Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 917: You are hung up (4/4)

One whole morning, Lu Zhou found that the most sentence he said was the next one.

Ever since I discovered that Xiao Ai’s ability to do so is so convenient, he couldn’t stop playing when he started playing.

After getting the report, scanning and entering the mobile phone, Xiao Ai is responsible for translating various texts and parameters into intuitive graphics, with the simulation function of quantum computer and Lu Zhou’s own calculations, basically most of the loopholes are in front of him.遁 shape.

Of course, this is not entirely the credit of quantum computers. The main reason is that those "challengers" are really too much food, and they are taking a solution that is not perfect at all.

If the improvement plan is like this, even if the academic intuition brought to him by the engineering level is strong, it is impossible to see at a glance where the problem is probably.

However no.

These reporters who walked into the conference room through various channels, relationships, and their own improvement programs, wanted to find such a terrible monster in the conference room.

Most of the reports were smashed on the spot, except for the few reporters who made constructive suggestions.

The entire seminar was almost a performance of Lu Zhou's personal show.

So when it was the last report before lunch, almost when Lu Zhou had just raised his right hand, the spokesperson who stood on the stage was guilty of guilty, and took his own things and slid down the stage... ...

And it is precisely because of this, the meeting content that was originally scheduled to be completed in two days, I did not expect to get a large part in half a day.

Such an efficient seminar made everyone at the meeting unable to stand up.

Whether it is the person who came to the stage to make a report, or the audience under the stage...


The morning meeting was finally over, and a legend about the "Devil" began to spread in the mouths of many physicists and space experts who participated in the conference.

lunch time.

Professor Cui Qing, who was carrying a plate full of food, sat across from Lu Zhou and asked with a look of interest.

"I just heard about your magical deeds at the meeting. I can ask how you did it?"

Lu Zhou, who was about to bring the buffet barbecue to the fried rice, asked for a slight sigh.

"What did you do?"

"Don't pretend, you know what I am talking about," Professor Klein laughed, using the excitement of his age, the right index finger said, "I will show you the images at the conference. Speaking, it’s so cool!”

It turned out to be this thing.

After moving away, Lu Zhou thought about it and said: "...OK, after all, I can't let those reports that are full of loopholes be discussed repeatedly in our seminars and waste our time."

Looking at Lu Zhou who was looking away, Professor Cui Qing saw his intentions at a glance and continued to ask.

"You are shifting the topic. What I want to ask is how do you do it? Is it inconvenient to say it? If it is inconvenient, then forget it."

Seeing his own thoughts was seen through, Lu Zhou no longer disguised, sighed and said, "It is not inconvenient, but I don't know how to talk about it."

Professor Cui Qing: "Can I guess?"

Lu Zhou: "Guess it."

Professor Klein frowned and thought: "I guess... there is a strong team of engineers behind you to serve you, and there are masters who are proficient in modeling. When you send the report to them, they use Ten minutes to analyze the vulnerabilities in the entire report, and to draw a three-dimensional structure of the improvement program ... and so on, let me think about it, it seems a bit unrealistic."

Halfway through the words, Professor Cui Qing suddenly frowned and denied his guess, because it sounds too ridiculous.

What kind of team can do this in ten minutes?

Although he is studying high-energy physics, he does not know much about engineering, but he does not know anything about it. After all, in order to design some high-energy physics experiments, he still often needs to deal with some engineers.

His experience tells him that even if it is not a creative job, it is definitely not completed in just ten minutes, especially the picture...

However, at this time, Lu Zhou, who was burying his head, suddenly spoke.

"Yes, you guessed it."

Hearing the words of Lu Zhou, and Professor Cui Qing slightly stunned, a little dare not meet, "I guess it? Are you sure I guessed it?"

Lu Zhou said casually: "...well, that's what you think."

It’s better to recognise it than to let him guess it all the time.

What's more, he guessed it is not entirely wrong.

Xiao Ai, who is stationed in the quantum computer, is not a team, even if it is like an army, there is no exaggeration.

However, speaking, thanks to the brain of this guy, I came up with an answer that he didn't know how to explain.

Lu Zhou has secretly made up his mind in his heart.

If someone asks himself about this, he will move the rhetoric out.

I didn't expect Lu Zhou to admit it so quickly. Professor Kelly, who was originally interested, was also short of interest. The topic of the two also quickly shifted from the morning seminar to the discussion of high-energy physics.

However, at this time, a phone suddenly hit the phone on Lu Zhou.

"I will pick up the phone."

Klee laughed and said, "Nothing, don't care about me."

Standing up from the dining table, Lu Zhou pressed the button of the phone and walked to the place where no one was next.

Just when he put his mobile phone in his ear and just prepared to say "feed", Qin’s voice could not wait to pass from the opposite side.

"Are you offending someone?"


It was a bit forced by this sentence, and Lu Zhou did not respond for a while.

Just when he just wanted to say no, suddenly he thought that his offended people had gone to the sea, and even just offended a professor from Brussels, so he was silent for a while and coughed.

" suddenly asked me this way, I can't remember for a while, who you are referring to... or you tell me directly, what happened in the end."

Dean Qin: "The official website of the Jinda and the website of the Academic Affairs Office have been hacked!"

Lu Zhou squatted and hurriedly asked: "... eh? Is it hacked? Is the problem serious?"

In fact, when he heard this sentence, he was not surprised at all. At most, there were some accidents.

As far as the school's **** server is concerned, it is hacked, that is, no one goes to the black, and the students can choose a class and they can give it an anchor.

As for why I said an accident...

Who is so boring to go to the black school server, in addition to causing trouble for himself, I completely can't think of a profit!

Dean Qin said with a sad face: "Fortunately, there are some influences, but the impact is not particularly large. Although some documents were lost, the students' achievements were well preserved!"

"Oh, that's fine..." Lu Zhou, who was relieved, patted his chest, but at this time, he suddenly reacted. "Wait, your official website is black and tight, what does it have to do with me?" ?"

The dean of Qin hesitated, but thinking about it might help to find the "cause of the accident", and finally coughed and told the truth.

"...because the hacker is hanging your photo on the official website, you can think about it."

Lu Zhou: "...???"


(On the fifth day of the outbreak, as always, I have to ask for a ticket~~~ I don’t want to do anything except the codeword and lying down, I feel that my liver is going to break down qaq

In addition, the book friends asked to build a v group that was late, the starting point fans value can be added above, the group number has been placed on the work profile, interested book friends can add ~)

. The fastest mobile phone update URL: m.

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