Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 908: Come to the treasure! (3/4)

When Ji Mo returned to the Yan Da International Mathematical Center, the sunset had already landed on the horizon, and a pair would soon be dark.

I was preparing to clean up the things in my position and went back to the dormitory. His good buddy Meng Fei, the little fat man, reached out and took his shoulder.

"Jie Ge, how come you suddenly disappeared? I haven't found you for a long time, we have finished eating dinner."

Ji Mo shook his head.

"Nothing, I will go out for a while and eat it. When I come back, I will see a lot of food on the road."

He said that he was going to take the backpack, but he was dragged by the little fat man behind him.

"Hey wait, wait, you haven't said what you are going to do."

After being pulled and stopped, Ji Mo slammed down and said immediately.

"Oh, you ask this, I am going to chase the academician."

"Recovering the academician? Got up and then?"

"Then I want to worship him as a teacher! Learn math with him!"

Asked about the personality of his buddy who wants to do it, Meng Fei asked with a headache.

"...and then he agreed?"

Ji Mo shook his head very honestly.


"I just said it," Meng Fei said, shaking his head. "The people are academicians, and they are making airplanes and rockets. They are all attending top conferences. How can I give you a high school student?"

Ji Mo nodded and continued: "...but."

I heard this, but Meng Fei, who was talking, slammed down and stopped.

"But what?"

The eyes gradually became excited, and the teenager in the cap clenched his fist and said with all his spirits: "But he promised me that if I could get the gold medal in the imo contest, he would accept me as his apprentice. ”

Gold medal in the imo contest.

It sounds very challenging.

However, it is impossible for him!

After all, he is the only one who made the final big question in the final of the imo national exam!

After hearing this speech, Meng Fei was not as passionate as he was, but looked at him like a fool.

After being looked at by the good buddies, he looked at him with dissatisfaction and said.

"What are you doing with me? Do you doubt the strength of your older brother?"

"No," he shook his head silently. Meng Fei coughed and said, "I said Ji Ge, if you get a gold medal, don't send Yan Da Shuimu, go to a Jinling won't shoot you old and cut you. ?"

Regardless of the academician of the army, the brand of Jinling University is still weaker than that of Shuimuyan. Even the little fat man has learned that in recent years, with the establishment of Jinling Institute of Higher Education, Jinda’s scientific research results are no less inferior to Shuimuyan University, but the recognition of the academic community and social recognition are fundamentally different.

On the water Muyan big, in the eyes of the neighbors of Shili Bajie, there is a champion, and on the Jinling University, although it is also worthy of happiness, but it is also a double class...

However, after hearing the words of the little fat man, Ji Mo’s face was without any shake or hesitation, and he shook his head and said.

"Don't be afraid, is this so scary? I have already decided! The academician Lu will definitely not lie to me. When I get the gold medal, I will convince my old man! If he does not agree, I will tell him later."

"Then you have to mad at you! OK, I don't persuade you anymore..." Meng Fei shook his head and patted the shoulders of his good buddy. "The brothers are with you anyway, where are you going?" ,"

Looking at this little fat man, Ji Mo moved and said.


"Cough, but I said in advance, if I took the gold medal... then forget it, you are not afraid of you hacking you, I am still afraid of me."

Looking at the embarrassed little fat man, Ji Mo sighed.

"Reassure your brother, I have nothing to worry about."

Meng Fei: "...I always feel that you are black, but I have no evidence."

Haha, Hazy smiled and patted the shoulders of the buddies.

"The illusion of illusion is an illusion, go, eat in the cafeteria."

"I just ate it... forget it, let me go with you."


At this moment, Lu Zhou did not know what kind of seeds he had buried in the heart of a teenager.

After leaving the campus of Yanda, Lu Zhou called the assistant of his office before getting on the bus, so that Zhao Huan helped him to buy a ticket to Jinling for the "corner" he had just dug, and then he and he Don't go over.

This time, it’s a windfall to go to Yan Dao to dig such a talent. But when he came to Beijing this time, it was not a special trip to dig the corner of Yanda International Mathematical Center, but more important things to do.

While sitting in the car, Lu Zhou continued to make a phone call to the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, and let the personnel department over there arrange the Chen Yang's entry, and temporarily put this matter aside.

After returning to the hotel, Lu Zhou got the conference outline from the Lunar Track Construction Committee and briefly looked at the things that he needed to attend.

As a chief designer, there are not many links that need him to come out. In addition to the speech at the opening ceremony, he acts as a mascot-like character at the banquet.

As for other troublesome things, as well as negotiations with diplomats from other countries, they will be led by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These are carefully prepared after two months.

It can be said that when Lu Zhou took annual leave, a group of people did not rest for a day.

After glanced at the meeting, he just threw it aside. Lu Zhou then took out his notebook and sorted out the things written on the blackboard this afternoon.

Although Hodge's conjecture is not his research field, he has seen a lot of highlights from Chen Yang's verification steps.

For example, he used the method of the topological homology to define the topological invariants of the basic features of the complex manifold, which made Lu Zhou have a new idea for the application of the homology method on the tale.

This brand new idea may not be so clever, but it is novel enough, even let Lu Zhou feel an accident, this thing turned out to be his own time when he was behind the door to build a car.

However, it may be because of the five years of indifference that we can have such an understanding of algebraic geometry.

In this way, what he lacks is just some learning in mathematics tools, as well as things like experience and skills.

This is also the most real reason for Lu Zhou to dig people's minds.

The pen in his hand turned gently and stared at the line-by-line formula on the note. Lu Zhousi whispered softly.

" bridge the complex manifold and topology promoted by Riemann, and to find answers in a higher dimension would be easier than at lower latitudes... this guy is a genius."

The problem in the high-dimensional case is easier than in the low-dimensional case. This sounds a bit ridiculous, but it is not without precedent. The most famous is probably Professor Smel in the 1960s. It is easier to think of a genius idea in the high-dimensional Poincaré conjecture than in the three-dimensional case.

And this big sister is following this genius idea, and finally completed the Poincaré conjecture for the proof of the five-dimensional and above space, and won the next Fields Prize.

"...The original hyperelliptic curve analysis method can also be played like this, and I have not found that my research results are so powerful."

"It seems to be a treasure."

The more you go deeper and ponder over these calculations, the more faintly the eyes of Lu Zhou are.

Although there is no reason for this feeling, he always feels that he is a big step forward from Riemann’s guess at the end of the maze.

And still the kind that can be clearly seen.

"I don't know if Vera's paper came out."

The uncontrollable overflow of the idea of ​​the ** text in the heart, Lu Zhou opened the computer, searched the literature database, and browsed his students' recent papers.

After all, the things that Vera sent to him were unpublished results in the mail. It was not very good to use them directly, and there was no way to label them.

More conscience scholars will wait until the other's papers are published before publishing their own.

Of course, although there are not many scholars like Lu Zhou who are so frustrated.

However, Lu Zhou regrets that he has not found Vera's paper in a search in the database.

I want to either be not ready, or I am still in the peer review process.

"Is it still not published?"

Thinking about talking to himself, Lu Zhou turned off the literature database and opened Xiao Ai's software for editing his own tailored papers.

The paper is still issued, but it is a pity that it cannot be published in the journal.

"Then... let's hang a preprint."

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