Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 892: Return to hometown

When Lu Zhou arrived in Gangneung, it was already late at night. Although he was eager to return home, he thought that most of the old people had fallen asleep, but he did not go straight back. Instead, he rested in the urban area of ​​Gangneung for one night. The next morning, Wang Peng drove him back to his home.

The knock on the door sounded.

As the footsteps approached and getting faster, the door slammed open.

Looking at the familiar face at the door, Fang Mei’s eyes could not help but be filled with tears of excitement and joy.

"Oh! You are finally back."

"Mom!" gave the old lady a hug and looked at the old man who came from the room connected to the balcony. Lu Zhou took a deep breath and said with a whistling sound, "Dad, I came back!"

How long have you not returned here?

It seems to be three years, and it seems to be four years. In short, it is not clear to Lu Zhou.

Looking at the son standing at the door, Lu Bangguo nodded with a smile. "I will be back, I am not tired on the road, come in and come here... Is this?"

Lu Zhou took a half-step and smiled and said: "Wang Peng, my driver, you should have seen it."

"Oh, I think of it, you see my memory, it turned out to be Xiao Wang..." Lu Bangguo smiled and said enthusiastically, "Don't stand at the door and talk, come in and sit down."

With two people walking into the living room, Lu Bangguo politely brought the cup and teapot.

If you are only a son, you don't have to be so polite, but after all, there is a guest here. Although Wang Peng repeatedly said that when he does not exist, it is impossible to leave him alone.

"The home changes so much..."

Taking a sip of his father's hot tea and looking at the refurbished house, Lu Zhou said with some emotion.

The TV was changed and replaced with a 48-inch large screen. The wall clock hung on the door frame was replaced with a new one and moved to the other wall.

Perhaps it is a good life, or maybe it is too busy on weekdays. The net pocket of the anti-theft net of the window sill is filled with small pots of flowers and plants. Lu Zhou even saw a few green onions and garlic leaves.

In his sights, many places have not matched the appearance of memory.

But the only thing that hasn't changed is the familiar taste of home.

Fang Mei smiled and said: "You are not with Xiaoyan, you are a temper who likes toss, and I am planning to decorate the house together. Although many furniture and furnishings have been changed, I am thinking about you. I will be back, I will not let you and Xiaoxi’s room."

“Really?” Lu Zhou said with a smile. “That’s great. I’m thinking about it this time, look at the old things and miss it.”

Looking at Wang Peng, who was sitting on the sofa in a restrained manner, Lu Bangguo said with a smile: "Xiao Wang, if you want to stay and eat, forget that I will buy a fish for a while."

“You don’t have to,” Wang Peng said, politely, “I’ll do something, I won’t bother your family reunion.”

"Are you still anecdote?"

Wang Peng coughed and said: "After sending you safely, I still have to register... there are some other things."

Did not ask anything in detail, Lu Zhou nodded.

"That line, I am going out from you."

When he came out from Lu Zhou’s house, Wang Peng raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

After taking note of this action, Lu Zhou could not help but ask.

"You are jealous."

“Nothing,” Wang Peng shook his head. “It’s... a little sad. As a national treasure scholar, you have paid too much for science and for this country.”

This tall, looks like a man who has experienced some wind and frost, and the sound is a bit sobbing.

Listening to such a speech, Lu Zhou did not know how to answer it.


In fact, he originally wanted to say "you don't have to think so at all, at least I am quite happy in it", but seeing this guy's move so involuntarily, this can't be said.

Misunderstanding will misunderstand, anyway, it will not drop meat.

After opening the topic, Lu Zhou said casually: "You have to find a place to live these days? I will reimburse me for accommodation..."

Wang Peng: "No, I live in a nearby guest house."

Lu Zhou shook his head. "How do you do it? You don't have to be polite with me. How much is the accommodation fee? You have raised your spirits. I feel relieved when I am in the car."

Wang Peng coughed a little: "You misunderstood all the things you have in mind... In fact, the conditions there are still very good, like we travel with official business, and all three meals are reimbursed. You don't have to worry about it."

And the most important thing is that it is not convenient for them to work in a hotel with mixed nature. Compared with Lu Zhou, who only considers comfort when staying at a hotel, he still has to consider security, confidentiality, and ease of work.

When I heard this, Lu Zhou was not persuading, and he went.


Seeing that the black red flag disappeared at the intersection of the community, Lu Zhou turned and returned to the home.

The old lady has already begun to prepare lunch, and the old man went out to buy fish. Although he wanted to go to the kitchen to help, he was still bombarded by the old lady.

Under the boring, Lu Zhou took a computer bag and went to his room.

Although he had made a decision not to work for three days, there seemed to be nothing to do except work.

Sure enough, he is a person who can't get away.

I took the notebook out of the computer bag and put it on the old but still clean desk. Looking at everything around me, Lu Zhou couldn’t help but feel a long-lost feeling of nostalgia.

As my mom said, everything here has not changed.

What did he look like when he walked, and what he still looked like when he came back. The only difference is that the spotless desk is obviously a regular cleaning.

The wandering Lu Zhou picked up the photo frame on the corner of the table.

It contains a graduation photo of his high school.

There are his buddies on the table, his desk, his teacher, even the girls who have been ignorantly liked or liked...and of course he himself.

Looking at the young boy in the photo, his mouth could not help but evoke a smile.

Although I was ignorant of myself at that time, I was a little confused about the future, but the kind of carefree happiness seems to be quite memorable.

But on the road to truth, there is always something to lose.

After missing it for a while, Lu Zhou put the photo aside and fixed the mind and looked back at the computer that was open on the table.

"Before the lunch starts, let's get this thing done."

Whispered a word, Lu Zhou placed on the keyboard double manual.

[Proposal for Improvement of Jiangcheng Carbon-based Semiconductor Industrial Park (Preliminary Draft)]

After knocking down the title of this line, Lu Zhou’s index finger gently clicked on the table, and after finishing the thoughts for a moment, he wrote down his own suggestions for improving the carbon-based semiconductor industrial park.

Time passed by, and soon I wrote five pages of paper.

After checking that there was no omission, Lu Zhou opened the mailbox and sent the completed report to the school sister and the Science and Technology Bureau. Then he leaned back in the chair and gave a sigh of relief.

"There should be no problem."

However, just as he was about to get up and turn off the computer and get up and go outside, an unread e-mail flew into his mailbox.

The subconscious place opened the mail, and Lu Zhou looked at the sender's location and was a strange name.

Paul Robin Krugman... Remarks Princeton Economics?

Staring at the name and watching it for a while, Lu Zhou gradually frowned.


who is it?

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