inventing technology is not the focus, or it is not worth the focus of his concern. Anyway, even if he knows who made it, he can’t risk the price of lithium battery to go to the boat to dig the corner. What's more, the most important patent is obviously here at the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, which is the big hand in front of him.

Yes, compared to the academic world where the paper is king, patents are the key to the industry!

Whoever has mastered the patent or established an ally relationship with a patented company can be the father of the same person.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhengfei was awe-inspiring and raised the teacup in his hand.

"Lu Academician, I represent the counterparts of Huaguo Semiconductor Industry, and all the personnel in the semiconductor industry must say thank you! This cup of tea, I respect you!"

Looking at the cup of tea, Lu Zhou squatted.

It is not the high hat that the king always wears for himself. Of course he knows how good his technique is.


This is a bit too far off guard.

"Wang Zongyan is heavy," Lu returned, and Lu Zhou coughed a little. He also lifted the teacup and made a toasting action. After drinking, he continued, "The breakthrough of carbon-based chip technology cannot be separated from the whole project team. The researchers worked day and night... And, we are not saying it, just talking about the right thing?"

"Haha, I can't help myself, I can't help myself," embarrassedly touched the back of the head. Wang Zhengfei said with a smile, "That's what you said, let's continue to talk about business."

Although he knows that his sloppy expression is mostly pretending, Lu Zhou has not been dismantled.

He paused for a moment, he continued.

"The importance of carbon-based chips for the semiconductor industry is not to be said, let alone this is the best choice for us to overtake in the semiconductor field. Without surprise, graphene is the next policy slogan after lithium-sulfur batteries. Some time ago, Beijing should have already had a meeting. How to guide the orderly development of the carbon-based semiconductor industry, I believe that the development has already been deployed."

Wang Zhengfei looked at Lu Zhou with some surprise.

"...have you already known?"

Lu Zhou took a sip of tea and put down the teacup and said in an understatement.

"Opening up the fifth largest semiconductor chip industry group is what I proposed."

Of course, as for centralized management to achieve scale, and then orderly into the market and other implementation programs, these are the decisions made by the Ministry of Science and Technology and other departments to study together.

After all, the impressions given to them by the domestic capital community are not so good. It has become a habit to sneak up and sneak up. Either the winners are all eating or chicken feathers. Similar examples are too numerous to mention.

Carbon-based chips are related to the future of the Chinese semiconductor industry, and the high-level will certainly not allow the industry to become a chicken feather under the vicious competition of its own people.

Although Lu Zhou said this in an understatement, but listening to Wang Zhengfei's ears, it is a shock to his heart.

In the past, he only heard that there is such a professor in the academic world, not only the internationally renowned Nobel Prize-winning double prize winner, but also a "university" in the domestic academic circles. He will listen to his advice.

However, he did not expect that he was strong enough to this extent...

A semiconductor industry group...

This not only means billions of dollars in investment and financial allocation, but also means hundreds of thousands of jobs! Especially like the labor-intensive enterprise of the semiconductor industry, such a huge cake is enough to break the head everywhere!

Wang Zhengfei would like to ask where the industrial cluster was opened up, but in the end it was held back and did not dare to ask.

What is the use?

Go there and get a few pieces of land?

Do you dare to call the attention there?

It’s just alive!

It’s better not to ask, at least to be comfortable.

After a moment of pause, Lu Zhou continued.

"Mr. Wang probably wants to talk to me about carbon-based chips."

“Exactly,” Wang Zhengfei nodded. “You have strong R&D capabilities, and our industrialization capabilities in the semiconductor industry and the electronics industry are obvious to the whole world. I hope to be able to work on your carbon-based chips. Cooperation in research and development and production is a win-win situation for us."

Lu Zhou nodded and continued.

"I agree with you, but in my opinion, what Wang always means for graphene chips is not very well understood."

Did not go to the heart of Lu Zhou, Wang Zhengfei smiled: "Oh? Why do you say that?"

It is impossible to understand.

If he said mathematics, he really didn't know much.

