Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 939: the opening ceremony!

I had a good night last night.

It is painful to get up early in the morning.

The next day, the brain with a headache broke out and got a bed. The washed boat was restored to a seven-eight-eighth by relying on a powerful metabolic function. Going downstairs to the buffet restaurant on the first floor of the hotel, the breakfast was hurriedly solved. Then I sat on the car that was waiting at the door.

Sitting in the back row with yawning, Lu Zhou stretched his hand and pinched some brows, and asked casually.

"What time did I drink yesterday?"

Wang Peng thought for a moment and replied: "Turning the bell in the early morning... I didn't expect you to get up this morning."

Lu Zhou: "There are two drinks for a drink. What can't you get up?"

When I heard this sentence, Wang Peng did not argue. He smiled and said: "Where is it going?"

Lu Zhou: "imcrc headquarters."


Extending the right hand to set up the navigation, Wang Peng skillfully hit the steering wheel and drove the car to the road in front of the hotel.

Leaning on the soft seat, Lu Zhou was planning to take advantage of the time on the road for a while. At this moment, I suddenly remembered that I had to drink the broken piece last night, so I coughed and coughed.

"I drank a lot last night. If you said something nonsense, you shouldn't hear it."

"Nothing, everyone has a bad mood," Wang Peng, holding the steering wheel, smiled and said, "Is it better? Didn't the opening ceremony be okay?"

The face returned to the usual confident expression, Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"What big scene I have not seen?"

"This is a small scene. It can be a problem."


Although it is a small scene, the scene is not small at all.

Whether it is the magnificent icmc headquarters building located on the edge of the high-tech park, or a news broadcast truck on the parking space in front of the main entrance of the headquarters building, it is a sign that this unveiling ceremony is gathering attention from all over the world. Eyes.

The black-pressed crowd was in front of the main entrance of the building, like a large bowl of inverted buckles, surrounded by a giant granite stone monument of four or five meters high with red cloth.

There is no red carpet, no balloons floating in the sky, no salute, but no one doubts the formality of the unveiling ceremony, and no one will doubt its influence.

Whether it is a scholar who is concerned about the future of mankind, a peasant who is interested in physics, or a politician who is concerned about the impact of this event on the world.

Whether they are sitting in front of the TV, standing on the scene, or holding a mobile phone to watch the webcast, at this moment, they can't help but slow down the breath by half a beat.

And in the eyes of everyone and the focus of the lens, a man in formal wear is standing there.

There is no press release in his hand, only a row of four microphones.

With a soft coughing audition, he reached out and straightened the microphone, opening his mouth with a clear, solemn voice.

“First of all, thanks to experts, scholars, representatives of all parties, journalists, and everyone who is concerned about the world's physics process, can stand here, or sit in front of the TV and share this glorious moment with us.”

"As the director of imcrc, as a scholar who shoulders the burden of exploring the future, I am deeply grateful to all of you for your enthusiasm, thank you!"

In the crowd outside the stone monument, the applause of the waves sounded.

Lu Zhou nodded lightly, and after the applause subsided a little, he cleared his throat and continued.

“imcrc is an international physics research organization, and we are committed to discussing and addressing issues that will affect the future of our civilization.”

"It may not help us go further, but it can help us understand ourselves more, understand our universe, and understand the rules of our world."

"I am very honored to stand here and be able to represent all of us and to unveil this glorious moment!"

After all, Lu Zhou turned two steps and walked to the foot of the stone tablet.

Then he reached out and grabbed the silky red cloth and yanked it off.

The flowing red cloth flutters in the air like a flowing blood. The calligraphy of the magnificent atmosphere, engraved a powerful and powerful text on the stone tablet.

[International Moon Hadron Collider Research Center Headquarters]

Time seems to be still at this moment.

At the moment, all the feelings broke out.

Applause, cheers...

The sounds are coming and going, and they are endless!

For the moment, the researchers of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, all the engineers who participated in the design of the Hadron Collider, excitedly waved their arms and even hugged together. Left tears of excitement.

It is their progress in the history!

It’s the achievement that all of them have done!

In the face of such a glorious glory, even the Nobel Prize, and even all the personal honors in the world, will surely be eclipsed.

The Luo brothers who had rushed from the outside had not reacted, and they were dragged into the crowd by the people. The glasses didn't know where to fly, and they were almost never thrown into the sky.

The redness of the hands was shot, standing in the crowd not far away, looking at the falling red cloth, the academician Zhang Wenlong, the chairman of the Chinese Physical Society, could not help but cry.

"I finally waited for this moment!"

"Yeah," secretly took off the glasses. Academician Fang Shaoping, director of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, used his index finger to smash into the corner of the sand. Then he looked up and stared at the towering stone, whispering. "From today, the history of physics in China is a new page."

Upon hearing this sentence, Academician Zhang Wenlong laughed loudly.

"It’s more than the Chinese physics community!"

"The history of physics in the whole world should be a new page in the future!"


The opening ceremony was over.

With Lu Zhou gently squatting, the right hand released the microphone, a group of reporters came in for a moment, sneaked out the microphone in the hand, want to cross the block and the wall like a row of bodyguards, from the boat I got the first hand interview here.

"Professor Lu Zhou, I am a Colombian TV reporter. Can you tell me about the problem that the Hadron Collider is a waste of money?"

Lu Zhou: "Life is not just the shackles in front of us. It should also have poetry and distance. Our civilization is the same. You should look a little longer."

"I am a bbc reporter! Does the director of imcrc have a public vote for the post? Or have you consulted other member states in the procedure?"

Lu Zhou: "On these two questions, one can answer a practical sentence, but I just want to return you a word, no comment."

Under the **** of a group of security personnel, Lu Zhou finally broke through the heavy encirclement of the reporters, and together with other imcrc staff dressed in formal suits swiped the card into the door.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a person from the crowd, and his eyebrows suddenly picked.

The man seemed to have seen him too, and suddenly his face changed subtly, and he turned around and wanted to slip, but he did not walk out of two steps and heard a laugh and heard from behind.

"Luo brother!"

"I just found out that I didn't find you for a long time at the opening ceremony. Now that the ceremony is over, you can be considered."-

(Thanks to the book owner "Black Tiger Forward"'s lord to reward! Skill cd, I slowly continue to erupt, these days, the explosion is too tired qaq). m.

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