Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 927: Carbon-based chips come out! (2/4)

Since receiving the email from Professor Wu, although people are still meeting in Beijing, the mind of Lu Zhou has already flown to Jinling, which is 100,000 miles away.

On the day of the closing of the conference, Lu Zhou, who just finished the closing speech at the closing ceremony, rushed to the Capital Airport and left the capital to return to Jinling.

As soon as the plane landed, the luggage that left the airport was not able to go home, and Wang Peng drove him directly to the Jinling Institute of Higher Education.

He rushed to the carbon-based semiconductor laboratory. When Lu Zhou’s forefoot had just stepped into the gate, Professor Wu Tianqun was busy with his students and researchers in front of a laboratory equipment.

When he saw Lu Zhou appearing at the door, Professor Wu apparently held for a second and said with surprise.

"Lu Academician? You have already... come back from Beijing?"

If he remembers correctly, he will see the big man in the live broadcast of the news broadcast in the morning...

"Just arrived in Jinling, I can't wait to rush over," said the succinctly, Lu Zhou looked at the experimental equipment behind him, and then asked, "I didn't bother your experiment?"

“No,” Professor Wu Tianqun shook his head and said with a smile. “The experiment has just been done. We are collecting experimental data. You have little influence at this time.”

"It’s just not disturbing your experiment," Lu Zhou nodded, and then he couldn’t wait to ask, "What about the carbon-based chip? I came to it."

When he heard Lu Zhou ask about this matter, Professor Wu Tianqun’s face showed a clear expression and said with a smile.

"Tan Jing chip is in the laboratory next to it. For security reasons, I locked it in the sample cabinet. Please come with me!"

After the research work was given to his students, Professor Wu Tianqun took Lu Zhou out of the door and came to the laboratory next to it.

Going to a sample cabinet with a look and a safe, Professor Wu skillfully took out the key and unlocked the lock of the cabinet. Then he put on the glove and carefully removed a palm-sized brown glassware from the sample cabinet.

"Because it is a carbon material, this chip is sensitive to strong light sources. I will save it here. Do you want to see it?"

Staring at the brown glassware for a moment, looking at the thumb-sized chip lying quietly in the central slot of the container, Lu Zhou said: "You don't have to open it, you and I will simply say it. ”


After clearing the scorpion, Professor Wu Tianqun introduced the technical details of the chip to Lu Zhou in a simple language.

As the name suggests, carbon-based chips naturally inherit the processor of carbon-based transistors. According to Professor Wu Tianqun, this small carbon-based chip contains 100,000 carbon nanotube transistors.

Although there are still a lot of gaps in this figure compared to hundreds of millions of silicon-based chips, the chip has been able to perform some less complicated mathematical operations like ordinary computer chips.

After learning the news, Lu Zhou’s heart suddenly burst into excitement.

Samples of carbon-based chips have been born!

what does this mean?

This means that Professor Wu Tianqun's research team has successfully achieved a leap from carbon-based transistors to carbon-based chips!

This means that the first strategic goal of the fifth largest semiconductor industry group in China has already seen the dawn of victory!

"... At present, we have been able to implement the 150nm process in the same way as the already-disclosed chip design. Although there is still a certain gap from the mature commercial chip, it has already shown a great victory in terms of computing speed, power consumption and heat. The superiority of traditional silicon-based chips."

After a pause, Professor Wu Tianqun suppressed the excitement in the voice and continued.

"And the most important thing is that this chip uses a chemical deposition + etching method similar to sg-1 normal temperature superconducting materials, and we will no longer be technically limited by the precision of lithography. In theory, there is still much room for improvement in this approach! We are currently looking for ways to further reduce the chip process and increase the number of transistors per square millimeter."

"As long as we can achieve more than 30 million transistors per square millimeter and increase the process technology to more than 10 nm, this chip can be commercialized! And the superiority of this carbon-based chip in its physical properties. It will be a silicon-based chip that can't be compared anyway!"

Lu Zhou: "What is the difficulty of mass production?"

Professor Wu Tianqun: "Production is not higher than silicon-based chips! As for the cost, although it is slightly more expensive, considering the cost-effectiveness, it is completely acceptable!"

Lu Zhou couldn't help but admire: "It's beautiful! Professor Wu, you made a great achievement!"

Hearing the words of Lu Zhou, Professor Wu Tianqun smiled embarrassedly.

"Where, if not your two papers published in "nature" provide a theoretical basis for this technical route, and the sg-1 normal temperature superconducting material of Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, I can not make What carbon-based transistors are even less likely to take the carbon-based chip."

"Okay, let's have two people here, and don't blow each other like this." Lu Zhou smiled and then put on a serious expression and continued. "With regard to these research results, you have to write two reports. You don't need to bring specific technical details, simply talk about the results. Another one has to bother you to spend more time, except that you don't have to follow the format of the paper, basically follow the pattern of the paper, write it The technical details are written and will be used when registering a patent.

After listening to the shackles of Lu Zhou, Professor Wu nodded seriously and said.

"Okay, I will prepare for a while, when do you need it?"

Lu Zhou: "This is not anxious. Just give it to me within a week, or if you are too busy, you can do it in a few days, or take your experiment."

Professor Wu said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, this thing does not delay the experiment, I promise you will definitely see it within a week."

Lu Zhou nodded. "Then please, you will not bother your work here."

The chip has been read, and the account of the account has been explained. Lu Zhou is planning to leave the lab, but at this moment he suddenly remembered one thing, and then he turned back and looked at Professor Wu Tianqun.

"Right, in the middle of the period, a group of experts on the feasibility of topological quantum computing technology will be established. I will recommend your name."

Although it was just an understatement, but listening to Professor Wu Tianqun's ears, it was a wave of turbulence in his heart.

The technical feasibility expert group established by the central government!

No matter what is to be justified, but the two words that take the lead take the central government, it must be that the big cow above the academic level can enter this threshold, at least it must be the academic leader in a certain field. The talent has the right to speak. .

I am only a professor at the district, and at most there is a title of a scholar from the Yangtze River. If it is under normal circumstances, I would like to enter such a group of experts to do the technical feasibility demonstration of the key technologies that can influence the strategic direction of the country. impossible.

Taking a deep breath and looking at Lu Zhou standing at the door, Professor Wu said in a grateful tone.

"Thank you for your promotion!"

Although his age is much older than him, the feeling of saying this sentence always feels weird, but it is indeed his feelings at this moment.

Being able to enter such a group of experts, whether from the perspective of broadening the network, or from the perspective of academic qualifications, will be of great help to his future academic path!

Looking at Professor Wu, who was moved, Lu Zhou smiled and said.

"You don't have to thank me."

"Not to mention that this is not my promotion, but that you have won through your own efforts and efforts."

"If you must thank you, thank you for the sweat you have paid."

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