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Chapter 931: Sullivan conjecture (2/4)

For most journals, the editor does not necessarily have strong academic ability, mainly responsible for checking the format of the paper and the number of words, and then contacting the professional reviewer for the manuscript approved, and determining whether the paper is based on the reviewer’s opinion. Can pass the review.

However this is only for most journals.

Journals such as the Yearbook of Mathematics, a journal founded by Princeton, a top mathematics institution, are editors in the editorial department.

For example, former editor-in-chief Peter Sanak is a big-level scholar in the field of number theory, and he is the winner of the 14-year Wolf Prize in Mathematical Achievements.

As the third editor-in-chief of Professor Peter Sanak, Professor Frex, although he is a little weaker, is a scholar who has only emerged in recent years, but his ability is unquestionable. If it is not the age limit of forty years old, with its research results in the field of differential manifolds, there is still a little hope for the fight for the Fields Prize.

Of course, the reason why "The Yearbook of Mathematics" chose him as the editor-in-chief is not entirely due to his academic ability, but also another factor.

Because the research on controlled nuclear fusion is hot in the world, the research heat of plasma physics is also rising. However, due to the miraculous effect of “l manifold” in solving the ns equation and plasma turbulence problems a few years ago, the research investment in mathematics in various countries over the years has intensified the application of partial differential equations and differential manifolds. A piece of resources is tilted to encourage domestic scholars to enter research in these areas.

Although the "Year of Mathematics" rarely keeps up with the hotspots, since Professor Lu’s report on the ns equation, the entire field of partial differential equations and differential manifolds has not produced any outstanding results. The aura of the entire research direction was absorbed by Professor Lu.

Therefore, the choice of Professor Frex as the editor-in-chief is also the board of directors of the Mathematics Yearbook, which is considered for the research direction of supporting partial differential equations and differential manifolds.

Generally speaking, when the editor-in-chief arranges the papers, he has a certain tendency to publish the papers for his own research...


Editorial Department of the Mathematics Yearbook.

Professor Frex, who has been working from the previous editor-in-chief, has taken his students to the editorial office and has been busy with the work of mountains.

Although the editor of the general mathematics journal is not very serious about this job, but Frex is not the same, now he can only be regarded as a calf, especially in the place where Princeton is hiding. It can be said that there is no sense of existence.

Others can't care about the academic qualifications edited by the Mathematics Yearbook, but he can't care, so he pays extra attention to this job, and even to a certain extent, even the problems he is doing are temporarily put down. .

Sitting in front of a computer with a pile of documents, a doctor who was full of curls drank a coffee and stared at the screen and suddenly snorted, as if coughing and screaming.

"...Professor, cough! Your email, received a submission letter!"

Being busy with the things at hand, Professor Frex did not have time to look up. He casually said, "Help me print it out. I will take time to look at it when I have time."

"But... the contributor is Lu Zhou."

The hand that was tapping the keyboard suddenly stopped, and Professor Frex stood up from the chair and walked quickly toward the desk of the doctoral student.

"Computer gives me!"

"Good, good..."

Before getting into the computer, Frecks first checked each letter of the email address and confirmed that the manuscript was actually delivered by Professor Lu, and then downloaded the pdf file attached to the email with great interest.

"Let me come, what is the interesting result that Professor Lu has made..."

One of the most immediate benefits of being an editor of a well-known journal is that it is the first time to know what amazing results have been made by the big cows.

With the expectation, Professor Frex opened the paper he just downloaded.

However, when he saw the contents of the abstract section, his eyes were gradually disappointing from the previous excitement.

I noticed the change in the expression of the instructor, and the Dr. Curl who gave the seat whispered, "What's wrong?"

“It’s not a novel research, it’s just a supplement to the theory of hyperelliptic curve analysis.” After reading the summary section, Professor Frecks shook his head and continued with a bit of disappointment. “It’s a bit of a cold meal. Feeling, at least not a significant result."

The doctor continued to ask: "So... do we want to reject the manuscript?"

"Not at all," Shake his head, Professor Frex continued. "If the length is not long, and it is really important enough, it can be drafted... In short, this trouble is still to the reviewer to worry. Well, the comments outside the peer review are too sinful... Well, you print the paper for me, I will ponder it."

"Good professor."

The printer creaked.

Soon the paper was printed on paper.

Holding the paper with the oil temperature back to his seat, Professor Frecks sipped his coffee and looked at the body of the paper with his legs crossed.

To be honest, after reading the summary section, he actually did not expect much from the research results in this paper.

However, just as he saw the third page, his mouth suddenly burst into a scorn.

"...when n is greater than 2, the two n-dimensional complexes completely intersect x^n(d), x^n(d') are differentially homeomorphic, if and only if their euler number, total number of times, and pontrjagin are equal... ..."

"...this inference, how do I look so familiar?"

It is not the kind of familiarity in the intuitive sense, but the familiarity in understanding.

It’s like this inference, he once saw another representation of it in that place...

Did not see the mark of the citation next to it, Professor Frecks gradually raised a trace of doubt, then sat up from the chair, picked up the ballpoint pen and counted a few strokes on the draft paper next to it.

However, his brush strokes had just passed two lines on the paper and he was there.


This, this line is expressed!

Is it...

The pupil contracted slightly and then quickly zoomed in. Professor Frex slammed up from his seat.

"Sullivan guess!?"

This conjecture is a speculation made by Professor Sullivan when studying the work of "classifying single connected manifolds under finite uncertainty" and "rational homotopy", which belongs to the classification problem of a class of smooth manifolds.

At the same time, it is also one of the core issues in differential topology!

If you don't understand differential topology, you have never heard of this conjecture. It is normal. After all, as a branch of mathematics branch research, this conjecture is very important even for people engaged in research in this field, but it is far from being able to talk about it. How well known.

And because of the difficulty, there are not many people who study this subject. Even the Mavericks in his differential topology have not been able to see at a glance that this thing is actually another form of expression.

However, it is a bit horrible to not understand this conjecture at all, or even to understand the mathematical branch of differential topology at all, and to make such research results...

From this inference, there is no citation. It is obvious that Professor Lu does not know that this line of inferences that he wrote with his hand in the paper is actually another form of expression of Sullivan's conjecture...

Thinking of this, Professor Frex's face was full of shocking looks, and even the fingers holding the papers were shaking gently.

Looking at the mentor who suddenly stood up and squatted there, Dr. Juan, who was sitting at the desk not far away, thought that something had happened. He quickly asked, "What happened?"

I don't know if I heard it, or I didn't even hear my students' questions.

His eyes were locked in the paper, and Professor Frex said in a excited tone, muttering to himself.


"We have a treasure!"

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