What Xiaoxiao didn't think was that he only wrote the paper for graduation. He asked the elder brother to help out the mathematical model. As a result, after her graduation thesis came out, it was so great in the economics field. Waves...

The improved bewley model...called the lu-bewley model, which is far superior to the previous bewley model in terms of computational efficiency and accuracy of calculation results. It can be said that the world is engaged in numerical direction research. The macro economists all offer a better choice.

And not just that.

What surprised people was not only the superiority of the lu-bewley model, but also the professor Lu, who actually reached into the field of economics!

And when I shot, I released such a big move!

In recent years, the bewley model has been the frontier research field of macroeconomics, especially as scholars of some economic mathematics scholars!

Now that a more powerful model is placed in front of them, how can they not be happy?

Although Lu Zhou did not name this improved model, the academic community arbitrarily arranged his surname.

That is, the lu-bewley model!

Although it was clearly his own graduation thesis, the limelight was completely taken away by his brother, but Xiao Yan did not have any discouragement, but quietly relieved.

Her level is very clear to her own, and she is absolutely unable to achieve this level of results.

It is precisely because of this that at the end of the paper, when she wrote the work that she did not undertake personally, she also clearly stated that the mathematical model was mainly completed by Lu Zhou, and she was responsible for the theoretical part and the work of collecting information.

Perhaps it is because of the reason why his name is hung in the second work, perhaps because he is a small transparent reason. In short, after this paper was published, she did not receive any extra harassment.

As for his tutor, Professor Foster, who was hanging in a position, according to the seniors who helped him manage the mailbox, almost the mail that was swarmed was filled up.

Now the middle-aged professor of forty or fifty years old is in pain and happy ecstasy.

Using a signature on a graduation application to change a work of such a heavyweight paper, this is probably the most successful single "transaction" he has made in these years!

The only fly in the ointment is the name of the lu-bewley model...


Oxford University campus.

An office in the Department of Economics.

Facing the reporter of BBC, Professor Foster emphasized with repeated voices.

"I have objections to the naming of the lu-bewley model! As a work of this paper, I think at least I should add my name in the middle of this model, at least one letter! Otherwise it is not compliant!"

People are like this. When they know that they can get more, they will not be satisfied with the status quo.

Although Professor Foster expects this paper to be a fire, at least one "eonetria" has no problems, but did not expect it to be fired to this extent, which not only triggered a topical discussion in the entire macroeconomics field, but even attracted A lot of the weekdays he can only look up to the attention of the big man!

Such as Krugman...

In the class, he highly praised the economist's theory, especially regarding the international trade, which is subversive, but did not expect that one day the big man would actually be in the highlights part of "siene". Review your own paper...

Yes, the lu-bewley model in this paper was given highlights by the famous "science." And it is this highlights that used the name lu-bewley model for the first time, so that the entire economics community has now acquiesced in the default model called the name.

This made him excited and very annoyed.

Just look at the naming of this mathematical model, I can't see that this research result actually has a part of him!

Facing Foster, like a raging rabbit, BBC's reporter tried to appease his emotions, but it didn't do anything. He had to reluctantly continue the interview.

"...but Mr. Foster, according to a speech by an academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences in an interview, the essence of this paper is mainly on the mathematical model, and this part is independently completed by Professor Lu Zhou... What specific contributions have you made to the completion of this model?"

When this sentence came out, I asked Professor Foster.

"This... Sometimes the contribution doesn't have to be reflected in the lines of the paper," Professor Foster said with a sly expression in the face of the question from the BBC reporter. "You know, in scientific research, especially in the field of theory. Scientific research, the collection and interpretation of data is also very important. Especially critical, the ability to introduce a strong collaborator to research topics is also part of the ability of a researcher!"

This sentence is indeed true.

Social skills are also part of the research capabilities.

In the academic world, there is even a kind of research ability that is not strong enough, but it still produces some good research results because of the wide network of contacts.

After all, most scholars are relatively homes. If someone can pull two scholars who don’t have an intersection in the same project group, or even give the two big brothers a chance to have afternoon tea together, they can’t Rubbing a brilliant spark.

For example, Montgomery, who studies number theory, and Dyson, who studies physics, did not have any intersection with each other before Princeton’s "communication master" Joe Wola matched them.


After listening to Prof. Foster’s excuse, the reporters of BBC’s face showed a sly expression.

"...but as far as we know, Professor Lu is involved in this research mainly because her sister, Ms. Lu Xiaoyu, is engaged in related research topics."

Like a burnt fire stick poked to the fart. The stock, Professor Foster said violently: "Enough! I am her mentor! If I did not bring her into the door, can she achieve her current achievements? When you go outside, just ask, who is contributing more!"

The office is still lingering.

Even if the door is closed and the curtains are closed, it can be felt from the trembled glass, the anger of Professor Forster in the office.

If it was before, Xiao Yan may still be a bit worried.

But now, in addition to a little bit of anger and pride in her heart, there is no other emotion.

There is no reason for it, she has already said goodbye here.

Standing on the outside corridor, Ansley looked at her sister-in-law, and said in a sincere tone: "Congratulations, you graduated smoothly... Sometimes I really think your choice is right, but I can't say something. ""

Xiao Yan bent his mouth and said with a smile: "I know what you want to say."

Ansley shrugged her shoulders and made a funny expression. "You know, it’s like a poor man who tries to defend himself."

The index finger licked the bun of the lower ear, and Xiao Xiao’s face showed a smile.

"I can't agree with you more."

The two women smiled at each other.

After laughing enough, Ansley asked: "Where do you want to go?"

"Not yet, I just thought about going to Princeton, but I didn't specifically think about which teacher to report," Xiao Xiao paused and continued in a relaxed tone. "I am not very anxious anyway, I still have a holiday." Time to think slowly, and turn down the papers in related fields to see what interesting research directions are there."

"I also think that you have to think for a while, you don't have to make a decision so quickly," Ansley said seriously. "And, you better wait for a while to let him give you a letter of recommendation... now he is angry, and hey. Going crazy, maybe he will do something."

Xiao Yan said easily: "No, in fact, there is no recommendation letter, it does not matter, let alone the character of Professor Foster... I hope that he can reasonably write a recommendation letter and hope that I can win the lottery tomorrow."

She is not very worried about the letter of recommendation.

Although this stuff is important, it is not decisive.

In the case of an "eonetria" as a stepping stone, most professors will consider her application for reading, even if there is no strong recommendation from the former tutor.

Ansili said with a smile: "It seems that you have already planned, then I wish you in advance... Happy New Year in China."

"Thank you."

Xiao Yan politely thanked.

At this time, the phone placed in her pocket suddenly rang.

"Wait a minute... I want to hear a message."

Ansley: "Nothing, don't care about me."

I turned my phone over and saw the unread mail. However, almost the moment I opened the mail, Xiaoxi was there.

I noticed the expression on her face, and Ansley gave a slight hesitation, and asked.

"what happened?"

"I..." opened his mouth and restrained the surprise in his heart. Xiao Xiao decided that God would continue to say, "...it seems to have received a letter from Professor Krugman."

"Krugman? Paul Krugman of Princeton?" Ansley gave a slight glimpse, and then a look of surprise and surprise appeared on his face. "God! Professor Krugman! I have a few Genius has read his work! Come see, what did he say to you?"

"He said..." The expression raised his head in a weird manner, and Xiao Yan continued with a few unbelievable voices. "He invited me to go to him to read Bo... If I haven't decided where to go." ”

Ansley: "...???"

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