In the end, facing the belly of the roaring protest, Lu Zhou made a concession and decided not to think about what happened to his take-out, and the trend of the wind and the wind, the three to five and two will take out the take-away net.

I have to say that the yellow rice chicken rice is simply the conscience of the fast food industry.

The full-bodied rice is soaked in golden broth, and the mouthful of the taste buds on the tip of the tongue or the stomach in the abdomen is full of satisfaction.

Well, sum up a sentence.

Really fragrant!

Just when Lu Zhou finally ate this hot dinner, Xiao Yan, who was far away from Oxford University, was looking at the mathematical model and the algorithm that his brother sent him.

And don't care about the expressions in the mail that are full of expressions...

This mathematical model subverts her understanding of mathematical tools such as functional analysis and statistical principles, and completely overturns her understanding of the Bewley model.

It is difficult to describe this shock.

It’s as if she thought that the things in the house were all of the subject, but in front of her there was a door open, and behind the door was a new world.

What is even more shocking to her is that these things are likely to be completed within an hour...

Footsteps came from outside the office.

With the sound of two knocks on the door, a woman who looked at the age of thirty was pushed open and walked in.

She wore a white, gray and black tone business suit, and the shoulder-length bobo looked very professional and skilled. From the perspective of her walk into the office, she obviously went in and out.

In fact, it is also true. Her name is Ansili. She also studied under Professor Foster. Because she had a master's degree and started her doctoral career the previous year, she is also a younger sister.

“Hey, Professor Foster asked me to ask you, can you hand in the paper before the end of the Christmas holiday?”

Still staring at the computer screen, there is no small cockroach that has recovered from the shock, and Mumu has come down.


Don't say it is ok.

As long as the contents of the paper were submitted for submission within two days, she could even make time to go back to New Year's Day...

If you can still buy a ticket now.

"Is it okay?" Ansley glanced at her in surprise and whispered a whisper. "He also made me especially jealous of you. If it can't be solved, you can consider this topic as a research topic in the doctoral stage... ..."

Was awakened from the previous shock, heard the hints in his own sister's sentence, Xiaoxi hesitated, and finally shook his head.

"Thank you for the kindness of Professor Foster, although I intend to continue in the academic direction, but sure enough... I still want to go to a higher place."

In fact, even without Ms. Ansley's suggestion, Xiao Yan can feel it. Professor Foster does not want her to leave her office.

If it is intended to leave the academic world, it will be a development in the direction of the industry. However, if it continues to develop in the academic world, and it is intended to continue to learn from the blog, Professor Foster has already hinted at her more than once, let her Fill in your name when you fill out the application.

As for the reason...

It’s too simple, even guessing doesn’t need to guess, she knows, definitely because of her brother...

Seeing Xiao Yan still refused, Dr. Ansley sighed and tried to convince.

"But I really think that Professor Foster has done a very good job in the direction of macroeconomics, not to mention the situation in our business. You know that in many cases, the difference is not in the ability itself. What he lacks is just an opportunity. ""

Looking at the chattering and persuading her sister, Xiao Yan took a deep breath and interrupted her words. "Do you know Lu Zhou? He is my brother."

The chattering sound stopped short.

It was quiet for a few seconds in the office.

"I... I know," Ansley opened his mouth and shrugged his shoulders helplessly. "I admit, you have an enviable brother. I went to school in China and went to school to make pancakes. The fruit brother is too strong, but why is our topic going to him?"

Did not answer this question immediately, as if complaining, Xiao Yan said.

"As long as I am on the campus of Oxford University, someone will point to me and say, oh, that is Lu's sister. Even the parliamentarians and princesses will visit me here, so I will say hello to me..."

Taking a deep breath, she looked up at the ceiling and rolled her eyes and continued. "There are those false suitors who hear what they say, and I have to vomit."

Not only at Oxford University, but also at the time of Jinling University.

Although she did not maliciously speculate on those who are close to themselves, or those who have no reason to show it, but it is too easy to come, it is too ridiculous.

Just because her brother is Lu Zhou, her life is like a cheating. As long as she applies for a scholarship, she will definitely be evaluated. There are any opportunities for exchange visits in the school as long as she can sign up.

If you want to go to Oxford to read Master, it is just a letter of recommendation. Almost all professors will rush to ask her, or at least have no reason to reject her.

This is of course good.

She has not yet been tempted to the point of good or bad.

However, although she is very, very grateful to her brother for doing everything for herself, she has been like this since childhood, but she does not want to live under his feathers for the rest of her life.

Although this seems to be good, if this is the case, she will never be able to truly grow, and there is no value in realizing her own life.

And this is not the life she longs for.

Looking at the teacher who made this speech, Ansley opened his mouth and couldn't know how to speak.

Suddenly she even had the illusion that the young girl standing in front of her was so strange, as if she was not like her, but another person.

Silence for a long time, she opened her mouth in an uncertain tone.

"Maybe... are you too sensitive?"

Staring at Ansley intently, Xiao Yan said in a positive tone.

"I am sure not, just like Professor Foster wants me to stay with him for a master's degree. Is it really because he approves my work? No! He even forgets my name, but he is absolutely Will not forget my brother's name."

"...I want to make a result, and make results that are enough for other people to look at each other. At least when someone introduces me, I will not treat Lu's sister as a medal or an academic title." In front of the doctoral degree, or remembering the mistake or even forgetting my name, I call my Miss.LU equally, or Xiaoxiao!"

Looking at the stern sister, Ansley knows that it is useless to say anything, she has decided to leave.

In fact, in other words, in addition to the envy of the bottom of my heart, after listening to this speech, she even faintly admire this 20-year-old girl.

However, one thing she does not understand is, where is the so-called higher place?

Is it different to change a place?

At least in the UK, at least in the economics world closely related to the mathematics world, even if he left Oxford to go to Cambridge, the situation would not be greatly improved.

"But... except where you are going, Oxford?"


Looking at the surprised Miss Ansley, Xiao Xiao said with a voice that was not thought-provoking.

"I hope that one day, I can give him the same name and leave my name in the Hall of Fame!"

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