Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 923: The identity of Dr. Z! (2/4)

2.17 The cybercrime case was uncovered, and the news that the "predatory eagle" hacker criminal organization mastermind "boss" was arrested not only sensationalized the hacker circle, but also sensationalized the field of network information security, but also set a huge huge on the entire Internet. Waves.

No one had thought that the police who had been arrested for a thief for ten days and a half, the speed of solving the case was so fast, and they caught such a big fish in a blink of an eye.

What is even more unexpected is that the "boss" that has been wanted by fbi for almost ten years actually lives in the second-floor villa of the bustling Xingangtan, and there is a police station five hundred meters away.

According to the person who did not want to be named, the reason why the Los Angeles police locked the perpetrator so quickly was because of an anonymous email.

The policeman did not leave any contact information, only a strange name in the cloud.

This name is really quite a cloud.

The reporters of the Los Angeles Daily almost went through the door of experts in the field of information security in Los Angeles, and did not find a clue about the name.

It’s like this person is coming out of thin air.

Some people speculate that this Dr. Z may be an information technology expert in the Chinese network war force. After all, less than 10 hours after the news of the mastermind's arrest, the Chinese side then reported that the id was "child". From the news of the arrest of the net.

It is also speculated that this Dr. Z may be a high-powered red guest, and this kind of remark is also the most market-oriented. After all, in the eyes of many Americans, Asians are better at learning mathematics and computers, and have almost become a fast. It has risen to a high degree of consensus on species and ethnic discrimination.

Others based on this name associated with the Martian bacteria incident some time ago. At the time, it seemed to be a biologist who asked not to be named. He published a key paper to solve the problem for the international team of experts on vaccine technology. The key idea...

However, the persuasiveness of this kind of speculation is not great. After all, Dr. Z is a big cow in the biological field, and the information technology gossip can't be beaten. People are more willing to believe that Dr. Z may be just the name of the hacker who asked not to be named, borrowed from the sensational news of last year.

It’s like a dart of Batman, a mask of the V-Vendetta...

It is more like a symbol than a certain symbol...

In any case, it is too horrible to be able to directly lock the ip of the leader of the Predator Eagle to the Interpol along with the evidence of his previous bad deeds.

Not only is fbi investigating the identity of Dr. Z, but the major Internet companies in Silicon Valley are also coveting the big cow's ability.

It is said that several Internet companies such as Amazon and Microsoft are already asking who Dr. Z is. Apple’s ceo even publicly stated on Facebook that if Dr. Z intends to use his technology to do something meaningful for the world. Things can be considered to come to work for Apple, and Apple will pay him at least $5 million in annual salary...


That night, after handing over the counterattack to Xiao Ai, Lu Zhou sat on the bed and flipped a note about Riemann's conjecture for a while. He reviewed the research of the previous period and felt sleepy and fell asleep in bed.

Perhaps because of the tiredness of the day yesterday, he felt that he slept directly to noon.

Since the topic that needs to be discussed today was basically killed by him during the day, he had a loose schedule for the whole day, and it was not until 3 pm that there was a seminar that required him to attend.

Stretched out of bed and sat up, Lu Zhou touched the phone from the bedside table and glanced at it. He found that the WeChat message was brushed more than a dozen, and they were all sent by Luo Shixiong.

"...mmp, a big man sent so many messages early in the morning to harass me to make wool."

In the mouth, he sighed, and the sleepy Lu Zhou swept his unread message.

Crossing the full screen of the expression and exclamation mark, he only saw the two capitalized words of "Bai Ni" and "Yi Qi".

Seeing this, the pajamas suddenly swept away, and Lu Zhou raised his mouth and smiled.

I want to come, Luo brother is probably on the collar to brush the melon that I want to eat.

In this way, the things he is expecting will probably have results.

Shaking his head, Lu Zhou did not return to him, left the phone aside, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV that was facing the bed, and transferred to the international news channel.

