Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 924: No wonder so many people want to be a master (3/4)


Hotel buffet restaurant.

As soon as Lu Zhougang came in, he saw Director Li sitting at the table by the window.

Going over and sitting down in his opposite seat, looking at the panda-like eye bags, Lu Zhou sighed slightly and asked strangely.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I didn't sleep for a night," the hand that was holding the eyebrows moved away, and Director Li got up and looked at Lu Zhou with a serious expression. "Remember the cyber attack that I told you yesterday." According to news from Interpol, the principal has been arrested in Los Angeles."

Lu Zhou: "...oh."

The news that I already know is listening to others, and I always feel that I have a feeling of fried rice.

However, Director Li did not seem to be aware of it, and continued to say with a serious expression.

"... From the offense, we have already captured a criminal who is located in the territory. As for other criminals, we submitted the information to Interpol. The people of the Ministry of Public Security also took the documents to the country where the suspect was located. The local police handled the case."

Lu Zhou: "Yeah."

Director Li: "You don't seem strange?"

Lu Zhou: "..."

What is so strange?

Don't say that this news has been searched hot for a morning. What you said is not necessarily the wonderful thing to eat.

Always staring at the eyes of Lu Zhou, Director Li suddenly asked.

"To tell the truth, how do you know the identity of a hacker?"

For this suggestive question, Lu Zhou first glimpsed, then reacted and looked at him in an inexplicable expression.

"What happened on the Internet? I got it early in the morning."

However, Li, who failed the temptation, was not discouraged. He continued to say uncomfortably: "...In this case, we have also got help from the high-ranking people. If someone has provided me with those clues, I am afraid that I am still around. Under the disadvantage of fire fighting."

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "I have heard of it. It seems to be Dr. Z. One person took the gun and horse into the base camp of the North American hacker. He was the master of the ‘predatory eagle’ and he was a master.”

Without seeing anything from Lu Zhou’s face, Director Li’s expression was slightly disappointing, but he soon recovered.

Originally, Dr. Z did not have any relationship with Lu Zhou. Moreover, apart from him, it is entirely possible for the information security experts of Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies to do it.

The reason why I just tried to satisfy my personal curiosity.

Even if Lu Zhou is really this Dr. Z, if he does not intend to make it public, he will not make himself publicly public.

After stopping the temptation, Secretary Li cleared his throat and talked about the real purpose of his trip to find him.

"This 2.17 cybercrime case has been ruined, and it has ended in a big win. But it also reminds us that we must strengthen the defense in the field of cyber security. Especially in this cyber attack, the hostile forces use it. The Internet as a medium illegally spreads quite sensitive information and poses a threat to our social stability. The central government prepares"

Lu Zhou said with a light cough: "I probably understand the situation, but I am just engaged in mathematics. You and I said this thing... Is it the wrong person?"

I don't know if it is his illusion.

I always feel that Secretary Li, it seems that he has defaulted to Dr. Z.

This can't be done...

Even if you have to expose it in the end, you have to let you guess for a while?

Or is he not wearing this vest?

"You listened to me," cleared the scorpion, and Director Li continued with a serious expression. "In response to possible threats, the central government intends to spend huge sums of money to develop mature quantum computer technology to strengthen the active defense of our network and the necessary The ability to counter."

Mature quantum computer technology?

Although Lu Zhou is supportive of this decision of the central government, it always feels that it is a slot.

After hesitating, Lu Zhou finally couldn’t help but ask: "Where do you eat oranges, where are the oranges?"

I am already working on super projects, and the fifth largest semiconductor industry group is also a big project to burn money.

The amount of money burned by him last year was not as high as 10 billion, and it was not a thing to open a printing machine.

"This... I have to thank you for speaking." Director Li was embarrassed and smiled. "Since the implementation of the Southeast Asian regional power grid plan, it has achieved initial results. Southeast Asian countries have stopped after enjoying clean and cheap nuclear fusion energy. It’s not down. At present, this piece has already created at least 50 billion U.S. dollars in revenue for us, and it is still growing. This year’s national research funding is still quite adequate.”

When I heard this, Lu Zhou’s heart was in a good position.

It turned out to be the case.

No wonder there is money to toss him.

If this is two years ago, even if he smashed his mouth, it would not be possible to get the project of this Moon Hadron Collider.

