When I was studying undergraduate, Qin Dean also helped me a lot. If there is no help from the elderly, Lu Zhou feels that with the help of the system, he will definitely be able to make a head out, but it will not develop so smoothly.

Therefore, although this kind of thing may not be successful, Lu Zhou is still willing to give it a try for someone who has helped him.

Speaking of it, Lu Zhou’s biggest confusion is what exactly gave Qin’s hope to host the imo conference. However, if it is really successful, it will be very helpful for the future development of the Mathematics Department of Jinling University...


Because of the promise of the old lady to go back to the New Year, Lu Zhou decided to finish the work of the next month before the end of this month, and it coincided with the arrival of the test week. He was still busy, and he was busy all the time. stand up.

In fact, the original test week is usually arranged at the beginning of the month, or later, after the New Year's Day, it is rare to arrange the exams before the New Year's Day. So arrange the exam so that the students are not happy, that is, the teacher is not willing to do so.

However, this year is quite special. Due to the notice from the Ministry of Education in the previous period, it is necessary to strictly discipline the discipline, be alert to the invasion of the xing state, and be confident in culture.

It may be that in a certain document, a thing about the festival or an example is given, and then the person who interprets the document simply interprets the “cultural self-confidence” as “no foreign festival” in order to make no mistakes.

Therefore, on the day of Christmas, let alone a special decoration, even some rehearsals and venues prepared for New Year's Day and New Year's party were forced to stop for a few days.

In addition to Luo Wenxuan, who dares to "make the wind to commit crimes", thousands of people returning to the sea, or the domestic academics who do not take the faculty and the school seriously, there are not many people.

Not only that, this year's exams are all piled up in the days before and after the 25th. Although the music broke a lot of single dogs, but the grassroots teachers who are prepared to take time off before the New Year's Day can only prepare for the proctoring and reforming of the scalp.

Although Lu Zhou has no paranoia about what festivals he has, he does not like this practice very much.

Seeking common ground while reserving differences is the truth of development. It is not necessary to take a little bit of a scorpion and go online.

And no matter what is right or wrong, this kind of ethos is quite bad in itself.

However, this little thing is too insignificant, and it is too small to be too lazy to manage.

It’s impossible to write a letter about this broken thing?

That is too boring.

Just as Lu Zhou was eating in the cafeteria, Lu’s master of the mathematics department sat on the opposite side of the plate and said with a smile.

"That... Lu Zhou, is there any space tomorrow?"

Pre-feeling is definitely something that is bothering to wait for himself. Lu Zhou glanced at him with vigilance.

"……what's up?"

Lu’s master smiled and said: “That... the invigilator is still a shortcoming, you see it or not...”

Lu Zhou shook his head and shook his head.

"Don't go, don't go, it's too tired."

Invigilating this kind of thing is simply not a matter of doing things.

Sitting for two hours does not say, but also have to look at the six roads to listen to all directions. Although Jinda’s style of study is not bad, the overall level does not fully summarize the differences between individual samples. It’s not impossible to do whatever it takes to do it, but the conscience will not be able to survive...

In short, Lu Zhou is really not interested in staring at a group of undergraduate students who can't base on the subject. They are not interested in preventing the primary school **** that sold the soul to Lucifer for this simple problem.

Seeing that Lu Zhou did not listen to his words, Lu refused.

"No, no, you misunderstood, I am not letting you go to the invigilation, but we are really arranged to come here. This year, the school asks every office to draw people, at least one person. You bring There are also a lot of students. Just look for two places in the past to check the number of invigilators. Of course, if you really don't want it, it doesn't matter. I will go to the secretary for a while and it will be fine."

When I said this, Lu Zhou naturally couldn’t really let Lu’s owner go to the school committee to discuss this little thing, so he sighed and said: “That’s OK, I’ll go back and send a student in the past. The information will be sent to my mailbox."

Lu’s master smiled and said: “Well, no problem, I will send you back when I turn back... then thank you.”

Lu Zhou: "...you are welcome."

The proctoring thing was settled.

After dinner, Lu Zhou called He Changwen and gave up the invigilation. He then got up and returned to the office.

However, when he returned to the office, he found that He Changwen, who had just picked up his phone, was not here.

"What about He Changwen?"

"I don't know," Lin Yuxiang, sitting at the door, shook his head and thought and replied. "But I just noticed that he seems to have gone to several toilets. Wouldn't it be a bad stomach?"

Eat a bad stomach?

Lu Zhou has a vaguely premonition.


It seems to confirm his guess.

Early the next morning, Lu Zhou received a call from the guy sitting on the toilet.

"Professor... I tried my best."

The voice from the phone was full of tragic and strong, and I heard that Lu Zhou immediately stopped for two seconds.

"Do you have something to say... in the end, do you try your best?"

There was a heavy voice in the voice, and I said in a sly tone: "I got a bad stomach at noon yesterday, I pulled my stomach for a night, I am still on the toilet... I am in charge of the exam, I may, really, no way. It!"

Listening to his state seems a bit wrong, Lu Zhou quickly cares about it.

"How is your situation? Is it serious? Or I will drive you to the hospital."

"No need, I will be fine for a while..."

The phone hangs up in a hurry, and the faintly heard the sound of the toilet pumping.

Looking at the black screen of the phone, Lu Zhou was silent for a while.

There is no way to diarrhea.

Can't you let people go to the examination room with the pot?

That is the picture is really beautiful, beautiful to people can not imagine.

