Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 904: Math Center in Siheyuan

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet.

However, the air is still quiet for a few seconds.

The expression was slightly awkward. Mr. Qiu Lao laughed and laughed twice, forcibly breaking the awkward atmosphere, extending his right hand and touching his nose, making a confused expression.

"I almost forgot this trick... You haven't been the fledgling young man."

Lu Zhou smiled and bowed his head. Politely said: "It is my pleasure to let you feel that I have grown up. It shows that the time of these five or six years, I have not lost it."

"More than just growing up, my brain's reaction speed can't keep up with the rhythm of your growth," sighed softly. Mr. Qiu Lao seems to be caught in the memories of the past, with a slight expression of emotion.

After a few seconds, he opened the topic and smiled and said, "Say, how do you think about going to Shuimu University?"

"You may not believe it when you say it, I just happened to pass by."

After using two or three sentences, Lu Zhou gave an invitation to Academician Wang Shicheng to Mr. Qiu Lao. After listening to his narrative, the old man pushed the reading glasses on his nose and frowned, his expression a little unpleasant.

"Wang Shicheng's old thing... Don't look at his kind and kind eyes, don't know what bad water is in his stomach. If you say something, don't believe a word, this bad old man is very bad, I suggest you guard against it!"

Looking at Mr. Qiu Lao’s face with a look of resentment, Lu Zhou’s heart was also a burst of laughter.

"I just went to Yanda and turned around. What can he do to me?"

Qiu Chengtong still said with carelessness: "The old things are not good anyway! It is nothing to go to Yanda. In general, you should pay attention, don't be pitted by the old things."

"……Yes Yes Yes."

Academician Wang Shicheng and himself have no resentment after all, and Lu Zhou does not want to intervene in the grievances of the older generation of scholars. Therefore, he has to talk a little bit about it and bring this topic to the past.

After continuing to chill, after a few words, he and Mr. Qiu Lao, he turned and walked to the West Gate of Shuimu University, and walked all the way to the direction of Yanda East Gate.


Yanda East Gate.

A young teacher in a suit is standing around and looking around.

When he saw Lu Zhou, the young teacher recognized him from the crowd at a glance, and smiled and greeted him.

"You are a fellow academician, hello! I listened to the academician Wang saying that you are coming, I am waiting here."

Looking at the enthusiastic young teacher, Lu Zhou smiled and nodded.

"I took a trip around Shuimu University and kept you waiting."

"Where, you are a world-renowned university, even if I wait here until tomorrow, it doesn't matter," the young professor smiled and extended his right hand. "Yang Yongan, professor of mathematics, in his early thirties, may be better than you." It’s a little bigger, it’s a long time, and it’s still unknown.”

"Professor Yang is modest. In his thirties, he can become a professor of Yan Da. It is not an unknown person." He grasped the hand of Professor Yang and let go, Lu Zhou continued, "What about the academician Wang?"

"Wang Academician is at the Yan Da Mathematical Center. Because the imo contest national training team is temporarily unable to open the body, I hope that the Academician of the Army can understand."

Imo contest?

It’s time to say it.

"Nothing, I can understand," Lu Zhou smiled and nodded, indicating that Professor Yang didn't care. After the pause, he continued, "I happen to go to the math center and take me in the past."

Yang Yongan made a gesture of asking.

"this way please."

The changes in Shanghai over the past few years have been quite large. There are more and more new energy vehicles on the road. The buildings on both sides of the road are getting higher and higher. There are more and more foreign friends who speak different languages, but only two places are a little. There is no change, and it still retains its original appearance.

The first is the historical buildings of Shanghai, and the second is the top universities in Shangjing.

It is worthy of being the top university of world civilization. It has just set foot on the tree-lined path near the teaching building. The rich academic atmosphere will come to the fore. The bricks and tiles on the foot are full of history and culture. It is one of the most suitable places for academic research in China.

In fact, for Lu Zhou, whether it is Yanda or Shuimu's campus, it is not very strange.

When he used to live in a sanatorium on the edge of Yuanmingyuan, he often came here for a walk. It was just because of various inconveniences that he had never gone to the International Mathematical Research Center of Yanda.

It is said that it is a mathematics center located in the courtyard, the highest building is only three floors, the most common is the square box.

Although the facility looked like it was old, it was said to have been intentional. It is only in the purest environment that this humanity's most primitive brain work can be carried out, and the scientific research closest to the essence of the universe is the original idea of ​​the founder of this mathematics research center.

Of course, in the cosmopolitan city of Shanghai, where you live in such a spacious courtyard, research is a must for those mathematicians who are extremely envious of their peers.

When Lu Zhougang walked into the courtyard, he saw a young man in the yard who looked down and had glasses on his nose. He was sitting on a small bench and sitting in front of a blackboard next to the big banyan tree, holding a half of the chalk in his hand. I meditate on the calculations filled with blackboards.

The gray coat has been washed a little, and the hair looks like it has not been washed for some days. It is simply combed into a three-seven-open look. The long Liu Hai is languidly pulled on the frame.

Interested in looking at the young man like the behavioral artist, Lu Zhou asked the sentence curiously.

"What is that?"

I don't know why, when Lu Zhou fell on the stranger, Yang Yongan's expression was a little subtle.

It’s like being seen as a ugly thing.

"You don't care, this guy... the spirit is a bit abnormal."

Is the spirit abnormal?

Lu Zhou is even more curious.

According to his experience in Princeton, many people with better mathematics mostly perform in some fields, so they can always see all kinds of weirdos. For example, the former editor of a mathematics annual magazine never allowed anyone to sit in the office and talk to him. For example, one of his students liked minty coffee, and the old man who always didn't wake up like the Rocky Library... ...

Scholars like themselves who are impeccable in mathematics and who arehave in a way that is no different from ordinary people are the few.

"Why do you say that?"

"You know, like ours, there are usually some assessment indicators. For example, how many districts and districts are sent in one year, or submissions at top conferences... but some people always like mavericks. And when others kindly reminded him that you may go down because you can't pass the assessment, you are still looking at the fool-like look." Yang Yongan shrugged. "I don't want to change anyone." I have a good impression on him."

Lu Zhou asked: "So what did he study?"

Looking at the direction of the man, Yang Yongan said with a slight irony, "If there is, he will not be so miserable."

Out of curiosity, Lu Zhou did not pay attention to Professor Yang’s dissuasion and stepped forward to glance.

But this time, his eyebrows suddenly picked it up.

"...Superelliptic curve analysis?"

Hearing this sentence, the youth who looked at the artist like a behavior finally reacted.

I saw him turning his head and pushing the glasses on the bridge of the nose, saying in some woody voice.

"You can understand?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou had not had time to say anything, but Yang Yongan standing next to him almost didn't laugh out loud.

"Brother dei, you are stupid, you carefully look at who this is."

Staring at Lu Zhou for a while, the young man still looked blank.

"who is it?"

Professor Yang’s eyebrows were picking up, and he was about to scold him for two sentences, but he was stopped by Lu Zhou.

I didn't really care about the unimportant little things that I didn't recognize. Lu Zhou stared at the blackboard and looked at it with great interest.

"You are very interested in the use of hyperelliptic curve analysis. Generally speaking, everyone will not use it."

The young man pushed the glasses and continued to look at the blackboard.

"After all, I didn't study Riemann's conjecture... This method was originally designed for Riemann's conjecture."

"I think so too," Lu Zhou nodded, thinking for a moment, and continued to say, "According to your definition of non-singular projective complex algebra... If I didn't guess wrong, you are probably researching Hodge's conjecture. ?"

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