Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 891: I used to have such abuses? (seeking a monthly pass)

When the phrase "Academician has already left" was exported, the scene was very embarrassing.

The municipal and provincial people came, and the reporters of the TV station were ready, but they did not expect to be empty at the door of the semiconductor industrial base.

However, they are reluctant, but they are helpless.

After all, they didn't make an appointment. Secondly, they didn't have a phone call from the academician. Now that people have gone for a while, they may have been on the expressway. Can they never go back to the people?

That really makes the small problem a big problem.

It is also true that, as Jia Yuanping expected, when they and the senior officials of Ezhou were in front of the entrance of the semiconductor industry base, they would have passed through the road card of the expressway exit to Jiangling. The old home has gone.

When his car approached the high-speed exit, he was surprised by the appearance of this Gangling toll station.

I saw that on the top of the toll booth, several large searchlights looked up, like the kind of laser light used in squares or stadiums, hitting the light into the sky.

Obviously, it was not only Lu Zhou that was shocked by this scene, but even Wang Peng was surprised.

"The toll station on this highway is hitting the high beam?"

It is also worth the loss. This far-light is played against the sky, and there is no road to the highway.

Otherwise, at the entrance and exit of this expressway, it may be worthwhile to crash a few cars.


The direction of the highway toll station, Lu Zhou looked at it for a long time to see clearly, the original light is not to hit the sky, but to illuminate the banner above the toll booth.

Looking at it again, he suddenly groaned in his heart.

It is his name written on the banner.

"... Do you want to change into a highway entrance?" Even though the skin is thicker, Lu Zhou is also a little embarrassed.

Wang Peng snorted and coughed.

"...all are here, where can I go to find another intersection?"

Regardless of reluctance, you can only get off the highway here.

Just as Wang Peng drove the black red flag and approached the direction of the entrance to the expressway, next to the toll booth, in the cold wind, a team of very formal people stood there.

At the moment when I saw the black red flag, a big stone hanging in my heart was finally on the ground.

Sun Xiaofeng looked at the mayor next to him and said quickly.

"Mayor! That's the car."

I heard the voice of the mayor’s secretary, and other people standing next to me also sighed.

They started waiting here from noon, and it was already at night, and finally did not wait until tomorrow.

Now that people have waited for a group of people, they whispered.

"That is the car of the academician of the army?"

An old cadre who is about to retire in a few years, looked at him with envious eyes: "Black red flag, this is a good treatment, it is estimated that it will be matched on the other side of Beijing."

"Do you see the news broadcast?"

"Crap, do not see the cadres working in the office?"

"Then you look at it is definitely not careful."

"What do you say for you?"

"I said so, look at his model, and the elder, but the same."

The people around me made a small sigh.

Another young cadre could not help but say.

"I heard that he doesn't have a sports car that is limited to one in the world. Didn't you see him back?"

The other person whispered and analyzed it in a rational way.

"The sports car that looks home is too arrogant. This red flag is the country's match for him. It is low-key and high-grade. It doesn't blink, it doesn't drop the face. It is more spacious and suitable for long distances. It seems that this Academician Wei Lu is not as temperamental and dissonant as the rumor, but also a thoughtful person."

It happened that this sentence was heard by the mayor Wu, who was standing next to him. He immediately whispered a sentence and said: "What kind of temperament, you can't change a word!"

"Yes, I am negligent..."

The man quickly bowed his head and quickly accepted criticism.

At this time, the man's black red flag had already come over, passed the road card of the toll station, and opened to the place where the parking was next.

With the team behind him, he walked up and walked in the position of Mayor Wu Dingrong, and extended his right hand from the distance.

"Academician, I have worked hard all the way!"

"Where is it," walked down from the open door and looked at the mayor Wu, who was welcoming him. Lu Zhou took his right hand and shook it in the first two steps. Some embarrassedly said, "I am just going home. After a year, it’s so embarrassing to be so grand..."

"This is what we should do," holding the right hand of Lu Zhou, Wu Dingrong said with a smile. "We have a total of 17 academicians in Jinling. You are the youngest and the highest achievement. One of the biggest contributions to your career. You are not only the pride of our Gangneung City, but also the pride of our people. I just express my gratitude to the parents of my hometown."

It is true that there is a set of people who sit in the position of the mayor.

Although I feel a little embarrassed, I am even more reluctant to be so high-profile, but Lu Zhou still received his kindness.

However, the heart is not able to open the heart.

It’s not just a delay in his time to make such a big show, but I’ve also delayed the time of many passers-by.

After loosening the hand of Mayor Wu, Lu Zhou said in a serious tone.

"I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to see the fellows. If I have to take up so many social resources even after going home for the New Year, I don't dare to come back for the New Year."

After chilling for a while, the euphemism declined the invitation to send him to the door of the house. After agreeing to have time to talk again, Lu Zhou finally got rid of the enthusiastic and over-represented people and returned to the black red flag.

Sitting in the back of the car, Lu Zhou said with a sigh of relief.

"It’s finally getting rid of this group of people."

When Wang Peng started the car, he smiled and said: "The small leaders at the local level are very enthusiastic, not to mention that you are still rooted."

Lu Zhou smiled. He said: "The mayor is not too small."

"You may not feel it in Jinling. You will find it when you are in Beijing for a while..." Wang Peng shook his head and said, "The mayor of the prefecture-level city is still too small."

Lu Zhou thought for a while and felt that it made sense.

It seems that the few times he went to the capital, the people who received him went up at the department level, and he was either a vice minister or a deputy country...

At this moment, Lu Zhou suddenly remembered one thing, and the subconscious asked to blurt out.

"Speaking, what level am I?"

When I heard this question, Wang Peng, who was driving, almost didn't give it.

"You do not know?"

"...have not paid much attention to it."

He has been staying in school all the time. Although he occasionally handles some work on the lunar orbital construction committee, as the chief designer, he is mainly responsible for decision-making work and the main research, rather than specific orders.

In addition to attending some meetings and communicating with the elders of the Lunar Track Construction Committee and the Director of the Science and Technology Bureau, Lu Zhou did not have much interest in contact with other people in the organization, and more often stayed in the laboratory.

I remember that a long time ago, I was faintly heard about who said the treatment level and the administrative level, but this kind of insignificant thing he did not go to the heart at the time, this time has long forgotten.

Seeing Lu Zhou is not like looking for him to look happy, Wang Peng looked at the rearview mirror and said with a light cough.

“The Lunar Track Construction Committee is a ministerial unit directly under the jurisdiction of the Presbyterian Institute. The guards you live in are often resident. In the special period, two rows will be drawn, and this car... What level do you think you are?”

After listening to this sentence, Lu Zhou fell into silence and seriously thought for a moment.


He didn't pay much attention to it before. He only heard that the academician seemed to be a deputy.

Now this guy said this, he suddenly realized.

Is it a bit too much for yourself?

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