Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 902: Going to Beijing for a meeting (1/4)

"...This flight is about to arrive at Shanghai International Airport. For the safety of you and others, please do not stand up or open the luggage rack..."

Hearing the radio sound in the airport, Lu Zhou put together the notes on his hand and covered the pen cover with a ballpoint pen.

At this time, he suddenly noticed the line of sight from the side, so he looked around and saw a cap wearing a cap. About sixteen or seven years old, the boy was sitting there, his eyes staring straight into his hand. On the notebook.

The eyebrows picked and picked, Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"Curious, what am I writing?"

It seems that he did not recognize who he was, and the boy wearing a cap nodded and thought for a moment and said.

"...Uncle, the formula you wrote, I seem to have seen it."

Lu Zhou smiled.

This little devil...

Not only is the mouth not sweet, but it is not good to listen to, but it also develops the bad habit of love.

Have you seen it?

Even the little devil I don't know dare to say that I have seen this formula?

Believe in you a ghost!

I was still thinking about dialing him, but I thought about it.

Putting out the notebook, Lu Zhou did not take care of him. At the prompt of the flight attendant sister, he untied the seat belt. As Wang Peng, who had already helped him remove the suitcase, walked through the gangway.

However, he did not care that Lu Zhou did not take care of himself. The boy wearing a cap thought about it for a while, and suddenly seemed to raise his head.

"Ah, that... seems to be a Riemann zeta function!"

"I just said how to see how familiar, it was seen in the last big issue of the imo national game..."

But this person...

A little strong!

Even the Riemann function knows.

Are you still concerned about the imo contest at such a young age?

Just then, a little fat man carrying a travel bag came over from behind and patted him on the shoulder.

"Jie Ge, you have to get off the plane, don't be in a hurry."

"Ah," he called out by his buddy, and the boy realized that he was still on the plane and quickly got up and got his luggage. "Wait a minute, I am fine."

"Don't honed, the leader started to rush."

"Good, come!"


After getting off the plane, Lu Zhou saw another acquaintance at the airport exit.

This person is not someone else, it is Chen Yuhua, the old man who works in the organization department.

Although I haven't seen it sometimes, the old man with a neat hair is obviously recognizing himself.

The expression was a little subtle and he greeted him. Lu Zhou smiled and smiled.

"Chen good."

"Lu Academician is very polite," Chen Baohua nodded, and made a gesture of caution with a little restraint. "Please get on the bus."

Said that he was about to return to the driver's seat.

However, at this time, Wang Peng stepped forward.

"Or let me drive."

Apparently knowing the identity of Wang Peng, Chen Baohua thought about it, so he nodded and let out the driver's seat.

"it is good."

So, Lu Zhou and Chen Shu together sat in the back row.

There was no communication on the way, but Lu Zhou, who was sitting next to Chen Shu, felt how uncomfortable he was sitting.

I don't know if it is my own illusion. He always feels that this Chen Shu seems to be a bit against himself.

"Little girl is going to your home on the third day of the year?"

After being so formally questioned, Lu Zhou’s voice couldn’t help but take a bit of restraint. He sat up and nodded and said, “Well... but she only stayed for a while and left.”

"This way... no wonder."

The old man was silent for a while, then he sighed and stopped talking.

Lu Zhou was looking for a topic to talk to him, and sent the time to get off the bus, but he didn’t seem to want to talk to himself when he saw his eyes closed, so he stopped his words and put his attention back into his pocket. In that notebook.

For him, this is the easiest time to pass the time.

As long as you are immersed in the world of mathematics, whether it is a few hours, it is like a glimpse of the past...


The seminar on the International Lunar Hadron Collider was held in the Shanghai General Assembly Hall. More than 500 senior cattle experts from the world aerospace industry and the physics community, as well as official senior officials from the participating countries, participated in the meeting.

This international summit, which has both political significance and scientific significance, is nominally dominated by the Science and Technology Bureau and the Space Bureau and the Ministry of the Moon Rail Construction Committee. However, the specific preparatory work is naturally carried out by the experienced organization department and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Protocol Division is responsible for coordination.

As for the hotel where the participants stayed, four were arranged according to the country and identity of the participants.

In order to ensure smooth traffic during the meeting, during the meeting, almost the entire second ring road traffic was restricted, and it was therefore the closer to the city center. Lu Zhou felt that there were fewer cars on the road.

The car drove to the door of the hotel. After getting off the bus, Chen Shu looked at Lu Zhou.

"This car was temporarily loaned to you. You will spend a week or two in Shangjing. It is convenient to have a car."

Lu Zhouke airway.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, anyway, this car is not mine, it is organized."

Said, Chen Shu raised his left hand and looked at the time on his watch. "It is not too late, I will not delay your precious time. If you have time, you can come to my house for a cup of tea, if it is not available. If that's the case."

