Cheating on the exam has been caught, and the record must have been remembered. There is no room for negotiation.

Those students who laughed in the examination room were also warned by another invigilator in the name of disturbing the order of the examination room.

With the final exam on December 30, the faculty and staff of Jinling University were finally free.

Although he escaped the invigilation because of the suspected eating of the bad belly, but the subsequent reforms can not escape.

Looking at He Changwen who put his own pigeons, his face was so high that he was facing the hill as high as the test paper. Lu Zhou’s heart sighed and laughed twice.

Sample, put the pigeons of the ace pigeon.

Really tired!

Looking at this horrible workload, I can expect that my New Year's Day holiday will definitely be a ruin, and He Changwen said with a bitter face.

"Professor, can you... send someone to help me share points?"

“No,” Lu Zhou said without hesitation. “A review of the basics will help you better understand the things that are esoteric and difficult to understand. It’s the exercise for you... right, as much as possible. After the New Year's Day, the revised papers will be handed in. The time for the points is relatively tight this year, and all the work must be completed before the twenty-second week."

Then send someone to help me!

Although I thought about it this way, because of the order of the academician of the army, He Changwen had to squint and say no.

"Yes, Professor."

Worried that this guy had perfunctory things with others' results, Lu Zhou nodded and then reminded him: "Don't fool, I will check."


This sentence is completely broken his thoughts about the holiday...


The day before New Year's Day.

Luo Shixiong intends to go back to his hometown for the holidays, and he also paid his salary in advance, so he placed a table at the grilled fish shop at the school gate, and asked Lu Zhou to make a meal.

Speaking of it, this grilled fish shop is also a somewhat old-fashioned store. When Lu Zhou was still studying undergraduate, he often came here to eat and drink with his roommates.

Now the roommates are married, married, read Bo, and entrepreneurial entrepreneurship, all of which are scattered all over the world, and he is left alone in Jinling.

Perhaps he recognized Lu Zhou, or perhaps recognized him as a frequent visitor. The boss who took the small book to remember the food gave him two bottles of beer for free. He said that he was thankful for his care of the business here.

Toto often comes here for the blessing, the business of this store is booming, it is said that I have to go to other places to open the branch.

After talking with Lu Zhou, the boss turned and went to the kitchen. It happened that the little daughter of the store owner came in from the outside with a school bag.

I still remember that when I was six or seven years ago, this little girl was taller than his thigh. Every evening, he wrote his homework on the small bench at the door of the store. Now he is probably in high school and has already become a one. Slim girl.

Lu Zhou, who was recognized at a glance, smiled sweetly with a little girl carrying a bag.

"Uncle is good!"

Lu Zhou: "...hehe, hello."

The original good mood was instantly ruined by this "uncle".

Maintaining a stiff smile until the back of the little girl disappeared in the corner of the store, Lu Zhou took a smile and made a helpless expression, looking at the Luo brother who was sitting on his opposite side, not very angry Said.

"Don't laugh, I am so good after 90, and then laugh at me and call you uncle."

Luo Wenxuan coughed and said.

"Don't, it's too embarrassing... Wait, let me think about it. It doesn't seem to be a loss for a savvy teacher? OK, you want to call it."

This guy……

This kind of cheap is not let go.

Touching his smooth chin, Lu Zhou seriously thought for a while, and the tone took a few points and asked seriously.

“Do I look old?”

"Is it old? No..." Luo Wenxuan stared at Lu Zhou for a while, frowning and said, "To tell the truth, I always feel a bit strange, I feel that your appearance and the first time I saw you, nothing changed, hair It’s not as thick as mathematics... Seriously, what are you up to?

Lu Zhou sighed and said: "You may not believe it when you say it. Handsome things like hair are born."

"Get out of the way... Wait a minute, I seem to have found it."

Looking at Luo Shixiong, who turned his head down and turned his phone, Lu Zhou glanced curiously to his hand and asked casually.

"What did you find?"

