Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 932: We have already decided, it is up to you to be the chairman (3/4)

Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies.

In an office of the Institute of Mathematics.

Forcing the chalky smell of the house, when I entered the door, I walked to the Luzhou, which opened the window. First, I put my head out of the window and breathed a sigh of relief. Then I looked back at Professor Chen Yang who stood beside the blackboard.

"The question you asked me the day before is a bit interesting."

Gently coughed, Lu Zhou shook the stack of papers in his hand.

"I went back and studied it. The general result is this... Oh, yes, by the way, telling you, your inference is correct. It seems that your mathematical intuition is quite keen. If this thing is a little harder. Can hang out when mathematics guesses."

Looking back at the things on my blackboard, I looked at the stack of a4 paper in Lu Zhou’s hand. Chen Yang, who was standing in front of the blackboard, obviously squatted down. Even there was not much undulating tone. A few points of unbelievable surprise.

"You...have already figured it out?"

"It took a little time, but it didn't take long. It was just a minute for me. I never thought about it all night..."

Squeezing his eyebrows, Lu Zhou put his hand on the right hand of the stack of a4 paper, and then shot them all on the table. "Speak, do you have coffee here? If you don't bother, help me get a cup."

Chen Yang Muran took the spot.

"it is good."

Soon, the coffee came up.

But looking at a few chalk handprints on the side of the cup, Lu Zhou's eyebrows couldn't help but twitch.

"Can't you try to keep up with the times? Even if you can't get used to the whiteboard, it's okay to write on draft paper."

Chen Yang shook his head: "The formula written with that kind of thing has no soul."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Didn't notice the expressionless expression on Lu Zhou's face, Chen Yang couldn't wait to say, "Can you show me the paper?"

"... Of course," Lu Zhou, who had come back to God, shrugged his shoulders, and finally he was trapped in defeat of Jie Jie. He took a cup of coffee with a chalk handprint and took a sip. "You are free, I was coming over and You exchange this stuff."

"Thank you!"

After saying a thank you, Chen Yang put all his attention on the paper and left the boat on one side.

Just as Professor Chen looked at his paper, Lu Zhou also took time to look at the rows of blackboards standing on the wall of the office.

The formulas on the blackboard are obviously his attempts to prove the proposition he proposed the day before.

However, unfortunately, this time, he just touched the door, and even said that he was still at the door of the labyrinth.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou couldn't help but sigh in the heart.

Is a master.

It’s a pity that it’s still far worse than him.

I knew that this question was so difficult for him. I was not in a hurry to drive out the paper overnight, and I was so sleepy now.

Oh, it’s so lonely like snow...

At this time, Chen Yang, who was burying his head in the paper, suddenly raised his head with his eyes, and suddenly took out two words.


It is a scholar of the land!

He thought of a place that couldn’t be understood all day, even a place he hadn’t thought of, and it was solved by his understatement!

At the thought of this, Chen Yang’s eyes even brought a rare worship.

Too strong!

I don't know if there is a lack of vocabulary or I don't know how to speak. This guy seems to have so much praise.

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou smiled and asked: "Do you understand?"

Chen Yang nodded: "Understood... Three-quarters, there are some places I don't quite understand. Can you explain it to me?"

Put down the coffee cup, Lu Zhou said easily.

"no problem."

Answering Chen Yang’s confusion did not cost Lu Zhou a lot of work.

Although this guy looked silly and stupid, his intuition and reaction were unexpectedly sharp when it comes to mathematics. It may not be possible to say the opposite, but basically the places where he has problems are as simple as the land boat, and many places that he could not understand can immediately figure it out.

This made Lu Zhou think of a student he had previously taken in Princeton. The name of the student was Qin Yue. It was also a type of reticent and independent thinking. The only difference was that he did not go to him.

To be honest, Lu Zhou was a little curious that he had come over for twenty or thirty years.

Emotional intelligence is so low, will not be beaten?

After answering all the questions of Chen Yang, Lu Zhou can basically confirm that there is no technical omission in this paper.

Looking at Chen Yang, who turned back to the blackboard, he suddenly remembered one thing, so he said.

“Right, the question discussed in this paper is a bit interesting. After I sorted it out, I incorporated it into the theory of the hyperelliptic curve analysis method... As you said, this allows this math tool. Compatible with more questions."

"The paper I submitted in the "Year of Mathematics", you have no opinion?"

It was inexplicable by the words of Lu Zhou. Chen Yang went back and looked at Lu Zhou and asked: "What does this have to do with it?"

Looking at the way he didn't care, Lu Zhou was a little embarrassed, and said with a light cough.

"A district is not very useful to me, but it is still a little useful for you... but after all, it is what I made, so you are the second, you have no opinion?"

Chen Yang nodded.


Lu Zhou: "..."

This guy……

How did it survive in the academic world?

The atmosphere in the office was mired in silence.

Just when Lu Zhou couldn't figure this out, the phone that was resting in his pocket suddenly ringed.

"I am going to pick up the phone."

"Good." Chen Yang didn't have any expressions to look down, and then continued to look at the blackboard.

I left the paper for him for a while, and walked out of the office full of chalk dust. Lu Zhou felt the air suddenly refreshed and pulled out the button that the phone pressed.


There was no pause in a second, and Secretary Li’s voice quickly came from the phone.

"it's me!"

Director Li?

Lu Zhou’s report on carbon-based chips has not yet been written. This guy is looking for himself not for the chip, so he asks.

"what happened?"

Director Li was a little embarrassed and smiled and said: "That, Academician Lu, have you had time recently?"

When I heard that the old guy was embarrassed with a bit of pleasing tone, most of them were troublesome things waiting for their instincts, and they instantly climbed into Lu Zhou’s heart.

He is too familiar with this product!

Gently coughed, Lu Zhou said: "...that depends on what."

Director Li: "No trouble! If you have time, try to go to Shanghai!"

Lu Zhou sighed slightly: "Go to Shanghai to dry up."

What kind of inexplicable go to Shanghai?

Director Li smiled and said: "Is this not the end of the month? The headquarters of the imcrc will be unveiled. You are also the first chairman. Do you not take two steps?"

Lu Zhou: "...???"

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