But the graphene chip, he is an expert who has specially invited to do research in this field, and will consult all the things that can be consulted. It is definitely better than a professional, but as an entrepreneur, it is enough...

However, just as he confidently said the sentence, Lu Zhougang shattered his confidence as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Carbon-based transistors are not just carbon-based chips. Have you heard of the Mayoana Fermi?"

"...Majorana Fermi?"

Lu Zhou nodded.

"Well, a very unique fermion, its anti-particle is itself, does it sound interesting?"

Although I didn't feel very interesting at all, I didn't even understand it, but I still had to show interest.

The scalp smiled and Wang Zhengfei continued.

"It's very interesting... What number is it on the periodic table?"

"You want to find it on the periodic table. It's a little difficult," Lu Zhou smiled and continued. "Usually it only exists in the superconductor in the form of quasi-particle excitation, and is common in non-Abel statistics. Jorana is bound."

Wang Zhengfei: "???"

What are you doing?

He even now began to wonder if this guy is taking him to find happiness.

Seeing that the king always seems to have been completely forced, Lu Zhou knows that even if he continues to talk about it, he probably can't understand it, and he has to pretend to be very interested in it. It is too difficult for others.

Shaking his head and sighing, Lu Zhou took a sip of tea and continued.

"I know that you are not very interested, I can understand."

Suddenly, he continued.

"Majorana Fermi is not interested... So what about quantum computers?"

Wang Zhengfei: "...?!"

Quantum computer! ! !

At the moment when he heard the word popping out of Lu Zhou’s mouth, Wang Zhengfei almost held his breath.

His face was full of excitement, and he stared at Lu Zhou with a fiery gaze, his voice trembled.

"Quantum computer... What are you talking about? That kind of... quantum computer?"

"I don't know what kind of thing you are talking about, but I said the quantum computer, the name of the academic point is probably called the topological quantum computer. Microsoft seems to be studying, but it is regrettable that they are The algorithm has made some progress in theory, but it has not found a suitable material."

At the moment of hearing this sentence, Wang Zhengfei suddenly responded.

No matter what kind of particles, no matter what the non-Abelian statistics are bound...

With the export of Lu Zhou, all the clues seem to be focused on one point!

"That material is..."

Lu Zhou gave him a deep look.

Wang Zhengfei subconsciously stopped the words.

At this moment, he finally understood.

Why is the central government attaching such great importance to it, even if it is as good as an enemy, it will pull them over and talk in batches, and it will not hesitate to invest huge sums of money to open up the fifth largest semiconductor industry group, but it will be against the market objectively and regularly. Industrial clusters are centralized and closed...

“Graphene is the most suitable material... It may not be exactly before, but now it is. The zero-energy Mayorana fermion is formed in the vortex core region at the interface between the three-dimensional topological insulator and the superconductor, and this Mayola The existence of nanofermions will create possibilities for building topological qubits."

"If you can master carbon-based chips, he can create more than just a new era in the semiconductor industry. He will open up two eras and let my civilization move toward the future."

After drinking a cup of tea and moisturizing the scorpion, Lu Zhou asked him.

"Do you want to cooperate?"

In the face of the olive branch thrown by Lu Zhou, Wang Zhengfei’s expression on his face gradually dissipated, but it was silent.

He has already seen it here.

Lu Zhou and he said so many academic things, not to force him to be forced... at least not completely. Instead, put all these and overwhelming chips on the table and ask him what he intends to exchange.

At this time, if you open your mouth first, you lose.


These things that Lu Zhou took out were all he could not refuse.

At least, it is absolutely impossible to give up to competitors.

The fist was pinched and loosened, and Wang Zhengfei took a deep breath and his shoulder suddenly became slightly loose.

The face regained the sly smile, and he gave up the initiative and asked.

"……what would you like?"

Under the absolute advantage, the initiative is no longer important in the hands of the initiative.

Even if Lu Zhou proposed to be a technology shareholder in Warwick, he would seriously consider it.

As long as it does not affect his rights on the board...

However, fortunately, Lu Zhou did not show much interest in his Warwick.

Although the request made by the academician of the sergeant was actually more embarrassing.

"I want Hays."

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