White House.

Office of the President.

Since the fbi director Muller entered, the assistant to the office of the president sitting at the door of the office can hear from time to time, and there is a man’s loud thunder behind the door.

"What are you doing this idiot!"

Standing in front of the president, Director Muller breathed and confessed to the mistake: "This is our dereliction of duty... We expected those people to do it, but they did not expect them to move so fast."

Although it is a pleasant thing to see the loss of the Chinese people, the White House definitely does not want to see this thing at this festival.

Negotiations on the international lunar Hadron collider are still going on. They have managed to draw a group of teammates through diplomatic means, prepare to put pressure on the budget committee, and win the national committee responsible for budget approval. More authority to approve outside the budget.

However, their plans are now completely disrupted.

Because the cyberattacks broke out, not only did their allies cast a strange sight on them, but they also made many swinging neutral countries doubt whether Americans really want to participate in this international project.

Maybe, they in the United States just want to spoil the situation at this meeting? Isn't it the idea of ​​cooperation?

It is the individual who will have such doubts.

After all, China is a challenger to American space hegemony, and the relationship between the two sides has not been harmonious...

Just then, the phone on the table rang.

The president took a deep breath and walked over. He looked at who was hit and pressed the hands-free.

The call was connected and the voice of Director Carson was immediately transmitted.

"it's me."

President: "I know it is you, have something to say!"

Although it seems that the president’s mood is not very good, this kind of thing is not easy to ask.

With a hint of exhaustion, Carson, who was on the phone, cleared his throat and said.

"The Chinese side is putting pressure on us. The **** idiots, I drafted a plan for the budget committee for one night. Today I just took it out at the conference table and I was thrown out by the Chinese people. The things have been blocked. They are now eager to make this a big deal and plan to get it at the negotiating table."

Taking a deep breath, he continued with a hint of tone.

"This is good. We are now at an absolute disadvantage at the negotiating table. Even the neutrals that have already fallen to us have expressed their serious concern about our domestic cybersecurity issues and new fears. ""

The president couldn't help but ask: "You haven't refuted the group of Chinese people. The cyber attack and the hadron collider are two different things?"

"I said, but they started to plant us, saying that the predatory eagle may be supported by the federal government, and the expression of the wind and the shadow has already obtained certain evidence, but it needs further confirmation..." said Carson’s director paused here. After a moment, hesitantly said, "I will ask by the way, it won't..."

Slightly stunned, I heard the meaning of this sentence, the president categorically vetoed: "How is it possible! How can I approve such a stupid plan! What is the benefit of destroying the servers of several Chinese websites? You said, Mr. Muller."

Being stared at by the president with a murderous eye, Muller hurriedly nodded: "Of course! I will never let my hand go on doing this stupid thing... but just in case, I suggest that we still call the cia people to ask. Maybe, they will do it."

"Now is not the time to ask who is responsible," said the director of the phone, Carson, who looked at his eyebrows in a headache and said in a tired tone. "The situation may not be good for us. My suggestion is... play in China. Before, make appropriate concessions. Otherwise, it is hard to say whether they will reconsider whether our participation is really necessary..."

The office was quiet in an instant.

It seems as if a needle falls on the ground and it is clearly audible.

Is there a need to participate...

In the eyes of the president, there is a bit of bitter taste.

If someone said this to him ten years ago, he would definitely think that this person is joking with him, and with a laugh.

There is no industrial chain in this world, and it can be separated from the United States. No large international scientific research project involving more than 50 countries can be organized without the United States.

But now...

Some people are actually thinking about how to euphemistically kick them out of the group?

This world must be crazy.

Silenced for about ten minutes, the president walked to the chair behind the desk and sat down.

The index finger tapped on the table, and he said with a tired voice.

"...other conditions are appropriately relaxed as appropriate, and the allies' demands are temporarily released, but you must ensure that we have at least three seats with full voting rights on the budget committee. This is not to be discussed."

Regardless of whether the Chinese people really intend to do so, he does not dare to gamble.

It is true that the United States needs the United States, but it is now obvious that the United States needs China more than that...

The director of the phone, Carson, nodded and sighed.

"……I try my best."

After hanging up the phone, the president slammed his fist on the table, and he did not know who cursed who cursed.

"This **** idiot!"

Looking at the tempered president, Director Muller couldn’t speak if he held his breath.

Because of the spoiler of the predatory eagle, the United States is now at a disadvantage in the entire negotiations.

If Russia can't stand firm in the negotiations of the budget committee, it is almost inevitable for the Chinese people to take advantage of it...

No, to be precise, the Siberian bears must not stand firm.

As long as the Chinese people give them a little benefit, they will loosen up on the issue of the vital interests of other partner countries. After all, they have not made a lot of money, just to get together a lively look...


For Lu Zhou, what happened on the Internet was just an episode.

Regardless of whether the Predatory Eagle is supported by the White House, these trivial things are not important at all.

The ultimate source of all the ips that launched the attack came from the United States. As long as they bite this, China can be invincible in this public opinion battle and get enough compensation in the negotiations on the budget committee. ".

Of course, the crux of the matter is that this seminar was held in Beijing, and the initiative has always been here on the Lunar Track Construction Committee.

Absolute strength is the guarantee of cooperation.

Otherwise, even if such a "misunderstanding" occurs, according to American habits, the high probability will not be the same thing at all.

These days, Lu Zhou is actively participating in the preparatory work for the Hakata Hadron Collider Research Center, while helping Li to select the list of expert groups for technical feasibility studies.

When he really started doing this, Lu Zhou discovered that it was really difficult to avoid suspicion.

Software engineering, Jinling University itself is relatively strong in the top five universities. There are two big cows in the software institute who are engaged in the direction of quantum computing, one is even academician.

If he just removed his name in order to avoid suspicion, it would be unfair to him. So after thinking twice, Lu Zhou wrote the names of them.

As for the other experts, some from Yanda, from the water wood, a total of ten people, the lineup is still balanced, it is rain and dew. Then, until the selection of Lu Zhou, he discovered that he was unconsciously thinking about things outside of academics.

"People are involuntarily in the rivers and lakes."

Lu Zhou, who was dumbfounded, shook his head, but he decided to make up his mind in the heart. He wouldn’t take this trouble to himself again next time, and then sent the email to Director Li’s mailbox.

Finally it is done!

After doing these things, Lu Zhou stretched out and was getting ready to get up and get some coffee.

However, at this time, an unread email suddenly flew into his mailbox.

Seeing the name, Lu Zhou eyebrows slightly picked.

Professor Wu Tianqun?

Is this to say that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here?

With a curious mood, he opened the e-mail and Lu Zhou quickly glanced at it.

As the saying goes, the shorter the word, the greater the amount of information.

The body of this email has only one sentence in total.

[The research on carbon-based chips has progressed! ! ! 】


(Thanks to the silver medal of the medking "medking"! The first silver ally in ginseng! And it is still two times, so excited! Let me go to the circle of friends (xuan) swell (yao), thank you again !!!

It feels like a painful and happy thing. Although the liver is a little painful, I will try my best! This week, it continues to break out! Qaq). m.

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