Lu Zhou looked around at the office. Seeing that there was only one Korean student left without a leave today, he was squinting at the moment and looked at himself with a simple look.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Zhou finally sighed and silently picked up the notebook and stood up.

The only good student who came to the office to punch in, he really couldn't bear to squeeze her.

However, it is a proctor.

He still went by himself.

Almost on the eight-point bell into the examination room, it is almost the moment when Lu Zhou just entered the examination room, the original noisy classroom was quiet for dozens of decibels.

"Where! I am not mistaken, it is Lu Shen..."

"The bulls are forced, the academician inspector! Mom, if it is not my cell phone throwing the bag, I am sure to send a friend circle to force."

"I am finished, my cheat sheet..."

Looking at the classroom that was gradually silent, Lu Zhou squinted a little, looked at the house number with a certain uncertainty, and looked at the teacher who stood beside the podium with a look, and asked with a light cough.

"...This is the examination room for the number theory class?"

The teacher nodded, with a hint of worship in the tone of respect.


"...Oh, then I didn't go wrong," tried to ease the atmosphere and smiled friendlyly. Lu Zhou walked onto the familiar platform, looked at the students under the stage, and looked at another invigilator. "Exam It’s about to start soon, let’s start curling up.”



I don't know if it is my own illusion. Lu Zhou always feels that this colleague who is invigilated in the same examination room seems to be over-excited.

The test paper was sent quickly.

With the ringing of the class, the examination of the number theory class officially began.

Perhaps because of the inauguration of the academician Lu, it is not just the students in the classroom. Even the invigilator who is sitting behind the classroom feels a little bit wary. The waist is sitting straight and there is a pick. There is no trace of flaws.

Seeing his over-exertion, Lu Zhou couldn't help but smile a little, but thought that the exam was still in progress, and he had to endure it. He finally did not laugh.

After a minute and a second, the wall clock ticking away.

Gradually began to feel bored, the face of Lu Zhouyi no one noticed that he quietly yawned, took out the notes stuffed in the pocket, continued yesterday's unfinished research, wrote with a ballpoint pen on it .

Sure enough, it’s more interesting to solve problems than to look at other people’s questions.

Lu Zhou, who gradually entered the state, quickly forgot that he was in the examination room.

I have to say that when a person is immersed in things he likes to do, time will pass quickly.

Unconsciously, more than an hour has passed.

When Lu Zhou stopped the ballpoint pen in his hand, he glanced at the watch and was surprised to find that the exam was almost over.

After squinting at the back row of the classroom, seeing another invigilator still doing his duty and sticking to his post, Lu Zhou could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, only the ones who drive the gap.

If another invigilator is also a small boy, I am too sorry for the good students who are studying hard and preparing for the exam.

I was about to stand up and move around with a stiff arm. However, at this time, Lu Zhou’s afterglow suddenly and keenly caught a trace of unusual signs.

I saw a young and beautiful girl sitting next to the window next to the window. The black hair that hangs down just blocks the sides of the arm, like a roller blind, artificially creating a blind spot of vision.

The student-age experience tells Lu Zhou that this guy is definitely not doing good things.

Although he has never done any harm himself, but he has never eaten pork, he always saw the pig running.

Standing quietly from the seat, using a line of sight to warn the students sitting nearby, do not remind her.

Lu Zhou, who walked over to the lady who had buried her head in the book, silently parked behind her, quietly glanced at the table.


The bright mobile phone screen is as conspicuous as a bright light in the dark.

He could even see clearly that a white little finger was dialing around and flipping through the pages.

There is nothing to say about it.

Lu Zhou coughed softly and reminded her.


The soul of the cough that was suddenly screaming was soaring, and the female student shrugged her shoulder like a frightened rabbit, almost not throwing the phone resting on her lap.

Especially when she and Lu Zhou were on the line of sight, the face was suddenly white, and the voice stuttered.

"Old, teacher...that, that's not what you think."

Not what I thought, what else can it be?

Can you still watch the antenna baby at the time of the exam?

"Hey," Lu Zhou shook his head a little disappointed. "Although I didn't give you a few lessons this semester, you don't use this method to perfuse me."

Hearing this disappointing sigh, the beautiful female student might have been scared, and suddenly burst into tears.

Attracting attention to the movements here, another invigilator, the meteor, strode over.

Perhaps it was for the performance of the academician in front of the academy. The young teacher said that he had taken away her mobile phone without any pity, and the iron face said unselfishly.

"The exam is cheating, the scores of the single subject are zero, and the punishment is taken!"

As soon as I heard this, the girl’s tears couldn’t stand, and the pear said with rain.

"Teacher, can you not remember? My mother asked me very strictly, I can't accept the fact that I cheated on the exam. Teacher, teacher, come out, I will tell you..."

As she said, she stood up in a panic and stretched out and grabbed the cuffs of Lu Zhou. She pulled her face and forced the boat to move halfway in the direction of the door.

However, fortunately, Lu Zhou quickly reflected it, and immediately settled his footsteps and took his hand back from her hand, saying righteously.

"Classmates, my mother's request for me is also very strict!"

However, it is clearly a very righteous sentence, but I do not know why the laughter of the ancestral hall broke out in the classroom.

The female student was so shy that she was red-faced, and her mouth opened and closed to explain, but she could not say a word.

Looking at the messy classroom, and another invigilator who was busy reorganizing discipline, Lu Zhou fell into meditation.


It seems that this year's paper is still too simple, and there is actually time to start.


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