When it comes to Hisilicon, its predecessor can be traced back to Warwick's asic design center in 1991. It has been one of Warwick's basic discs since its inception, and it is also the most important of Warwick's layout of the entire electronics industry. A chess piece.

Although in most people's impressions, Haisi is a mobile phone chip for Warwick mobile phones, but in fact, the business of HiSilicon is not limited to mobile phone chips.

To be precise, Warwick is providing chip solutions for digital home, communications and wireless terminals. Popularly, mobile phone chips, mobile communication system equipment chips, transmission network equipment chips, home digital device chips, etc. are all done. Even in the field of security prevention and control, its market share has reached 90% of terror under ten years of operation.

Because Warwick's absolute control over Hess, it can basically be said that Haisi is Warwick, Warwick is Heis, you have me and I have you, and the two are inseparable.

If Star Technology is allowed to enter Hisilicon, it means that Warwick may lose its absolute control over HiSilicon.

This is unacceptable to Wang Zhengfei.


For HiSilius, the technology of Star Technology is also indispensable.

Therefore, after listening to the requirements of Lu Zhou, Wang Zhengfei’s face suddenly appeared a dignified, sitting there without saying a word, seems to be in meditation.

Lu Zhou was not in a hurry. After finishing his request, he took a cup of tea and took a sip of hot tea, and he ran a bit of dry scorpion.

At the same time, he also took advantage of this gap and observed with interest a few silent Wang Zhengfei, trying to see something from his face.

But unfortunately, this Wang is a long-time old mansion in the mall. In addition to Lu Zhou’s way, he can see that he doesn’t talk because he is asleep, and he can’t see anything.


Is it too much to ask for yourself?

Although he and his sister were angry before, the equity ratio and the way of technical cooperation were all helped by her. But to be honest, Lu Zhou, who has no negotiating experience, can’t help himself. Just raise the request too high?

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou’s heart is also a bit embarrassing.

Look at the expression of Wang Zong, this thing probably can't be done.

If it doesn't work, Violet is also a suitable alternative. Although this company is mainly doing low-end chip supply, unlike Haisi, which is backed by Warwick, a giant in the downstream of the industrial chain, but... seems to be okay?

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou opened.

"Would you like to go here first, Wang always can go back and think about it again. Anyway, I didn't bring a contract today. You are definitely not prepared. The specific agreement still has to be discussed in a more formal occasion. it is good."

The shoulder was slightly loose, and the king shook his head.

"no need."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou was slightly relieved.

Although no cooperation has been reached, the negotiations are finally over.

To be honest, he is not very good at these things.

The next negotiation with the Ziguang Group will be handed over to the school sister to handle it.

"...I don't have to think about it. The things I have considered have already been considered. I believe in my own vision and I believe that the academician of the academician will not disappoint me."

After all, Wang Zhengfei stood up and smiled and extended his right hand to Lu Zhou. He said solemnly, "...I represent the president of Warwick Group and accept your proposal. I hope we can work together in the new era of carbon-based chips. , to achieve greater glory!"

Lu Zhou: "...?"

This means...



Although the intention of cooperation is initially reached, this major event involving the change of equity is not determined by Wang Zhengfei alone.

In particular, Star Technology intends to invest in technology, but Haisi, and this thing is the basic disk of Warwick. According to the usual practice, after he returns, he has to hold a board meeting to ask other board members for their opinions. Whether he can persuade the board to nod is still unknown.

Especially now because of the confidentiality treaty, many things can't be put on the table.

He is still worried about how to convince several other major shareholders in the company without revealing carbon-based chip technology.

Star Technology can be without Warwick. In addition to Warwick, they have many options. However, if Warwick wants to become the hegemon of the electronics industry in the new era, Star Technology is indispensable...

Until the beginning of dinner, Lu Zhou did not return to God.

He really can't figure it out. He is trying to convince the boss of the king.

No, it seems that there is no convincing of this link. After hearing the conditions he proposed, the other party seems to have only hesitated for a few minutes, and then made a decision.

Is it...

I am actually a business wizard who has been delayed by mathematics?

At the thought of this, Lu Zhou was a little embarrassed and smiled.

If it weren't for this, he didn't even realize that he was so arrogant...

After the dinner was over, Wang Zhengfei and Lu Zhou resigned and sat on the black car parked at the hotel entrance.

Sitting in the back row with Mr. Wang, he came to Jinling’s executives with him and couldn’t help but ask.

"... CEO, let's give them the absolute control of Hess. Is this really appropriate?"

The man sitting next to him is a very important executive in the management of Warwick Hays. He was also involved in the closed-door meeting held in Shanghai.

It is for this reason that he dared to discuss this matter with him here.

Although he is very respectful to Mr. Wang, he has to say that he is opposed to letting Star Technology become a shareholder of Heis. Hai Si is the basic disk of Warwick, and it is impossible for outsiders to intervene.

What's more, the share of Star Technology is not small...

Looking at the executive, Wang Zhengfei smiled and asked.

“Do you have a project team working on the development of carbon-based chips?”

Wang Zhengfei’s words made the executive slumber.

Although Hess also has research projects on new semiconductor materials, he did not choose the direction of graphene research, but chose the molybdenum disulfide which is more optimistic in international academic circles and industry as the research and development direction.

However, these studies are only for the purpose of not being separated by foreign competitors and planning in the field in advance. In the absence of many key issues, if you want to really replace silicon as the main material of the chip through materials such as molybdenum disulfide, I am afraid that there are still many ten years to wait.

Although he is not willing to admit this, the executive still said with difficulty.


Looking at the embarrassed expression on the face of the executive, Wang Zhengfei did not blame him, but smiled and smiled.

"Then there is now."

Executive: "..."

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