Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 918: I can't spare them! (1/4)

Lu Zhou vowed that if he was told which unlucky child had done this wicked thing, he promised to put his photo in the same paragraph and put it on the school official website for one year...

Of course, he just thinks about it.

At one time, the school could not accompany him so much.

Second, after learning the real situation of the matter, Lu Zhou discovered that this cyber attack was not as simple as he imagined...

Shangjing National Hotel.

In a small business meeting room, Lu Zhou saw the director Li who had just come over and had a brief understanding of the situation.

"What reaction does the US side have?"

"There is also a fog in the US side. Director Carson found me early this morning and clarified to us that this matter has nothing to do with the federal government. It is said that there are cyber terrorist attacks launched by hostile forces in an attempt to undermine the friendship." To be honest, they got the news so soon, but it made me wonder if it was their ghost, but I thought about it later, they probably couldn’t do such a low-level thing."

Lu Zhou: "..."

What a hostile force is.

Several superpowers are sitting here negotiating, what other hostile forces can there be?


After taking a sip of tea, Director Li ran a bit of dry hair and continued to say, "I informed the relevant departments about the information... but it seems to be late."

Lu Zhou took a deep breath and asked: "What is the loss?"

Director Li said with a serious expression: "At present, the official website of many official media organizations such as Renren Daily and CCTV has recovered from the shackles, but the new media server has been attacked... At present, the network supervision department is still in the rescue. The responsible person responsible for responding to the attack said that it is not difficult to resolve the attack, but the trouble now is that no one knows where they will start next."

This is also the place where the safety personnel of the network supervision department are most troubled.

In a cyber war where hostility is unknown, the passive defensive side is always in a weak position.

If the opponent's attack has a clear motivation, for example, in order to retaliate against a company, such as for economic benefits. As long as you know the other party's motives, you only need to lay out the defense line and wait for the other party to come. But if the opponent's attack is the kind of indiscriminate attack, even if you want to defend, there is no way to start. You can only fight back and regain the position after the opponent has started.

Just like "I am going to kill a person on the street," this kind of crime can't be prevented at all.

After listening to Li’s description, he instinctively told Lu Zhou that this was an organized cyber attack, but he still couldn’t understand what it would be for those people.

"What do they want to do?"

"They want to coerce us to dismantle the ongoing International Lunar Hadron Collider Symposium... Just as if we added one more, I hope we will dismiss you."

Lu Zhou said with a smile: "If there is only one last one, I can find it difficult to satisfy them."

Director Li said seriously: "Don't think about it! If you don't want to do it, don't think about it at this time! If you really do this, do you know what will happen? Our troubles are only scared."

"Well, I know, I just made a joke. Of course, we can't satisfy their demands. Even a millimeter can't make concessions..."

This guy can't make a joke...

Quickly appease the emotions of Director Li. Lu Zhou then pondered for a while and said, "Is there any good response?"

Director Li said with a headache: "The trouble is that there is no... We have contacted the US now and hope that they can pay attention to it and cooperate with us to investigate, but the enthusiasm of the US side does not seem to be very high, just that if we can provide enough The evidence, and the suspects are in the United States, they will cooperate with us to arrest the criminals and give a judgment that will satisfy us."

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said: "The key is to catch people."

Director Li: "Yes, only by locking in the identity of the perpetrators, we can end this cyber war. Otherwise, even if we beat them in a short time, they only need to change one device and have the opportunity to come back at any time."

Lu Zhou: "Let's do it, I think about it."

“You?” Director Li squinted slightly, then shook his head with a smile. “This matter is still handed over to us. I just told you to be careful not to put important personal information or academic materials online. It’s an extraordinary time, it’s hard to guarantee that they won’t start with you.”

Lu Zhou: "..."

Already started, ok?

Put my photo p so ugly, still hanging on the official website!

Lu Zhou sighed and said with a heavy face: "...that can't be done, the world is full of blame, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, they don't come to provoke me, forget it, since it got me on the head, this If I can spare them, how can I see the ancestors of Lujia?"

Director Li: "...?"

Looking at the old man with a slap in the face, Lu Zhou coughed a little and summed up and said: "In short, I can't spare them!"