At present, the aerospace industry can only say that it is barely balanced, and it will take some time to prove that his decision is correct.

It seems that nuclear fusion is the most profitable.

Excessive electronic power is directly and cheaply exported to neighboring countries, squeezing local high-pollution power plants such as coal-fired power by one-tenth of the price. As the cross-regional grid continues to move toward West Asia and Southeast Asia, East Asia Power will become the second China Tobacco one day sooner or later.

Director Li: "In short, you don't have to worry about the funds. The money is impossible. You didn't talk to me last time? Can the carbon-based chip become a stepping stone for 'quantum topological computing'? Still studying how to spend this money, I just want to ask, is this technical route to develop a practical quantum computer with carbon-based chips, is it reliable?"

Lu Zhou said with a smile, "You asked this question... Can I say it is not reliable? You are looking for someone with an irrelevant interest to consult?"

"The suspect does not ask, ask people no doubt," Secretary Li shook his head and said seriously. "I believe that you are a scholar of seeking truth from facts. It is impossible to sell your faith for this little profit."

In fact, Lu Zhou would like to say that this is no longer a small profit, and he wants to say that he is an atheist. There is no such thing as belief in the pursuit of the truth of the universe.

However, there is one point that Secretary Li is right.

He is indeed a scholar who seeks truth from facts.

Sighing, Lu Zhou thought for a while and said with a serious voice: "The material used in the carbon-based chip can find the Mayorana fermion. This is indeed a good start. In theory, as long as it can be on a certain material. Achieving direct observation of the pure Majolana zero-energy mode has the potential to achieve quantum topology calculations."

Director Li’s heart was suddenly hot, his hands were on his knees and asked excitedly.

"What do you mean, is there a way to do this?"

"I didn't say that," he said, looking at his excitement. Lu Zhou said seriously, "It is not feasible to go through rigorous technical arguments, instead of seeing a lot of money and throwing money into it, otherwise there will be hope. I am annihilated."

Gradually calmed down, Secretary Li pondered for a moment and asked seriously.

"Then what do you think should be done."

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said: "My opinion is that you should not be in a hurry to come up with big moves. You can find several experts in the field to carefully examine the technical feasibility argument and confirm that this technical route is possible. After you have made it, it’s not too late to pay for it.”

This is the safest approach and the safest approach.

If the technical route proves to be feasible, directly upgrade the expert group engaged in technical feasibility demonstration to the R&D team, and the project can be launched immediately.

Investing in the situation without seeing the bright forward, it is a waste of social resources, but it may also have a negative impact on the industry because of overheated capital.

These things need to be prevented.

“It’s also true,” Secretary Li sighed. “I’m eager for quick success, or a little better!”

After thinking for a moment, he continued to speak.

"When I get back to the bureau, I will make the relevant documents and set up a panel of experts on the feasibility of quantum topology computing technology... Can you recommend any cows?"

Lu Zhou thought about it: "Professor Wu Tianqun, carbon-based semiconductor technology is made by his team. In addition, some experts who are engaged in the direction of quantum computing are needed. You let me report the name directly to me for a while. I really can't think of it, or I will go back and prepare a list for you."

Seeing that Lu Zhou is willing to help, Secretary Li was very happy.

"Thank you!"

After eating lunch, Director Li did not stay in the hotel. He had already slept for a night, and he quickly left with Lu Zhou and took the car parked at the door.

Looking at the old man's swaying look, Lu Zhou was a bit worried about whether he would fall or not.

I didn’t sleep for a night, it’s the body of my young man, and I don’t necessarily live.

Shaking his head, Lu Zhou took out the mobile phone and wrote the recommended candidate for the expert panel of the technical argument into the memo.

But at this moment, he suddenly had a strange idea.

How to arrange the candidates of this expert group basically depends on how to push people up. If all of them recommend "the person of their own", is it not monopolizing the future of Quanguo's entire quantum computing research direction?

However, this idea is just a flash of glory...

Somehow, at this time he suddenly remembered a person.

The old academician who had been with him on the controllable fusion project was said to have not been from the beginning, but the deputy.

Shaking his head, Lu Zhou stuffed his phone back into his pocket and gave a sigh of relief.

"It's no wonder that so many people have thought about being a schoolmaster and want to be a schoollor."

"The right poison is really addictive..."

Although, the attraction to him is quite limited...m.

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