Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 922: BOSS is off the net! The hacker community is shaking! (1/4)

For hackers who are active on the dark, today is definitely an extraordinary day.

With the "Meeting of the Hadron Hadron Collider, which is being held in Shanghai," and "Five Million Dollars" as the fuse, the well-known North American hacker organization "The Predatory Eagle" declared war on the Chinese Internet.

In less than 12 hours, more than 50 web servers or domain names were hijacked, and more than 20 companies reported losses of more than $500,000.

Seeing that the war has further expanded, just when everyone is ready to watch the movie and eat melon, this war without smoke is abruptly stopped.

Yes, it just came to an abrupt end.

Not only that, but several well-known ids that were originally active in the hacker circle did not have any interest, nor did they know whether they had escaped or retired. In short, they disappeared from the dark network like humans evaporate.

Especially the boss.

Even if he is abandoning the organization of the predatory eagle, he is also one of the best hackers in the hacker circle. Fbi has been looking for him to find his whereabouts for so many years, enough to show how powerful his skills are.

However, now this person seems to have been erased from the network, not only the transaction posts hanging on the black market have not responded, the personal technology blog has also stopped updating, and the personal forum is directly "not-found".

It’s like a spooky event...

A well-known Internet technology exchange forum in a certain circle of the dark network.

Many scholars engaged in information security technology, white hats serving well-known Internet companies, or black hats that still do not have gold basins to wash their hands, all have their own vests on the forum, and from time to time exchange some industry news or technology.

Because this predatory eagle’s war on the Internet in China was particularly troublesome, almost half of the people in the forum were discussing this matter, so the moderator simply pulled out a separate section of the topic...

[Who knows what happened? 】

[One hour has passed, are the "birdies" giving up? 】

[No, it seems that one hour ago, I saw that the defense on the other side of China was still very passive. Basically, I was struggling to save the fire. They didn’t make sense to prevent such a big advantage from chasing after the victory. Instead, they retired. 】

[Which big boss has a mailbox for the boss? Would you like to ask what the big brother is doing now? The fight started to play, can't just forget it. 】

[It is said that it was caught. 】

After the news came out, the post was silent for a while.

After ten minutes, only one reply broke the silence.

【impossible? 】

[Yes, he is a boss! I have seen him let the atm of the 14th Street in Long Island, New York, screaming at the banknotes. Fbi has found him for so many years without finding others. It is unreasonable to be caught. 】

[That is. 】

Almost no one believes that this hacker circle veteran who has been in the hacker for many years is so smashed on the battlefield of the Western Pacific.

For the majority of insiders, the "birds" of the predatory eagle have failed to show their feet, and at most they have been crouching for a while, and will wait until the limelight has passed.

It is too difficult to locate a highly skilled and experienced hacker in the world of three dimensions.

Especially for the big cow of boss, as long as he does not want to be caught, it is almost impossible to be caught.

Just when everyone is talking about what the members of the Predatory Eagle are planning, what is happening in an unknown evening newspaper in Los Angeles, not only beaten everyone’s face, but also let all People who are concerned about the latest developments in the incident, almost stunned the chin on the ground...

"The people are getting it!" The well-known criminal organization "predatory eagle" leader boss was arrested! 》

The news came out...

The entire hacker circle is boiling! ! !


Since receiving the e-mail in the middle of the night, the key tasks of the 2.17 cybercrime squad have changed from reinforcement defense to detection of those ips revealed by the mail.

Although there are many doubts about the source of the mail, it seems that this is the only clue they have.

Especially after seeing the id of Dr. Z, Director Li seems to understand what it is like. He pats the chest with the head of Hong to ensure that he can trace the clues provided by this email and find out what is useful.

Although I am not very convinced of the opinions of the layman from the Science and Technology Bureau, after all, the official is not only able to crush the dead, but Director Hong has raised enough attention and done it according to what Director Li said.

It is not an easy task to investigate ip outside the country. In particular, there is not enough evidence that the police in the country where the party is located may not cooperate with the police, but when they find that an ip is actually located in the territory, all the problems seem to be solved.

Director Hong immediately called the Ministry of Public Security to contact the Ministry of Public Security and contacted the local police station through the Ministry of Public Security. After 20 minutes of investigation and round-up, the hacker who called the "child" was locked and captured on the spot.

It’s beyond everyone’s expectations.

In stark contrast to the id name, the hacker who was captured did not look at the word "child" and was obviously a pair of middle-aged uncles in their thirties.

According to the passive quiet awakening to see the lively neighborhood neighbors said that the criminal suspect has been at home for many years, the family is not rich, but it seems that the big hands and feet are not very lack of money.

In this "child" home, the police easily found the electronic equipment used for committing crimes, as well as the laptops and mobile phones he used.

Through a survey of his social account, the police found that the suspect not only liked to publish some anti-social remarks, but also had extreme hatred towards the country and the organization.

According to his confession, he was brought into the hacking organization called "The Predatory Eagle" by the boss last year, and provided the organization with a number of "broilers" located in the territory, used as a springboard for cyber attacks.

As for the motive of committing crimes, there is no need to ask at all, naturally it is to vent their dissatisfaction with society...


At four o'clock in the middle of the night, the sky is already bright.

Director Hong, who was drinking coffee, looked at Director Li and asked, "Do you know Dr. Z?"

After blowing the hot air on the thermos cup, the more the night, the more spiritual, the more, the Secretary Li said with a smile: "I am not afraid of jokes. Actually, I am not sure whether I will recognize him."

Not sure if you don't know?

"Then how do you decide that he must be right..." Suddenly realized something, Director Hong coughed. "Of course, it turns out that he is indeed right. I have no intention of inquiring about the protection of the reporter. The identity is just a little curious, I don't know if you are not convenient to answer my confusion."

Director Li: "In fact, there is no special reason. I believe him because he has helped us."

The head of Hong was unclear, so he frowned and asked: "Help us?"

"That was about half a year ago," floated a trace of memories of the past. Director Li holding a thermos cup in his hand, continued with a voice of nostalgia, "just six months ago, Ares plans. With a big scorpion, we launched a spaceship to Mars for humanitarian reasons..."

The old man’s storytelling sounded in the office.

From the rescue of Mars, the invasion of Martian bacteria was mentioned. The more the Secretary Li spoke, the more excited he was, and even put down the thermos in his hand, and he made a lot of gestures with his hands.

It was not until the office rang a snoring sound that he stopped his words and stopped to speak...

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