Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 903: Third half (2/4)

The International Lunar Hadron Collider seminar was held three days later. Because of the arrival of Shangjing in advance, Lu Zhou had three days to freely move.

However, because Jiangling to Jiangcheng, and then from Jiangcheng to Shangjing, has already rushed all the way, Lu Zhou has been a little tired now.

After putting the luggage in the collapsed hotel, he didn't go anywhere. After taking a shower, he sat at the hotel's floor-to-ceiling window, quietly looking at the notebook at hand, against the Wei that had been printed on paper by him. The paper that I pulled has always seen the dinner.

Calling the hotel's waiter to send a simple meal, Lu Zhou hurriedly finished eating, checked the meeting documents, and then took a shower and hurried to bed, ending this busy day.

The next morning, I got a morning bed. Lu Zhou called and asked Wang Peng to send himself to the Yuanmingyuan.

When the preparation went straight to Yanjing University, the result was that the boat had come to the north gate of Shuimu University.

After seeing his ID card, the guard did not say anything and was very polite.

Just walking along the tree-lined path of Shuimu University, Lu Zhou, while enjoying the scenery on both sides, felt the rich academic atmosphere of Shuimu University and walked toward the west gate.

But just as he walked to a lakeside, he happened to see two acquaintances.

These two are not small.

One is the top big cattle in the Chinese mathematics world, and the other is the leader of the Chinese physics community.

These two are not others, it is the founder of the geometric analysis discipline, Mr. Qiu Lao, and the top singer of the physics field, Mr. Yang Lao.

Lu Zhou was trying to say hello, but he heard that the two old people seemed to be arguing about something, so they could not help but slow down and listened.

"... Lao Yang, I disagree with you in this sentence. What is the labor and the loss of money? Where is the money spent? It is in my opinion, it is right to spend the place where the flower is."

"Hey, what is the right price? Have you asked the opinions of the people of the country?"

When I talked about Xingtou, I suddenly noticed the Luzhou coming to this side. Mr. Yang frowned and looked at Lu Zhou for a while with some dim eyes. He finally recognized this young face. come out.

"Lu Academician?"

Upon hearing this Lu Academician, Qiu Chengtong immediately turned his head and looked at Lu Zhou, who was coming to this side, and smiled and greeted him.

"Hey, it’s really an academician of the land! It’s so good, how come you have to go to Shuimu University? Don’t say it to me in advance.”

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "It’s just a meeting in Beijing. I just came over and didn’t bother you.”

“International Lunar Hadron Collider Seminar?” Upon hearing the word of the meeting, Mr. Qiu’s eyes suddenly turned on, and he laughed and said, “That’s too good. I’m arguing with Lao Yang, he’s Still not convinced, or the chief designer of the Lunar Track Construction Committee to give us a review?"

What is it for me to evaluate?

And what is this good?

Seeing Mr. Qiu Lao seems to be trying to pull himself into the battlefield. Lu Zhou’s face showed a dumbfounding expression.

At the same time, by Qiu Chengtong, Yang Zhenning suddenly looked at him unwillingly.

"What is not convinced? Isn't you and me showing up, I am just telling you the truth, not to mention that I am right!"

"Our country is still in its infancy, and now it is barely forced to go to the middle of the intermediate stage. It has to be hard to cross this threshold. It is not a time of blind optimism and great joy."

Qiu Chengtong said dissatisfiedly: "Old Yang, I don't agree with you. We are not over now. Two billion dollars is not a small expense, but we don't need all of this money. Second, it can attract at least 5,000 internationally outstanding scientific researchers to work in our country and bring our culture to the international academic community. This is something that money can't buy! Is it because today's physics is not by us? Do you want to give tomorrow to others?"

"I really recommend you go to the seminar to see if you don't want one day, the center of world physics, can you transfer from Switzerland to us?"

"Oh, if you are engaged in mathematics, it is a blame for us to engage in physics." Yang Zhenning snorted and said nothing, but looked at Lu Zhou.

“Does the chief designer of Lu think so?”

"The designer is just a position, it sounds too much, and it is OK to ask Professor Lu." Gently coughed, Lu Zhou continued to say, "As for my point of view... Mr. Qiu Lao has said, Now is not the time to save money. What's more, money is just a figure. If you can't afford to spend money, you can never make money."

Looking at Lu Zhou deeply, Mr. Yang turned his eyes to the lake and paused for a while before he said.

"I sent an article more than ten years ago. The title I still remember clearly is that "China is not suitable for building a large collider today." Although it has been more than a decade, my opinion has not changed. However, now that the steering wheel is in your hand, I say that it doesn't make much sense."

Lu Zhou opened his mouth and was about to say something. The old gentleman turned his head and continued.

"I don't want to criticize your decision. You can find the general solution of the Yang Mills equation, the strong interaction force and the electromagnetic force. You have stood in this era in theoretical physics, unless someone can reveal the mystery of gravity... But I think it is probably impossible to do this in this century."

Said, taking back the sight from the lake, Mr. Yang looked at Lu Zhou deeply and continued.

"I am almost 100 years old. Not all decisions are wise. I was rejected by prl some time ago. After that, I thought about it calmly. Maybe I am really old. But this is not a piece. Bad things, let alone such a good successor."

"Since you have a few words in your heart and know where the right direction is, then it will be handed over to you."

After leaving this meaning unclear, Yang Lao looked at the woman who was about forty years old, and gave her a slight nod, then she slowly walked in the other direction with her help. It is.

"This old guy... It’s so fast," Mr. Qiu Lao shook his head with a smile. "If it was a flat, he would have to fight with me for at least an hour or two."

Although the media of good things always dazzled the debate between the two Chinese academics on "the construction of the collision machine is not built", in fact, the personal relationship between the two people is still very good. In particular, the research of Mr. Qiu Lao on the Karaby-Qiu space itself is a very important theoretical tool in modern mathematical physics, and the two are more often academically exchanged.

Otherwise, Qiu Chengtong’s Institute of Mathematics will not be built on the campus of Shuimu University.

Lu Zhou: "Mr. Yang Lao is also the future of the nation. His concerns are not without reason."

"Yeah. Otherwise, if you don't speculate, I won't talk to him so much." Looking at the back of Mr. Yang's departure, Qiu Chengtong said with a sigh of relief, suddenly turned to look at Lu Zhou and said with a smile. "Speaking, the two billions of dollars is not a small number, so heavy burden, can you live?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou gave a slight sigh, and then smiled and said.

"Mr. Qiu, you are laughing."

"Two billion dollars."

"This is probably the third and a half for me."

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