Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 897: Princeton's Snow (4/4)

Princeton's campus.

At the time of the coldest year in New Jersey, silver-white snowflakes were floating outside the window. The scattered snow accumulates on the window sills and the roof, and the Oxford-style campus, which is soaked in academic atmosphere, is decorated into a fairy tale castle.

Quietly sitting in the library room of this "castle", quietly sitting at the desk and looking at the computer's Vera, with her bookshelf and the snow outside the window, like a painting.

The pale blond hair is softly hanging down, but the white complexion reveals a bit of whiteness, but the softness and strength cast in the sapphire-like scorpion gives a feeling of peace of mind. It also added a bit of dazzling color to her.

In the computer screen, it is a reply from Lu Zhou.

The concise language style and the straightforward words are very special.

[I have seen your email. 】

[About the method of using the irreducible 酉 representation theory of the octet heisenberg group and doing the Fourier transform on it, it is indeed a very interesting improvement idea. 】

[And this reminds me of one of the results of the collaboration between Professor Levinson and Professor Montgomery in 1974, the result of a quantitative version of the weak form of Riemann's conjecture proved by cooperation, ie ζ\'(s) in the open area {- 1lt;re(s)lt;1/2,t1lt;im(s)lt;the number of zeros in t2} and ζ(s) in {0lt;re(s)lt;1/2,t1lt;im(s The ratio of the number of zeros in lt;t2} is asymptotic to 1... A similar approach is applied. 】

[Very good, this idea that you came up with just answered me indirectly, a place I have always had doubts about. Remember what I said a long time ago? Riemann's conjecture is an analytical number theory problem, but the essence is still a complex analysis problem. We must solve it by solving the problem of complex analysis, but it cannot be limited to this. 】

[My suggestion is to start with the planherel formula on a class of single connected nilpotent Lie groups g_n, and discuss the subelliptic properties of the left invariant differential operator on g_n. It should be able to find unexpected things. 】

[Right, I suggest that you sort out the things in the mail and send a paper, which is also convenient for me to quote. 】

“Isn't it limited to solving the problem of complex analysis? Your style is really nothing.”

Reading the mail from the beginning to the end, Vera's mouth slightly curved a smile.

However, the curvature of the lips was gradually flattened, and the little girl sitting at the desk frowned for a long time, reaching up and picking up the ballpoint pen in the pen holder, and writing the ideas put by Lu Zhou on the draft paper. under.

At the same time, it also incorporates some of its own ideas.

At this time, the door of the activity room suddenly opened, and a woman in a windbreaker walked in quickly.

Shaking off the snow, Molina hangs her coat on the hanger at the door and walks to Vera next to her two sandwiches and coffee.

"Don't face the computer, eat lunch and say. I brought you your favorite tuna sandwich... and minty coffee. What is this strange taste? Someone will put mints In coffee, even more strange is that someone will buy it."

"Thank you, Molina," warming the warm palm of his hand, and Vera showed Molina a soft smile with sincere gratitude. "But this is not to put mints in the coffee. Instead, immerse the washed mint leaves after brewing the coffee and wait for five minutes to remove them... just like making tea."

"I can't stand the strange smell anyway... What are you looking at?"

"Professor Lu's reply," floated a faint blush on his face. Vera picked up the paper and covered her mouth. She coughed and said, "...I was just studying his article about hyperelliptic curve analysis a few days ago. The paper of the law just happened to think of an application of the irreducible 酉 representation theory of the octet heisenberg group, and then tried to study it... It seems that my research seems to come in handy."

Looking at the mail on the screen, Molina was a little depressed and said.

"Hey, you are the enemy! You should not forget, I am your comrade."

"Professor Lu is not our enemy," looked at Molina. Vera rarely showed courage or stubbornness. She said with a serious statement, "We said good at the beginning, why can't we solve this problem together? Solving the Riemann conjecture is not a job that one can do."

Looking at the stubborn expression on Vera's face, Molina opened her mouth, but she couldn't say a word.

She admits that she has selfishness in it, but who is it?

If Riemann’s conjecture is proved by Lu Zhou, even if no one is so clear, he will certainly owe all the credit to him, and take it for granted that he must solve 99% of the trouble.

Just like who would remember Hardy's paper collaborators? Who else will remember who Hilbert worked with to complete an important paper or a major research result?

Unless it is a problem solved by Hardy and Hillport.

In the case of a wide gap in strength between the two sides, people are always accustomed to remembering the name that is the easiest to remember and forgetting the one that is not important.

She admits that mathematics is her life. She studies mathematics just because she likes it, but it is also her unshirkable responsibility to be the name of the Abel family.

At least she is so thinking.

However, looking at Willa, who did not give in, she could not speak selfish words.

"...I really can't help you," sighed with a compromise. Molina grabbed the hair on the back of her head. "If you think things are so simple, then you can continue on the road you think is right." All right."

"Thank you." Vera smiled softly and sincerely expressed her gratitude.

"You're welcome...speak, is your body really okay?" Molina said with some worry, "You coughed all day yesterday, and today I feel that the state is not very good." it is good."

Vera shook her head gently and smiled and said, "It's okay, don't worry about me."

Hesitated a moment, Molina said: "Or, St. Petersburg's 45-minute report, or I will go for you, you still have a good time here."

"No, I will definitely go there," with a blush on her face. Vera shook her head. "He must be looking forward to my report, and I will not let down his expectations."

Molina took a deep breath and finally asked the question she had been hiding for a long time and always wanted to ask: "I can ask, what disease did you get?"

The fingertips holding the ballpoint pen paused slightly, and Vera shook her head as usual, laughing softly.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine."

Although it is said that, the voice is really not reassuring.

Looking at her look, Molina’s heart was inexplicably stunned.

Under the impulse, she took the draft paper and the pen from Vera's hand, and held down the delicate shoulder, saying in an unquestionable voice.

"Listen, you need a break! The patient should be lying on the bed honestly, you look like this."

"I don't need it, give it to me..." Struggling to get back the draft paper and pen from Molina, Vera looked stubbornly at her and said, "I don't need rest, believe me, I know me. What do you need."

Time is running out...

There is no room for waste at all.

Looking at the girl who had no reluctance to express her expression, Molina finally made a compromise, loosened her hand holding Vera's shoulder and said with pride.

"I am taking you!"

After all, she turned and walked to the door, grabbed some wet coat and put it on her body and walked outside the activity room.

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