On the face with a clear expression of disbelief, Director Li shook his head. "I have done it. Your programming level... or don't mess up. We have already taken a network war force from the Eastern Theater and settled in the network. The office is ready to fight a long battle with the rats."

Speaking of this, Director Li looked at Lu Zhou and continued to speak with a strong heart.

"As for your words, I still hope that you can concentrate on this seminar. You represent the entire Chinese academic community and the opinions of the Lunar Track Construction Committee. Your performance is to determine the scholars of other countries. Attitude towards us!"


A protracted war is a helpless move, or it is a last resort.

If the other party is still in the country, the major network operators and electronic equipment suppliers have left the back door of the relevant departments, and it is OK to find the ip directly.

But now the trouble is that the opponent is outside the country, and it is rumored to be a master on the dark network.

Although I have never heard of the name of this "predatory eagle", after this incident came out, the name was completely ignited on the domestic network.

Although the vast majority are licking them...

[Rely, this group of Americans is simply deceiving too much! What about our red guest? Go and give them some color! (anger) (anger)

[Now there is still a red guest, not by the relevant departments, or to work for bat. (sigh)】

[I heard that the cyber warfare forces in a certain theater have already begun to act, and will soon give a lesson to those little rabbits! 】

[I see this battle is still difficult to play, we are clear, the enemy is dark, unless we make the security system of each website as strong as Alipay, otherwise they just need to pick a good bully to start. 】

[The trough! This group of Americans is really a painful egg. Do you have time to do something bad? Is it interesting to have several web servers? 】

[Oh, the emperor’s nationalism is not dead to me, but it is supported by the official power of the United States...]

After sending away Director Li, he returned to Lu Zhou in the hotel room, opened the bib and brushed it, and found that the four characters of "The Predatory Eagle" actually occupied the top spot in the hot search list.

I am afraid to see such a situation, the behind-the-scenes black hands are stealing music.

Can not be done……

If they leave them alone, they always feel that they can't swallow their breath.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou felt a move and took out the phone and called the Qin Dean.

"Hey, it's me, how is the server in the computer room?"

Upon hearing the voice of Lu Zhou from the other end of the phone, Qin Dean sighed softly and said: "The virus inside the server is still not clean. The network police sent people over and looked at it. They said that there is no way to do it. After a record, I left... We have given up and struggled, and we are going to reinstall the server system. It should be possible to change the memory hard disk."

This gave up?

That can't be done.

Lu Zhou immediately thought about the rhetoric and said: "Don't rush to install it. We still have a lot of computer experts in the Jinling Institute of Higher Education. I will call someone to help you in the future."

After hearing the words of Lu Zhou, the dean of Qin slightly stunned, apparently did not expect that Lu Zhou would actually make this request.

"You are there...and an expert in information security?"

“Is that not the case?” Lu Zhou said with a smile. “Well, our Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies is also an independent Institute of Information Technology. There is nothing wrong with finding an expert in information security.”

Upon hearing this sentence, Qin Yuan’s heart sighed "young" and smiled and shook his head.

"When you do, then let's get people coming."

When he said this, he did not have much hope in his tone.

The Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies is indeed powerful, but it is in mathematics, computational chemistry, and materials science.

For example, information technology, especially in the direction of information security, the big cattle in the research institutions may not be able to compare the engineers who are engaged in information security in large enterprises.

After retreating 10,000 steps, the Institute of Information Technology of the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies is no longer able to compete with the software institute of Jinling University. As one of the strong majors, let alone the academician who is engaged in the direction of information security, even the principals of the company are engaged in information technology research.

Even the experts of the software institute and the information security experts of the network supervision department have no choice. He really does not believe that the Jinling Institute of Higher Education can have a solution...

Did not waste time on the phone, after hanging up the phone call of Qin Dean, Lu Zhou will need to do something to Xiaoai, and then called the phone to Brother Luo.

The phone rang three times and the voice of Luo’s brother came from the receiver.


"it's me."

"...I have something to say directly, I guess you must have trouble with me."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou was embarrassed to smile.

This is all guessed by you...

However, soon he converges on the smile on his face, said the right color.

"I need you to do me a favor."

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