Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 905: who are you? ! (4/4)

Yang Yongan stunned.

The young man with glasses also stunned.

The air freezes for a few seconds.

"...Hodge guess?"

The expression was full of quirks. Yang Yongan glanced at the blackboard and glanced at the young man. The look in his eyes could not be seen as watching a madman or an idiot.

He used to think that this guy was a weirdo.

I heard that since I joined the International Mathematical Research Center, I have been studying something unspeakable for a long time. Because a result can't be done, even the office is vacated to new people.

If you change someone who understands the world, you must have resigned, but this guy is different. After being driven out of the office, he sat here with a small bench.

I don’t know if it’s stupid or fake. This guy is not only bullied at all, but when he is asked why he is not going, he just casually answers “Like the quiet here” and then continues to do his own thing. .

When he first entered the mathematics center of the Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, Yang Yongan thought that this guy was the kind of "Chen Jingrun-style scholar who did not sing, it was a blockbuster." After a long time, he became familiar with it, and he gradually doubted himself. The idea, as long as it was the other colleagues here, did not give him any good looks.

After all, there are also two or three years, and it may take four or five years for this guy to sit here. In four or five years, one result can't be obtained. Such a person has two brushes and it is no different from a waste.

Aside from the time of study, the golden age of a mathematician’s life is only ten or twenty years. It’s really stupid to spend four or five years on a problem that I can’t think of.

Now I heard that this guy is actually studying the millennial puzzles in a delusional way, and he is even more determined about his own guess.

This guy is already crazy.

Although he was looked at with the same look as a fool, the young man wearing glasses didn’t feel anything, just watching Lu Zhou push his glasses in surprise.

"You... see what I am studying?"

If some of the old people in the mathematics center see what they are studying, it is not worthy of his surprise.

But it was awful to be seen for the first time, even the first time I saw someone who wrote these things on the blackboard, and recognized what was being studied.

After all, mathematics, for most people, is like a mountain across different fields of study. The desire to let people who study partial differential equations understand the complex and continuous changes in topology is no different from letting physicists go back to the complicated names of organic chemistry.

Especially if Hodge conjectures this century's problem, even if he has some understanding of this field, but because of the different research ideas, he may not be able to understand what he wrote on the blackboard.

What's more, this is just his draft. No word shows that it is related to Hodge's conjecture.


He is also a scholar engaged in research in this field!

Thinking of this, there is no feeling of ups and downs in the pupils, but also gradually floated a look of interest.

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "It is not difficult to see this. Except for the Hodge conjecture, there are very few algebraic topologies of non-singular complex algebraic clusters and it can be so wonderfully created by polynomial equations that define subclusters. Relevance. But for those who don't understand this field, this is really easy to see. After all, the more difficult the problem, the more complicated the statement, the more unpopular it is."

"Yeah," the pupils who didn't have much emotional ups and downs finally showed a feeling of emotion or excitement. The young man sighed and said, "I have been here for almost five years, a person who can discuss." nothing."

"That's not that. Maybe some people know it, but they don't want to discuss it with you." Lu Zhou smiled and extended his right hand. "Can you use chalk?"

The young man pushed the glasses and handed out the chalk in his hand.

"Please... but there is not much place on the blackboard."

"This doesn't get in the way," he said, and Lu Zhou looked at Yang Yongan beside him. "Trouble Professor Yang, help me get the blackboard coming."

Yang Yongan, who was stunned by Lu Zhou, suddenly returned to God and quickly nodded.

"Okay, okay! Please wait a moment, the most important thing here is the blackboard!"

He said, he ran to the nearest wing, and soon he took two scientific dogs and dragged a blackboard on the roller bracket back to the big banyan tree.

Lu Zhou smiled and nodded to the three people to express his gratitude. Then he converges on the face and laughs. He stares at the blackboard and meditates for a while, and raises the chalk in his hand and writes it on it.

[Lefshetz-hyperplane theorem knows that the inclusion map i:x^n(d)→cp^(n+r) is an n-equivalent, so x^n(d) and cp^n have the same n-skeleton... ...]


In fact, Hodge’s conjecture is not the research field of Lu Zhou.

However, because of the internal connection between this problem and the Cauchy-Riemann equation, Lu Zhou is not unfamiliar to it. And the use of the ultra-elliptic curve analysis method by the unknown young scholar on the blackboard gave Lu Zhou some inspiration.

If the study of Riemann's conjecture can bridge the gap between algebra and geometry, then similar to the Atiya-Singh index theorem, the solution of Hodge's conjecture will be in the other three branches of mathematics, mathematical analysis, topology. Find some basic intrinsic connection between algebraic geometry.

Of course, he is not trying to prove the Hodge conjecture.

After all, even if he is, it is impossible to solve a problem that needs to be solved by the Cray Institute and the entire mathematics community for a century to solve in such a short period of time.

However, Hodge's conjecture, like the Riemann conjecture, has many weak forms.