Not surprisingly, the news is reporting what happened last night.

The mastermind was arrested and the suspect was arrested. This cyber war can be said to have ended in the victory of the Chinese nation.

For these news, Lu Zhou is not surprised at all. Although there is sometimes a small problem in understanding ability, Xiao Ai in the field of information technology is still strong.

The only thing that made Lu Zhou a little surprised and even stunned was that in the hacking organization of what eagle, what kind of bad luck is the domestic?

This special...

Is it too much to think about?

After watching the news, Lu Zhou turned off the TV, just put down the remote control, and the mobile phone resting on the bedside table shook.

This time, the news was sent by Xiao Ai. He didn’t even have to look at it. This little guy must have come to invite.

Xiao Ai: [Master, Xiao Ai is not super powerful! Φ(≧≦*)】

Lu Zhou: "Is it all done?"

Xiao Ai: [Well! According to the owner's instructions, the evidence is handed over to the police uncle! ()

I can't wait to hold a mobile phone and kiss, Lu Zhou couldn't help but praise: "Make it beautiful!"

Xiao Ai: [You are welcome, please praise me! Φ(≧≦*)】

Lu Zhou: "..."

This guy, I don’t know how to be modest.

Can't you learn your own master?

Xiao Ai, who was on the excitement, was put aside for a while. After Lu Zhou got up from the bed and did not care about wearing clothes, he went to the table and sat down to open the computer.

After logging into the browser on the collar, he found that the hacker organization called "The Predator" was once again hot searched, but this time it was the news of their arrest...

[From the Internet to the net, 24 hours of shock, "Glutinous Chicken" for your deep affection! (funny)】

[Too powerful, our mysterious unit defeated the American hacker in one day! 】

[According to the rumor that a red guest named Dr. Z took the job, a person singled out the North American hacker organization, and all the members of the real ip network, from the intrusion to the alarm in one go! 】

[Impossible, I remember Dr. Z is not studying biology? 】

[Maybe it is a name? Or it is a vest of Dr. Z. Anyway, thanks to him, I don’t know how many websites have suffered from the server! 】

Seeing these comments, Lu Zhou couldn't help but smile, and even had a feeling of becoming a superhero.

Of course, he also knows that this is mainly the credit of Xiao Ai and Quantum Computer.

However, considering that Xiao Ai and Quantum Computer are his things, it is no problem to round off it.

Just as Lu Zhou was smug, a bunch of bubbles popped up in the lower right corner of the computer.

[Master, do you want to wear a dress or something first? Although Xiao Ai is not very concerned about it. ()

Seeing this line of text, Lu Zhou squinted a little, then immediately looked at himself in the mirror next to his eyes.


Well, he admits that it’s a bit of a hot eye without wearing clothes and playing with a computer.

But there are no other people in this room. What if it doesn't matter?

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou looked at the computer strangely, without words.

"You are not ai."

Xiao Ai: [The words are correct, but Xiao Ai is only 7 years old and a half, is this really good? (\')

Lu Zhou: "..."

It’s really a problem, is there anything wrong?

Suddenly thought of something, Lu Zhou heart slightly moved, immediately said: "Right, do not allow to open the camera casually, unless I allow it, or my order does have the necessary to do so."

Xiao Ai: [唔......Σ(°△°)_]

Reaching out to close the computer cover, got up and walked to the hanger to take off the hanging formal dress and put it on. The boat standing in front of the mirror made a whole tie, fiddled with the hair, and finally nodded with satisfaction.

Yes, today the professor is as handsome as ever.

Just then, the phone on the bedside table rang.

Going forward to pick up the phone, Lu Zhou said, clearing the voice.


At the end of the phone, Secretary Li’s voice came.

"Is it free?"

Lu Zhou looked at the table below and replied casually: "Yes, what happened?"

Director Li: "It’s just a meal, come to the cafeteria. I want to talk to you during lunch time." Mobile version URL: m.

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