On the second day of Christmas, the rare snow in Jinling City.

Although there is nothing to look forward to, but because of Christmas-like Santa Claus, Lu Zhou remembers the fireplace of his former house in Princeton. Whenever there is heavy snow in New Jersey, he will The place where I work is moved from the study to the living room, sitting on the rug in front of the fireplace against the sofa, and flying my thoughts in the endless universe and the exploration of truth.

Although still far from the age of beginning nostalgia.

But looking at the falling snow outside the window, Lu Zhou really missed it.

Sitting in the living room, holding a soup bag with chopsticks, licking the vinegar dish with ginger, and then stuffing it into his mouth, looking at the silver hanging on the dwarf pine tree outside the window, he suddenly said without warning.

"I plan to have a fireplace at home."

Wang Peng, standing in the living room, looked around and thought and asked.

“Is there enough heating?”

Lu Zhou gave him a strange look: "Your thoughts are very strange, why must it be cold to install a fireplace."

With a slight sigh, Wang Peng made a helpless expression. "I just asked casually... Is there anything I need to help me?"

Lu Zhou said: "That's not necessary, unless you tell me you will build a wall."

Although it was just a joke, I didn’t expect Wang Peng to take it seriously. After seriously thinking about it for a while, I answered it in a serious way.

"There is an expert in this area."

Lu Zhou: "... Are you a little jingle?"

How do you have everything?

Wang Peng: "...?"

In the end, the thing about the fireplace, Lu Zhou was still no trouble for the general staff, but contacted the decoration design company that was originally renovated to the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, so that they could complete all the work from design to installation.

After all, for this little thing to occupy the national resources, there is really no need.

One of the two things that Lu Zhou especially dislikes is that he is bothering others, and the other is to make a big move for a little thing.

Work is work, in addition to being relatively smart and handsome, he never thinks that he is different from others and needs such excessive special care.

If others can treat him as an ordinary person, he will feel relaxed.

And perhaps, this is one of the reasons why he is single.

After receiving the phone call from Lu Zhou, the decoration design company can be said to pay considerable attention.

Although compared to hundreds of millions of large projects, a fireplace in a district is just a small business that can't be small, but the decoration design company has come up with the highest level of professionalism and attitude. Almost every day, the designer and project team were sent to Lu Zhou's home. Several alternative design drawings and quotations were sent to Lu Zhou before that evening.

Among them are Victorian style, modern minimalist style, and the relatively retro red brick classic style, a total of 15 sets of design, all designed according to the layout of the living room itself, or even each set of design A set of handmade wool rugs is also included.

Looking at those design solutions that are cost-effective and don't even want to bargain, Lu Zhou even suspects that he can't make money by doing this single business, and he still has to lose money if he doesn't.

Although standing on the position of a consumer did not take the initiative to ask for price increases, but looking at the offer of less than 5,000 to send the carpet, it is really difficult to pass the conscience of Lu Zhou finally could not help but open.

"Is it really cheap to be so cheap?"

The lady, who is in charge of negotiating with Lu Zhou, has a smile on the face that meets the expectations of the society, and politely and enthusiastically said to Lu Zhou.

"No problem, you can rest assured that you are an important partner of our company. Of course we will not hang you. It is our company's business philosophy to provide the best service to our customers at the lowest price. It is also one of our company's core competitiveness, I believe you will soon feel this."

A little headache, looking at the quotations and offers under the design plan, Lu Zhou pinched his eyebrows and asked: "My math may be a bit too good... This 3588 decoration package, worth 20,000 yuan What are the ghosts of silk handmade wool rugs and 5888 wall decorations?"

The salesperson Miss Ying Ying smiled and said: "This is our preferential price."

Lu Zhou: "..."

What kind of discount is this Nima!

However, people want to make a loss of the sale, Lu Zhou is not good to stop, hesitating for a while, which one of his favorite design.

"...that's it."

After confirming the design plan selected by Lu Zhou, the salesperson Miss Sister used a pen to make a tick under the picture, and then looked at Lu Zhou politely and continued.

"Okay, we will install it for you in the shortest time. When do you see when you are more convenient?"

"I can, the construction schedule is scheduled to be in the afternoon..." said Lu Zhou looked at Wang Peng standing next to the sofa. "Do you have time these afternoons?"

Wang Peng’s answer is as reliable as ever.

"I have time all 24 hours a day."

Lu Zhou nodded and continued to look at the salesman Miss Sister.

"Then every day from 2 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon... How long does it take to install?"

The salesperson Miss Sister smiled and gave a figure.

"It can be done in the last three days."

In fact, Lu Zhou did not wait until the third day, starting from the day after signing the contract, before the evening of the third day, the entire fireplace was already installed.

