Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 921: It is a master! (4/4)

Dark net.

An unknown forum.

A group of people rushed to the discussion group with their usual vests, and excitedly reported their own results.

"Who is CCTV's official website? The domain name hijacked for an hour, a bit powerful!"

"Basic operation, I think the jump page I made is more creative."

"Get it, your shit-like p-picture technology, hacking your hacking skills."


Boss: "Quiet."

Everyone was quiet and waiting for their head to speak.

Boss: "Obviously the Chinese people have ignored our demands. The White House has also turned a blind eye to our threats. It seems that our attacks have not made them feel pain."

"In this case, the second phase can begin."

Hunter: "I am ready."

Child: "Ha ha ha ha, finally wait until this moment!"

Ghost: "The vest I mixed in the Red League of China has noticed that they seem to be organizing people to prepare for revenge on the voting system of the White House official website."

Child: "Haha, this idiot has finally done a good thing. I have long watched the stupid people on Capitol Hill."

Hunter: "The White House and Capitol Hill seem to be two places."

Child: "Who cares? Anyway, it's the same!"

Ghost: "Right, why didn't the lone wolf come? He didn't mean that he found the work unit of the chief designer Lu Academician, and did they get rid of their university official website?"

Child: "Whoever you call him, I don't feel comfortable when I don't listen to him bragging."

Dr. z: "He won't come: p"

A strange id suddenly appeared in the discussion group.

The entire discussion group was like a general ban, and it was quietly quiet.

A two-story cottage in Los Angeles.

A room full of computer cases and screens, a man who was about thirty years old and staring at the screen of a laptop, suddenly stunned.

Dr. z?

Whose name is it?

Is it a lone wolf's vest?

No, he said it several times. The discussion group was not allowed to open the vest...

At the same time, in the discussion group.

Hunter: "Who are you?"

Ghost: "Which brother is this vest?"

Child: "Hey, man, please change the id we usually use for communication, otherwise we will not only kick you out, but also give you a little color. This is not a joke."

Dr. Z: "I am Dr. Z. The owner said that this is my name. You can call me like this. (??????)??"

Hunter: "...?"


The style of the discussion group is a bit strange.

They have been on the dark network for so many years, although they have seen a lot of hackers, but have never heard of a master who is good at using facial words.

Yes, this guy is a master.

Almost everyone has no doubt about this.

This forum hangs on the dark network, the server is in the hands of the boss, can get the permission of the encrypted discussion group from the boss server, either the vest is the boss himself, or someone has installed the back door in his server.

Who is this guy? !

Staring at the discussion group for a while, about a 30-year-old man quickly got up from the seat, took the laptop to the side chair, and began to operate on another keyboard connected to the server host.

His name is Minette, an insignificant little staff who works at a software company in Los Angeles. If he is the only one who is different from others, it is probably that he has a fascinating boss on the dark network!

As the leader of the predatory eagle, the man on the dark network, his own hacking skills naturally have nothing to say. Whether it is in the invasion or in defense, there is quite a set.

It is precisely because of this, the master of so many predatory eagle, will be assured to hand over the forum server to him to manage.

This is not only because he trusts his character, but also because he trusts his skills.

Now someone has actually crossed his authority to enter a confidential discussion group, which in his opinion is simply unbelievable...

I checked the server from start to finish and found no signs of being left behind. Minette's expression gradually appeared a dignified, and then there was a bad feeling spread throughout the body.

I didn't have time to think about how the other party locked his server, and I didn't have time to think about how their forum was excavated from the bottomless dark net. He immediately rushed to the laptop and quickly typed.

Boss: "Everyone immediately withdraws from the discussion group! Start the fourth phase of the plan directly. Now, there is no limit to the means, no limit, no change, and each is fighting! Long live the predatory eagle! Stars and stripes never fall!"

Obviously not only he was aware of it alone.

Almost when his message came out, the ids in the discussion group went offline one by one.

Although for these hackers who are used to being free and sloppy, most of them usually have no discipline and do not listen to the command, but when they threaten the safety of their lives and property, their performance is often unexpectedly unified...

After doing all this, Minette quickly pushed the laptop away and hit the keyboard with both hands.

Since the other party can enter the discussion group he set up encryption.

Sadly, he may have obtained the administrator privileges of his server, copied all the data in his server... including chat records that can be testified in court.

Minette was cold and sweaty, and the hands on the keyboard had been turned into a residual image.

Even if the cable is useless, he must find the trace of the other party's invasion and break into his computer before the other party responds, deleting all the evidence.

Otherwise, it’s just the things in his server that are enough for him to go to prison in the next century...

Fortunately, the other party was stupid enough to go to his server to leave a message, which saved him a lot of time.

But even so, his chances are only once!

The ten fingers turned into a residual image on the keyboard. When Minette was desperately seeking survival, he suddenly saw it with the lingering light. The id, like a ghost, appeared again in the discussion group.

Dr. Z: "That, I think you will be better at surrendering yourself. Although your efforts are very hard, I feel that it is useless to leave the discussion group or hack into my computer. ('?? ?\')"

At the moment of seeing this text, Minette’s heart was shocked. First, he looked around and looked at it. Finally, his eyes quickly locked another laptop on the table behind him.

It doesn't matter if this looks, his face will be white.

Sure enough, what he fears the most and can't believe is still happening.

I saw that I didn’t know when it started, and the red dot that marked the camera was already lit.

Because it is often necessary to bring out, it is the only notebook in his entire room that has no tape attached to the camera, and it is also the most unlikely book to be blacked out...

The face of the earthy Minette, sitting on the office chair with a blank expression, completely abandoned the struggle in front of this almost supernatural power.

Standing back to the laptop, he said to himself.

"How did you do it... Why? I couldn't find the trace of your invasion? Even before you appeared in the discussion group, I didn't set a warning. You guys... are people or ghosts? ?"

It seems as if he heard his self-talk.

Or, I heard it.

In the position where he had previously knocked out the code, there was a ghost that was typing for him and knocked out a string of characters.

Dr. z: "Because your password is too weak, I will come in directly with your alternate administrator account. (╯▽╰)"

There was a stunned smile on his face, as if he had been a teenager for a moment, and he was silent for a while in the face of the full screen.

Struggling is no longer useful.

He took out a lighter and smoked him. He never smoked in the computer room, but it was broken.

Nostalgia took a sip of this murky smell, and he spit out a smoke ring.

"Do I still have time to surrender?"

Dr. Z: "I don't know, it depends on the speed of the police uncle. ('???\')"-

(Thanks to the geemiao's lord for rewarding ~ I was prepared to have salted fish yesterday, but I saw so many monthly tickets, so much reward, I couldn't help but climb up and bleed. (Crazy hint.jpg))

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