Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 896: Fu is known in the mountains.

When I first came back, Lu Zhou thought that he had returned to his hometown, probably for a period of time, but did not expect his thoughts to be too naive.

The ancient city of Gangneung, like a quiet town, has not been visited by many big people for many years.

Now returning to his hometown is like a fairy who passed by a small temple. Even if he just stopped in front of this incense hall for a moment, it was enough to make the whole temple lively.

From the moment he started high-speed, he remembered that his city zf had no need to say more, followed by Jiangling’s only river university that could be called some cards.

After meeting with a group of guests, the headmaster Feng, who was accompanied by the dean of the hospital and the secretary of the school, quickly asked him if he could hang his name on the building of the courtyard and change it to Lu Zhoulou. I borrowed his talent.

This request is actually not too much.

A lot of rich people who have more money to worry about, even tens of millions of donations, just to be able to hang a name on the teaching building of colleges and universities, but also to change the name of the body with copper odor.

Now he doesn't need him to pay, just need him to click on his head.

However, after the principal of Feng said this sentence, Lu Zhoulei was still out of focus.

"I said Feng Principal... This is not appropriate," looked at the eager old man, Lu Zhou said with a smile. "I was born in Jiangling, but you Jianghe University... I don't seem to have it all at once. I’ve been there. This makes me hang a name, I really have it.”

"There is nothing wrong with this." Seeing Lu Zhou is not interested, although it is also expected, but President Feng could not help but rush, immediately said, "You are the most outstanding scholar in Gangneung City, and we are also Jianghe University. The example of a thousand students, although not the same brother, but also counted in the same line, what is inappropriate?"

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou did not know what to say.

Is the word used in the same vein used in this way?

Seeing Lu Zhou still hesitated, and the president of the hospital next to President Feng was anxious to say something, but did not know how to speak. In the end, the Li Shuji, who was sitting next to President Feng, pushed the glasses with the gold silk on the side and slowly thrown a smooth proposal.

"This is actually a good thing."

Seeing a few people looked at himself, the secretary Li said with a smile, continued.

“Professor Lu is a high school in Gangneung Sixth Middle School?”

Lu Zhou wondered: "Yes... what happened?"

"Several high schools in Gangneung didn't look for us? Want the name of the affiliated high school," Li said, looking at President Feng, whispering, "We asked Jiangling Six Middle School to discuss it, and they succumbed to their wishes and gave them a The affiliated high school brand, so that Professor Lu can be regarded as our alumni."

President Feng was overjoyed and whispered back: "Miao Wei! Just do it."

Lu Zhou: "...?"? ? ?


In the end, Lu Zhou agreed to the request of President Feng.

It is not for the sake of the fellow.

Just looking at the part of their willingness to help their alma mater, they can’t say no to refuse.

After all, it is not a matter of needing him to save money anyway.

However, the situation at Jianghe University is only the beginning.

Later, the headmaster of Luzhou High School came with a few teachers who had taught him. The leaders of the municipal party committee had a group to come over there. Even the steel factories, factory leaders and secretaries of the old land work were also comforted by the factory leaders and secretaries. The name of the old worker came to Lu’s home to sit down and “by the way” visited him.

In this way, until the day before the New Year's Eve, the day when Xiao Xiao came home, Lu Zhou finally stopped for a while, but only for a while.

It took me three days to use less than ten pages of draft paper, and Lu Zhou was also a faint worry and sorrow.

It seems that it is not just the campus of Jinda...

Even the home of his hometown could not accommodate a quiet desk...

The night of the New Year's Eve.

On the sofa, Xiao Yan is still on the king's pesticides. He is sitting next to the old lady who is watching the old Spring Festival Evening, and is turning the list of contacts to his friends. Send a blessing to the New Year.

Anyway, even if he doesn't play, there will be a phone call, and he will take the initiative.

"... It’s also a skill to be in the middle of the city and to be quiet. You have no one in academics who can be your teacher, but you still need to polish your mind. You should be a good person."

After listening to the experience of these days, Lu Tang smiled and said comfort.

Lu Zhou sighed and said: "Maybe, but I would rather be busy, busy with meaningful things at least make me feel that time is not wasted."

Tang Zhiwei: "Don't sigh! Sigh on the New Year's Eve, and the good luck of one year is sighed."

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "The teacher said to ... said, after your retirement, how are you doing?"

"It’s too good," the old Tang on the phone took a hot tea and continued. "It’s you, Riemann guessed there was progress?"

Lu Zhou: "There is one point, but there are still a few points in front of it."

After listening to this sentence, Lao Tang nodded and said with a feeling.

"After all, it is the crown of the mathematics world, it really is not so good to solve... But I seem to listen to Lao Qin, you plan to solve this century's problem within three years?"

Lu Zhou did have said this with the dean of Qin, but did not expect this guy to be unbelievable on the surface, but there was going everywhere to say it.

Shaking his head with a smile, Lu Zhou said: "I have this plan, but now it seems that it can be resolved within three years, it seems that I can not decide."

In the past, Lu Zhou was very optimistic. Especially after the super elliptic curve analysis method was made by him, he thought that it would take up to one year to solve this century's problem.

However, as he got deeper into the core of the maze, the more he learned that things were not as simple as he thought.

Thanks to the mathematical tool that he released at the report, the current research on the value of e in the mathematics world has reached the figure of 1/127, and it is basically stuck here.

It seems that no matter how to select the curve on this complex plane to assist, there is no way to push this number further in the direction of 1/2.

After talking with Lao Tang about some of the academic situation and the fishing skills this year, Lu Zhou hangs up the phone, and then he has been worshipped by Lu Academician, Sister Xue, and Luo Shixi.

The little cockroach, who was working on pesticides, suddenly yawned and came to a cold.

"Brother, you have a lot of friends."

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Alright."

Xiao Yan said in the tone of an unknown little song: "Why can't you have a girlfriend?"

Lu Zhou: "..."

You are so kind to say me.

Don't you have a boyfriend?

Seeing Lu Zhou did not seem to care about her appearance, Xiao Xiao smiled and continued.

"Brother, let me play pesticides, there are a lot of good-sounding young ladies."

"When I play, my opponent is not interested."

When Xiao Xiao was rushed to the side, Lu Zhou suddenly remembered that there seemed to be an email in his mailbox that he did not read.

" to forget this thing."

Standing up from the sofa, in the curious eyes of Xiao Xiao, Lu Zhou walked back to his room.

Sit down at the desk and turn on the computer.

An unread email, lying quietly in the mailbox, has been waiting for a few days.

Although the English language of the printed book can't see Vera's elegant and smooth writing, the familiar grammar is still blowing like a spring breeze.

After reading the greetings in the first half, Lu Zhou directly looked at the last line of the mail.

It is also the most critical location for the entire message.

[Research on the Riemann conjecture. 】

[I seem to have ideas. 】

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