After leaving this sentence, Chen Shu pointed to Wang Peng, who took the car key, and then turned and walked away.

Put the key away, Wang Peng said to Lu Zhou.

"I will help you with your luggage. You should check in at the hotel first."

Looking at the back of Chen Shu’s departure, Lu Zhou nodded.

"Okay, trouble you."

Although the waiters of the five-star hotel will help with the luggage and enthusiastically send them all the way upstairs, the luggage of Luzhou can't be handed over to others, even if the hotel where the participants stayed has been checked by the security department. is also like this.

Following the waiter came to the front desk of the hotel. When Lu Zhou was preparing to check in, he suddenly felt that the old man standing outside his sweater wearing a wool vest was familiar.

It seems that he noticed the sight of Lu Zhou. After the old man took out his ID card registration, he looked at it and happened to be on the line with Lu Zhou’s line of sight.

Slightly stunned, the old man's face immediately showed a smile, said with a smile.

"Hey, Lu Academician, really, I didn't expect to live in the same hotel with you. It is a lucky meeting."

"Wang Academician?" Lu Zhou smiled on his face, extended his right hand and shook his hand, politely said, "Fortunately will be lucky."

This person in front of him is the former academician of the Huaguo Mathematical Society, Wang Shicheng, and one of the leaders of the Chinese mathematics community.

However, although the surface is enthusiastic, in fact, the two are only a general exchange, there is not much friendship.

The only two intersections are not very good.

First, Chen’s body mathematics award was put under pressure by Mr. Qiu Lao. He was not allowed to award the prize to Lu Zhou, who is still studying for a master’s degree. The second is the vote of the academician's election. The ticket warehouse of the original number of courts was controlled by the two mountains of Yanda and Aurora, but under the pressure from the political side, his careful thoughts also fell. When I was empty, I had to take the academician of the Yanda faction and voted for Lu Zhou.

After all, the election of the two houses is the opinion of the highest level of Beijing, and it is also a commendation for Lu Zhou.

If this is not the case, it is a political accident. Even if Lu Zhou himself is not in the heart, his academic leader is also responsible.

In fact, to convince not to be convinced, he is actually very convinced.

After studying mathematics for decades, although it has made great achievements in the theory of kink, it may not add up to the talent that he showed in a year.

By virtue of one's own efforts, the international mathematics community's impression of Chinese mathematics can be upgraded to a level. This kind of thing is not a day to do, but a merit that only a great man can accomplish.

Just like Ramanu Jin’s contribution to the Indian mathematics community, there will be a Luzhou Prize after his death, encouraging young scholars to continue on the path of mathematics.

However, although it is convincing, but forced to give way to a young man, it is still good!

In particular, Lu Zhou refused to come to Yan Da, so that the domestic mathematics community had more than one hill out of thin air. He could even foresee that in the next ten years, a group of Golden University personnel would definitely enter the hall of the academicians and incite dozens of Yan Da number of hospitals. The stable Jiangshan...

The most letting him vomit blood is that even if he is in the heart of mmp, his face still has to smile and smile.

“Speaking, Dr. Wang also received an invitation to the seminar?”

"There is no difference in mathematics. The field of my research is closely related to mathematics and physics. It is also an honorary director of the Chinese Physical Society. So they gave me an invitation. To speak, the academician of the army has to go to the stage to speak, ready." What?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said.

"Is it ready, at least I can't lose the face of our Chinese academics?"

"Haha, it's too modest! You just go up and make a joke, I am afraid that the following people will remember two more words." After a few words with Lu Zhouhan, Wang Shicheng smiled and said politely, "Speak up, There are still three days before the conference begins. If the academician of the army is free, you may wish to sit in Yanda. We are a student of Yanda College, but I have been admiring your knowledge for a long time. I have been expecting the opportunity of the academician of the land to come to our Yanda number. The hospital pointed at the instructions, but unfortunately you are too busy, we have not waited for this opportunity."

"The academician of the king said that he is heavy. The strong person in the Yan Da number is like a cloud. What do I have to give pointers?" Lu Zhou smiled humbly and said, "I just don't mind if I visit, I am afraid to bother you."

“How come?” Academician Wang Shicheng smiled. “Professor Lu is modest. He does not have a university in the world and will refuse your visit. Please be welcome.”

Lu Zhou said with a smile: "That's good tomorrow, wait a second, I am afraid that I will be very busy in the next few days."

"No problem, when are you coming, our Yanda's door is open for you." Academician Wang Shicheng smiled. "Then I will not bother you to rest. I have to go to the top to put a baggage, and wait until tomorrow." ”

"That will be revisited tomorrow."

Lu Zhou nodded. After saying goodbye to the old man, he took his suitcase and walked in the direction of the elevator.

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