For example, for the case of h^2, Hodge conjecture is established!

At the time when Lu Zhou was concentrating on the calculations, in the side building not far from here, 60 people who were selected into the national training team of the imo contest through the examination and selection, just finished listening to the predecessor of the former Chinese Academy of Mathematics, Wang Shicheng, an old academician. It is now a free time for free activities.

Sitting next to the window, the boy in the cap is flipping the book in his hand. At this time, the little fat man sitting in his front row suddenly turned around and looked at him with excitement.

"Jie Ge, someone is forced in the yard!"

"Not interested in."

Seeing my buddy is not interested, the little fat man is not willing to continue to say: "It seems to be a king of the king's position! I just glanced at the toilet when I passed, I can't read anything he wrote!"

The delicate eyebrows finally provoked a sharp arc of interest, and the teenager in the cap put down the book in his hand and glanced at the window.

"Go, go!"


There are more and more calculations on the blackboard.

Unconsciously, there have been many onlookers standing next to them.

Most of the professors in the mathematics center recognize the face of Lu Zhou. Although it is a little laborious to understand what he writes, most people are hungry and sitting on notes or listening carefully.

There are also some high school students who are obviously not like scholars. They are also on the sidelines. They are all members of the national training team of the imo contest and the "mathematical genius" of high schools all over the country.

However, standing here and now, looking at a string of notes like a note-like flow on the blackboard, in addition to the fullness of these little cute new faces, there are also many people who have created a world of masters. A fascinating fascination.

One day, they can reach this height.

The man who stands under the tree at this moment, the formula that writes the truth of the world at the moment, is their future!

The boy in the cap was rounded and his shoulders were shaking with excitement.

The little fat man standing next to him looked at his buddy and asked slyly.

"Jie Ge, are you convulsing?"

"Great God! This is the real god! I seem to have seen him there..."

"Impossible, I am coming to Yanda for the first time."

"Is not right, I am sure I remember correctly, I will think again..."

After finishing the training, I went to the office to have a cup of tea, and slowly walked to the academician Wang Shicheng in the yard. I was preparing to go to the academician who came from afar, but I did not expect that the family had already stepped in and was standing on a blackboard. What is written next to it.

Wrinkled, Wang Shicheng stepped forward and stood on the side of the crowd, looking at the contents of the blackboard.

However, just as his sight fell on the blackboard, his pupils shrank involuntarily.

Hodge conjecture

Although this is not his field of study, it is not difficult for him to recognize this for decades as a veteran scholar in the field of mathematics.

Not to mention the famous "geek" standing in the math center next to Lu Zhou. He also recognized that it was Chen Yang who had studied the Hodge conjecture for more than a decade and did not hit the south wall!

Time passed an hour in silence.

With the gradual westward slanting sun, the shadow of the banyan tree was unconsciously moved a few inches toward the east.

Everyone is consciously keeping quiet.

Until a slight sigh, floated from behind.

"...Hodge conjecture is true for h^2... awesome!"

Hearing this ghostly sound, Yang Yongan almost didn't be scared to fall. Looking back, I discovered that I didn’t know when, Wang Shicheng’s old academician stood behind him.

"To the hospital, academician!"

"Hey, little noise, don't bother people," Wang Shicheng pointed his chin to the direction of the blackboard. "It's finishing."

With a certainty, Yang Yongan lowered his voice and asked with respect and respect.

"...What do you mean, he proved a weak form?"

"No, it can't be proved by him," Wang Shicheng shook his head in a sinking water. After pondering for a moment, he said, "If I remember correctly, this result was made by Levschetz in the 1920s. finished."

After a pause, the old man continued.

"However, although this is not a novel result, he used a different approach from Professor Levschetz!"

"At least in my impression, no one has ever solved this Hodge conjecture."

Yang Yong’an’s heart was shocked.

A completely different approach!

Prove the weak form of a century of problems!

And also in the two hours? !


Is this the strength of the academician of the army?

The shock written in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

“It’s the first person in the field of mathematics scholars today,” and Wang Shicheng sighed with a shocked look. “His understanding of differential manifolds and complex analysis and topology can be said to be three points.”

Such scholars are not in their math center...

It’s a pity that...

“Unbelievable...Classify all manifolds in a given homotopy type, and your definition of hyperelliptic curves...”

When Lu Zhou’s last stroke stopped and looked at the calculations on the blackboard, the youth’s voice had already shook a little.

Not only is it shocking.

More ecstatic with a few points!

"Chen Yang, mathematics... associate professor."

"who are you?"

Do you know the self-reporting door before asking the name?

Although it is a "freak", but also very polite.

Smiled, Lu Zhou put the unused chalk, gently placed under the blackboard, understated.

"Jinling Hospital."

"Lu Zhou."-

(Thanks to the brothers' monthly ticket! It continues to break out today! Because uploading multiple chapters at a time may be stuck for a while, wait a few minutes and probably come out~)

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