Euphemistically declined the proposal of the salesperson Miss Sister about helping his home to install the floor heating pipe free of charge. After paying the balance of 4,000 yuan, Lu Zhou was politely sent to the outside of the hospital. After returning home, he could not wait to go inside. It was stuffed with smokeless charcoal bought from Haitao and lit a blazing fire.

Sitting on the wool carpet against the sofa, listening to the sound of the fire from time to time, feeling the warm fire, Lu Zhou yawned lazily, feeling like falling asleep at any time.


With a slap in the face, when he was going to take a nap, the ringing of the phone suddenly rang.

When I saw the name in the caller ID, Lu Zhou immediately pressed the button that was connected and put the phone to my ear.

Even before he spoke, the familiar voice came from the phone.

"Zhouer, are you busy this year?"

"Alright, it wasn't as busy as last year," with a relaxed smile on his face. Lu Zhou's throat was slightly moved. He paused for half a second and continued. "Mom, you and Dad are on Jiangling. Okay?"

Hearing this "mother", Fang Mei at the other end of the phone, the crow's feet in the corner of his eyes opened a flower and said with a wide smile.

"Don't worry about your parents, we are good. Your dad will retire after a few more years. Now I have nothing to do in the unit all day. I drink tea every day, not every day, I am urging him to run. Exercise, now I am not sure what it will be like. I am calling to listen to your voice, not disturbing your work?"

Lu Zhou said with a smile: "How come? Work is important to you."

Fang Mei counted a sentence: "Don't say that, you are now in a career upswing, you don't have to focus on me and your dad, and our bodies don't need children to worry about. But I hope you are busy, but Still don't get too tired, the body is always in the first place, no matter how important things are not their own body important... Right, are you busy this year before and after the New Year? If you are busy, I am with you. Dad came over to take care of you."

"You don't have to, don't do this, I don't want to be like this. I have said that I am not busy!" Lu, who was trying to take care of himself and didn't want to trouble them, said quickly, "This year is just the end of the year." Empty, rare, nothing, I am still coming back for the New Year."

Fang Mei sighed and said: "Your child is good, it is too polite."

Lu Zhou was crying and laughing.

"Mom, what are you saying... I am so polite with you? It’s just that I haven’t returned home for so many years. I’m a little homesick. In short, don’t buy tickets. I will drive back this year.”

Although research is important, it is not likely to be more important than family.

What's more, the research of Riemann's conjecture is not completed overnight. It has just solved the problem of quasi-Riemann conjecture in this century. He also needs a little time to relax his mood, organize his ideas, and change his mind.

Of course, the most important point is that the parents are also older. If there is time, Lu Zhou certainly hopes to return to the reunion by himself.

As for the work on the lunar orbital construction committee, everything is going according to the plan, and there is no need for him to be specially arranged by the general counsel.

If adjustments to the plan are needed, or if something unexpected happens, he will naturally let go of the matter at hand and return to the first line of the research front to perform his duties.

It is not clear that there is no difficulty in the sound of Lu Zhou. Fang Mei reveals a smile that relaxes his heart.

If she can, she certainly wants her son to go home for the New Year. Although my son has developed very well in Jinling and lived in a big city in a big city, but for those who have lived in Gangneung for a lifetime, this is their root. Their relatives and friends are here, only here is the real life.

It is precisely because of this that even though Lu Zhou has repeatedly mentioned the move to Jinling, they have never promised.

"Come back, come back, mom will give you dumplings to eat, don't always be busy with work all the time... Hey, let you study hard before, but also for you to have a better future, I have nothing to do with your dad. I think that will become like this. Math and my dad can't help you, I just hope that you don't spend the whole day in the lab for take-out, have time to go out and contact other people. ”

Lu Zhou coughed and said: "I have to correct it. You don't even believe in what is being filmed in the documentary. Now, whether it is studying mathematics or studying physics, it is also about contacting people..."

The set of closed doors has only worked in the past.

Now even if it is Lu Zhou, it is impossible to completely cut off the connection with the outside world. At least arxiv and several commonly used literature databases must still be used.

Fang Mei: "It's good to be happy anyway. You and your dad are all at this age. Besides looking forward to holding the grandson early, there is no other hope."

Lu Zhou Khan said: "This... I will talk about it later, there will definitely be."

It seems that he smiles without any expectation. Fang Mei seems to be comforting Lu Zhou, and he seems to be comforting himself.

"hope so……"

Lu Zhou: "..."

Although I know that Lao Niang said that she didn't want to put too much pressure on herself, she didn't know why. Hearing this "I wish it", inexplicably let him feel so good.

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