Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 895: The tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not enough (2/4)

It’s not just Xiao Xiao’s thought that the paper published in “eonetria” would be so hot, even Lu Zhou did not think that he had just returned home and was preparing to cut off contact with the outside world, while studying Riemann’s conjecture with no hesitation. By the end of the year, the mailbox was flooded with letters from the tide.

Some of them were sent by his old friends at Princeton, and some of them were not known. However, from the introduction of self-reporting, it seems that they are all scholars engaged in macroeconomics, computational economics, etc., and many They are all well-known.

It is from these e-mails that Lu Zhou learned that his mathematical model is actually half-baked in the economics field. There have been several economic seminars on this mathematical model in New York, Boston, London and other places. The college is convened.

The meanings expressed by the economists who found him are basically the same as those of Professor Krugman. They hope that he can continue to study on the lu-bewley model, with macroeconomics and computational economics. Higher peaks advance.

However, I am sorry that Lu Zhou is not very interested.

At the beginning, I seriously returned a few e-mails and expressed euphemistic rejection. Later, when mail was more and more, he simply replied to Xiao Ai.

For a time, Lu Zhou suddenly cleared a lot, and finally had time to calm down and continue to delve into the mathematical tool "super elliptic curve analysis method" he created some time ago.

On the third day before the Spring Festival, London time is probably just past noon.

The small baggage that is packing up, opened the WeChat video, and harassed the older brother who was on vacation, and reported the good news that he was invited by Professor Krugman to Princeton to report to Lu Zhou.

After listening to the expression of Xiao Yan’s excitement, Lu Zhou thought for a moment and suddenly interrupted her.



Suddenly called the name, the video is about to put a small skirt into the box of the small box did not look back, ah, said that he heard.

After a pause, Lu Zhou continued.

“In theory, a model based on economics design... can predict the future?”

These days he almost forgot the words of Professor Krugman and his words, but Xiao Yan suddenly mentioned that he was admitted by the Nobel Prize winner, but it reminded Lu Zhou.


Predicting the future social environment and even the political landscape by changing macroeconomics...

Can this kind of thing really be done?

Upon hearing this strange problem, Xiao Yan stopped the action of packing his suitcase, and after a moment of thinking, he answered seriously.

"Can't say no... but the meaning of economics is not to predict the future."

Lu Zhou: "What is it for?"

"For the efficient allocation of social resources... or in other words, is the future moving in a better direction?"

When I said this, Xiao Yu’s tone was not particularly certain. After all, she was just a master student who had just graduated less than a month. For her, there is still a long way to go on the academic road. Going.

"This way..."

Lu Zhou had a thoughtful position and did not evaluate anything.

Looking back at the computer screen, like a brother who was thinking, Xiao Xiao asked curiously.

"Old brother, are you not studying Riemann's conjecture? Why do you suddenly ask this question?"

Suddenly, she moved in her heart and said with delight.

“Don't you... are you interested in economics suddenly?”

"You think too much, but suddenly someone and I mentioned this interesting question," did not tell her that this person is her future mentor, Lu Zhou smiled, ended the topic and continued, "Speak up, this year How many times are you coming back?"

Although this is an interesting topic, it is not interesting enough to make Lu Zhou fascinated.

After all, the so-called prediction of the future is nothing but a conjecture. When Professor Krugman mentioned this concept to him, he did not even use a very positive tone.

Of course, if he can do it, he doesn't mind taking the time to study it, and using quantum computers to observe what's going on in the future.

Of course, I don’t want to profit from this technology. It’s just purely out of a scholar’s ​​point of view, curious about the unknown...

Xiao Yan said happily: "Tomorrow's plane! Let's go to Shanghai first, play there for two days, then take the high-speed rail back~"

Lu Zhou nodded.

"Then come back and talk again... Yes, are you still living enough?"

"Hey, without your money, I can't get paid for the outsourcing work from HSBC. It's much higher than when you work.... Speaking, brother, are you home?"

Although there is a bit of skin, but I don’t want to bother others, it’s just a pattern with myself. At first, I seemed to be the same. The wings were just hard, and I was not willing to have a family for a penny.

When I heard the first half of Xiao Yan’s words, Lu Zhou couldn’t help but smile and nodded.

"Well, it was yesterday."

"Envy you... I will go down for lunch for a while, hang up first."

"Well, come back soon."

After hanging up the video call, Lu Zhou looked at the table below. After another ten minutes, Mom probably should knock on the door and ask that she had dinner in the past.

But just as he was getting ready to go, the bottom right corner of the computer screen popped up with a bunch of bubbles.

Xiao Ai: [Master, Xiao Ai received a special email here, need me to help you reply? ?(^?^*)]

Seeing this line of tips, Lu Zhou slightly hesitated.

"...What does it mean in particular?"

Xiao Ai: [It was sent by a woman named Vera. (??▽?)】


Hearing this unexpected name, Lu Zhou slightly stunned, and then fixed the mind to say.

"...I have to reply myself."


Although it is very curious how Xiao Ai will identify which emails he may wish to reply to, but he wants to estimate the last upgrade, how much has improved the IQ of some intellectually retarded students.

However, when Lu Zhou was preparing to open the e-mail, there was a knock at the door.

"Zhouer, someone is looking for you outside."

Through the door, the voice of the old lady came over.

A slight glimpse, Lu Zhou thought carefully, as if there was no appointment, and asked subconsciously.

"Find me?"

"Hey! Just looking for you, they claim to be from Jianghe University, they are all teachers! Another one is heard to be an academician! They are so polite, they are waiting at the door, let me ask you first."

Listening to the voice of the old lady seems to be full of happiness, and even with a little vibrato.

The son not only made his own university question, but also the "university". Not only did he become an academician, but even the academicians came to visit the family during the holiday, so "talking and laughing, there is no ruddy, no white Ding". Can you be unhappy with being a mother?

What's more, Jianghe University is quite famous in Gangneung City!

However, after hearing the words "Jianghe University", "teacher", "and several academicians", Lu Zhou's heart was faintly giving birth to a slight feeling, even a little headache.

Just a moment ago, he suddenly realized that he thought it would be unrealistic to go back to his hometown to avoid those people.

"The tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not..."

Xiao Ai: [(°ー°??)]

Fang Mei: "Zhouer?"

"Nothing, I am coming."

Pushing the chair up and standing up, Lu Zhou went to the door with his head full of heads.

Always felt……

It’s too naive to count on yourself to sneak in and spend the New Year.

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