Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 906: Big! I am your fan! (1/4)

The air is quiet for many seconds.

Those who know Lu Zhou are fine, and from the beginning they clearly guide who is standing at the edge of the blackboard, otherwise they will not listen so carefully and carefully.

However, for Chen Yang, the sound of "Lu Zhou" is like a flat thunder.

In the past one and a half months, the hyperelliptic curve analysis method he studied, and all the improvements made on it, and even the source of inspiration, are derived from the article submitted by Lu Zhou in the Yearbook of Mathematics last year. paper.

I did not expect the author of this paper to stand in front of him at this moment!

"Lu...Lu Zhou?"

It’s not just Chen Yang who is stunned. The boy wearing a cap who has been standing outside the crowd has widened his glasses and stared at Lu Zhou to reach out his right hand.

"You, you, you are Lu Zhou?! Lu Academician of Jinling Hospital?"

Looking at the excitement of his buddy, and the sight of a pair of twins looking around, the little fat man standing next to him was nervously trying to hold his hand, but he was really opened by him.

I always feel that this boy wearing a cap is a bit familiar, but there is no impression.

Lu Zhou looked in his direction and said with a smile.

"This little brother, have we seen it?"

I didn't expect to recognize myself this week, the boy wearing a cap said excitedly.

"Hmm! It's on the plane!"

On the plane?

Lu Zhou’s face showed a blank expression.

Oh, it turned out to be the little devil.

Excited almost red ears, the boy said incoherently.

"I, my name is Ji Mo, I am your fan, I admire you!"

Lu Zhou: "..."


I believe you a ghost!

I don’t even know how long I am, but I am also a fan of my fans?

When am I stupid?

Did not notice the expression on Lu Zhou's face, the teenager of Dai Ze's cap continued to be excited and lingering.

“I have read Professor Feng Keqin’s “New Compilation of Number Theory”, which mentions the theory of group construction you created, as well as the narrative of the report on the Goldbach conjecture in Princeton’s No.1 lecture room... fantastic!"

"...Chicken brother, good chicken brother, let's go back."

The little fat man standing next to him pulled his sleeve and looked around with a look.

No one is watching this, not only that, the most embarrassing thing is that the academician of the army has already turned his head and completely ignored his eager old buddy, leaving him alone to speak there. Relished.

It is really terrible!

Finally, after reading the calculations on the blackboard, Academician Wang Shicheng put away a surprised expression, and after making a certain decision, he made a calm appearance and clap his hands and smiled and praised.

"Miao, it’s wonderful."

This makes him say where the wonderful is, he does not necessarily say it. Although algebraic geometry is also used, the kink theory and the Hodge problem are completely different directions.

If you are younger, you can't say that he can barely keep up with the rhythm of Lu Zhou, but already this age, he can probably understand what each step means, it is not easy.

"The academician Wang has won the prize. It is not a good idea. It is just a simple application of this mathematical tool."

Lu Zhou smiled and nodded, then turned to look at the stunned youth, smiled lightly. "The things you studied are a bit interesting. Although arxiv can see various uses of the hyperelliptic curve analysis method, But for the first time, I saw that some people improved it and applied it to the geometrical association problem of the algebraic topology of non-singular complex algebraic clusters and the polynomial equations that define subclusters."

"You have won the prize," Chen Yang said, bowing his head. He said a little bit, "I have been studying for a month and a half, not as much as you have come up with an hour."

Professor Yang Yongan next to the station couldn’t help but swear: "Is this nonsense? Can you compare with the academician of the army?"

"Don't say that, I just just studied the superelliptic curve analysis. After seeing the content of Mr. Chen's calculus, it happened to have some associations."

Seeing that Professor Yang shook his head, Lu Zhou continued to look at Chen Yang, who was full of shock on his face, and continued.

“The best way to polish a mathematical tool is to look for a matching puzzle to try and perfect your theory in constant trial and error.”

"Since this research idea can prove that Hodge's conjecture is true for h^2, then at least the big probability that your ideas are going to work is justified, but there is still some lack of research."

After pushing the glasses on the bridge of the nose, Chen Yang pondered for a moment and said seriously, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

“Look more, think more, try more,” Lu Zhou smiled and continued. “Mathematics is a test of talent, but in fact it is really going deep into the research, but there is not much skill. And this and other disciplines. The research is also very similar. Anything that looks like a supernatural work is nothing more than countless trial and error."

Listening to the side, Professor Yang Yongan’s face showed a thoughtful expression.

The boy in the cap lowered his head and chewed the sentence repeatedly, seemingly reminiscent of the true meaning.

"...Look more, think more, try more... countless trials and errors... is mathematics the same?"

Although Wang Shicheng, an academician standing in the crowd, had no expression, but he couldn’t help but admire and nodded.

Although this truth is easy to understand, there are very few people who can really understand it. It took him a full decade to sum up this point, and thus used the remaining decade to do the theory of kinking. Outstanding research results.

Nowadays, watching Lu Zhou say something that he spent ten years to penetrate, the Wang Shicheng’s heart is only aside from the shock and emotion.

Have to be convinced...

Although sometimes he feels that this guy's success is full of accidents, but think about it, the ingredients of luck and chance must be there, but it does not seem to be the case.

After looking around for a circle, Lu Zhou thought for a moment and said.

"It seems that no one understands your research here."

There was no denial of this. Chen Yang’s expression nodded and said naturally.

"After all, I chose a topic that was basically impossible to complete."

“Not necessarily,” Lu Zhou shook his head with a smile. “Before seeing the obvious bottleneck, it’s still a bit early. At least in my opinion, you’re far from the real bottleneck, just you. Looking at the things written on the blackboard in front of you, the research ideas you choose are still very promising. Even if you can't make the final results, a staged result is more than enough."

Although this guy’s character is a bit sloppy, it’s a bit of an axis for people to do things, but watching it is a material for mathematics, but it lacks some polish.

If you put it in this math center, let him work behind closed doors. If it is made, it will be a waste.

Thinking of this, the talented and eager Lu Zhou was too lazy to go to the side of the academician Wang Shicheng, and could not help but extend his right hand.

"Don't consider coming to Jinling?"

"I can guarantee that you will find someone who can discuss it there."

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