"The photos I took before... Hey," put the phone on the table, Luo Wenxuan looked at the photo on the screen, and looked at Lu Zhou strangely. "It seems that it is not my illusion. In the past few years, you still Really nothing changed."

The photos on the screen were taken at the lecture hall in Princeton.

Lu Zhou, standing on the podium of the lecture hall, facing the professors and students of the audience, completed the first report meeting in life, and the one written on the whiteboard behind him was the proof of the twin prime number theorem.

Lu Zhou certainly cannot forget this scene. This is the starting point of his academic path and one of the most brilliant moments in his life.

But what surprised him even more was himself in the photo.

It’s not that he is bragging.

Indeed, as Luo’s brother said, the self in the photo, and the one he saw from the mirror when he got up and washed this morning, actually did not change.

It’s as if the seven years have passed.

Looking at Lu Zhou, who couldn’t say a word, Luo Wenxuan suddenly said strangely.

"I remembered a legend."

Lu Zhou: "...about Riemann's conjecture?"

Seeing what he thought in his heart was actually seen through, Luo Wenxuan looked at him in surprise.

"You actually heard about it."

"It is said that whoever proves the Riemann conjecture, who can get the eternal in the physical sense... I have heard that it is normal, what surprised me is that you have heard of a research physics," gently coughed, land The boat returned the mobile phone to Luo Shixiong. "Do not believe this kind of urban legend. We are all engaged in scientific research. It is too hard to believe this stuff."

Does the increase in metabolic capacity and the role of delaying aging?

Or is it because of other reasons?

In any case, even after the puberty, it has been too exaggerated to change nothing in seven years. Because there is no habit of self-portrait, if it is not this photo of Luo brother, Lu Zhou did not even notice this.

It seems that I have to pay attention to it later...

"That's also true," he laughed. Luo Wenxuan didn't care. He took the phone back and looked at the grilled fish on the table. He changed the subject and continued. "How about the first two days of invigilation? I look at the circle of friends. The photo inside, seems to have happened to your test room?"

Lu Zhou sighed and stretched out the chopsticks and pinched a piece of grilled charred tender meat into his mouth, shaking his head and saying.

"Don't mention it, this is definitely my last invigilation."

“I met a wonderful candidate?”

Lu Zhou: "That's right."

After the incident, the student found Lu Zhou again, hoping to cancel the punishment.

In the end, Lu Zhou was still soft-hearted, and promised that she would give a speech to the faculty.

If she is caught cheating again in the future, then naturally there is nothing to say, and both sins are punished, and they are directly suspended from school or even expelled. But if she can correct her attitude in the future, study hard and go up every day until she graduates, there is no violation of discipline. This recorded punishment is not impossible.

"Not at all, are you the first time to proctor?" Luo Xiangxuan smiled and continued to say, "In fact, it is all right, it is estimated that the student is also panic, talking and doing nothing. Brain, you have never seen anything more wonderful."

Lu Zhou squatted and the chopsticks in his hand stopped.

“What more amazing?”

Luo Wenxuan laughed and laughed.

"Otherwise? I just caught one yesterday, wearing a skirt in the winter and writing a small copy on the thigh."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Lying in the trough, is a werewolf!

If he was caught by him, I was afraid that he would not necessarily be willing to go through it.

After all, can't you pick up the skirts of others?

Not to mention that the skirt is checked, I am afraid that the teacher with a thin face is suspected of cheating, and is not too fond of staring at the thighs of others.

Taking a sip of beer, Luo Wenxuan continued to eat while eating the grilled fish.

"...There are more male teachers in our library. It is just that the other teacher in the examination room is a man other than me. It is really nothing to encounter such a monk."

Lu Zhou: "... Then you let her go?"

Luo Wenxuan grinned. "How is it possible? It is not my style to bow to the evil forces."

Lu Zhou: "...Who is the last one who went up to poke?"

Luo Wenxuan: "I."

Lu Zhou: "..."

I don't know why, when I heard this proud "I", Lu Zhou suddenly felt that, in a sense, this guy is also a monk...

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