Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 926: I am so angry! (1/4)

After a week-long "friendly consultation", the first International Lunar Hadron Collider seminar was finally ushered in the final closing ceremony.

Regardless of the outcome of the discussions in the meeting, whether everyone can be satisfied, but the countries that have gathered together always come up with a solution that can be accepted by most people.

At least, to a certain extent, can accept...

At the closing ceremony of the meeting.

In front of the camera of the world's major news media, the director of the China Aerospace Agency on the red carpet shook hands with Nasa Director Carson and smiled.

“I am very pleased to reach a consensus with you.”

"Yes, me too, very happy..."

Shaking hands with the Director of the China Space Agency, Director Carson's face pulled a reluctant smile, but the expression could not make people feel happy.

There was a warm applause around.

The camera stands on the side and records the moment of this century.

Standing on the edge of the venue, I found a position where no one was standing. Looking at the director of Carson, who was smiling on the stage, Lu Zhou did not know why he was a little bit distressed for him.

"Our Director Carson doesn't seem very happy?"

After hearing this sentence, Li, who stood next to Lu Zhou, smiled and smiled. His expression was slightly stunned. "I was forced to bleed in the negotiation of the budget committee. I don't think the individual would feel happy." ”

Lu Zhou looked at Director Li and asked: "In fact, I am very curious, what are you asking for?"

In the past seven days, Lu Zhou was mainly responsible for technical discussions.

Or more accurately, it is to ensure that the original design plan can be harassed without the singular improvement suggestions recommended by the partners, and will be implemented smoothly before the end of the month.

As for the negotiation at the official level, it involves the issue of the distribution of interests. He really didn't pay much attention to it, so it is inevitable that he is curious.

After hearing Lu’s question, Director Li did not squat, and smiled and said: “It’s not what we asked, but we rejected most of their requests.”

A strange expression appeared on his face, Lu Zhou asked.

"Do they agree?"

"Okay, regardless of the disagreement, this time we have the upper hand. The next meeting is a year later, I hope that we can still have the upper hand at that time." Smiled, Director Li turned and looked at Lu Zhou, took a picture. His arm, "The negotiation of diplomacy is a matter of grinding the skin, but the key is to look at the strength of the two sides. Whoever asks for it, otherwise people are not willing to talk to you, you have nothing to do. What we can do too Only these, to retain our current advantages, will ultimately depend on you."

Lu Zhou smiled: "You don't have to worry about this alone."

Director Li Zheng nodded and nodded: "With your words, I will be relieved!"

With the end of the International Lunar Hadron Collider seminar, the specific construction plan was quickly put on the agenda. The first experimental orbital components have been transported to the Jinling Space Launch Center, waiting for the Xiangrui to send it to the high-altitude outer space, and then the bridge is transported to the lunar orbit.

In addition, the team of engineers responsible for the construction will also take the spacecraft to the Moon Palace Space Station before the end of the month, and begin to advance this century project in accordance with the established construction plan.

At the same time, the ground research center of the Hadron Hadron Collider, along with the results of the discussion at the meeting, came to Shanghai in a logical way.

After learning the news, Lu Zhou was also in the heart for a while.

In fact, he used to think that the headquarters of this international lunar plane Hadron collider will come to Beijing. As a result, it seems that in the aspect of politics and smell, the younger sister who is a little bit stunned is better than him.

As the school sister said in his visit to his home a few days ago, whether it is intentional or not, the central government is indeed promoting the construction of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.

This time imr's headquarters landed on Shanghai, it is an obvious signal.

The future of Beijing will be the center of China, and the future Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration will become the political and cultural research center of the entire Asian region, and even the world...

A magnificent blueprint has emerged in the mind of Lu Zhou.

If her speculation is correct, perhaps he should really pay more attention to the plan...


On the second day of the closing of the International Lunar Hadron Collider Symposium, at the entrance of the Beijing National Hotel, the taxis that lined up were in a constant stream.

With the end of the meeting, scholars from all over the world and high-level officials from all over the world who have spent a week in China have also arrived at their respective countries.

Looking at the grand occasion of this person, the academician of the French Physical Society, Zhang Wenlong, who stood at the entrance of the hotel, said with a few words of emotion, and the academician of the Beijing Institute of Technology, Yang Xianzhi, who stood next to him, said.

"I still remember the first time I went to ern, and I followed my mentor. At that time, I first saw the physics bulls who had only seen in books and citations. I was excited. I didn't sleep all night."

"The next day I went to the lecture hall for a meeting. My tutor told me that in the future, our country can be like this. I didn't believe it at the time. It seems that my tutor has a foresight. I didn't expect that I could really see it in my lifetime. this day."

Standing next to Zhang’s academician, Academician Yang’s heart was also filled with emotions. He said: “Really, half of the physics scholars have come to Beijing, and it’s really heart-warming! Right, say How about getting up as an academician? I have been waiting for a long time, how can I not see others?"

"You said Dr. Lu?" Hearing this question, Academician Zhang said with a smile. "Then you can come late for a whole day. People seem to have packed their bags when they finished the closing ceremony yesterday morning! I still touched the elevator. When he got to him, he said hello to him, and he heard that he seemed to be in a hurry to get back to Jinling."

When I heard the words of Academician Zhang, Academician Yang gave a slight sigh, and said with a little regret: "Is so anxious to go? I also intend to ask him to go to the Polytechnic University?"

Zhang Yuanshi laughed and said: "Haha, then you have to tell him earlier. The academician of the army is a busy person. I heard that Wang Shicheng of Yanda, who has been swearing and talking for a few years, people I only went there once. And it seems that I have been dug up a corner."

Academician Yang was surprised to ask: "Is this still the case? Then, the pharaoh...the face is not lost."

Zhang Yuanshi sighed: "Hey, isn't it!"

When the two men were talking, a sudden cough came from the side.

Academician Zhang Wenlong, who is talking about the gossip, is a spirited person. He quickly looks back and sees the expressionless Wang Shicheng academician standing there.

I thought that I had just said his bad words. The expression of Academician Zhang Wenlong was a little embarrassed. He quickly made a haha ​​and said with a cheeky face.

"Wang Academician? Fortunately, I will be lucky, how are you... also here?"

"...The academician Zhang said with a smile, of course, I came to the meeting, naturally I live here."

Pi Xiao meat did not laugh at the corner of his mouth, Wang Shicheng reluctantly maintained this embarrassing topic, talking and laughing and chatting with the two.

However, no matter how he transferred the topic, he could feel the expression on the faces of the two old academicians, a little subtle and unnatural.

just like……

It is sympathy, or sorry for him.

At the thought of this, Wang Shicheng’s heart was a fire of namelessness.

Now the entire academic community has spread all over. Lu Zhou has dug up a corner of his wall from his International Center for Mathematical Research. He still doesn’t give him the head of Yan’s university, and he digs his face in front of him. That kind of.

The fist was unconsciously pinched, and the nails were deeply pierced into the flesh. Wang Shicheng simply could not wait to let Lu Zhou and the traitor live.


I am so angry!

The most irritating thing is that there is no way to take the guy. When you meet, you still have to smile on your face...

Too hateful!

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