I have seen it, even if I hide it, it doesn't work.

After stopping, Luo Wenxuan looked at Lu Zhou with a sullen look, and he was embarrassed to scratch his head.

The fish was caught and it was really awkward.

Trying to transfer the topic, he said, laughing and laughing.

"It’s so good, it’s good to say that today’s weather is good, it’s not raining, there’s no sky in the clear sky, it’s raining, everyone is holding an umbrella, certainly not that effect”

Lu Zhou: "I played dry ice in the sky yesterday. Where is the rain today? Don't shift the topic. Did you go to the office when I was looking for you?"

Seeing the failure of the transfer topic, Luo Shixiong embarrassedly coughed and said, "The ticket was delayed for ten minutes. When I came over, I caught up with the peak traffic jam... and then I was late."

"You came to the high-speed rail this morning?" Lu Zhou said without a word. "You can't go to Shanghai on the side of the day one day? You have to step on this point."

Luo Shixiong was embarrassed to touch the back of his head, and said: "That... I have not missed any important links?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "No miss, except for the unveiling ceremony, you have caught up."

With a sigh of relief, Luo Wenxuan took a picture of his chest.

"Call, good insurance!"

"You are in danger! You still want me to praise you!" Lu Zhou couldn't help but squirt, and then said, "The press conference at two o'clock in the afternoon will be opened by you. Now go to the news immediately. The leader’s speech, what can be said, what can’t be said, you should quickly get familiar with it.”

I heard the press conference in the afternoon and gave it to myself. Luo Wenxuan suddenly jumped like a huskies who had stepped on the tail. "Wait, wait! Isn't the person responsible for the press conference? I remember my job is not"

Lu Zhou: "You are still very willing to mention your work. You should come here yesterday! The departmental meeting has been finished. You will be late to the opening ceremony. If I don't punish you, is this team still carrying?"

"Don't," Luo Wenxuan said with a frowning face. "Give me, those reporters are dogs..."

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "That can't be done, I must ask you to do this. Not to mention the imr such a big project can talk about it, and you have half of the credit, so that you are on this lunar plane with the Hadron Collider The understanding of the project, there is no problem in going up to two sentences? Give you the opportunity to force it."

Luo Wenxuan Khan said: "What is this called forcing... I have a report on major research results next time. Let me go up and tell me that I believe you. What's more, what can I call half of the credit? I don't look at my face. Seeking cooperation."

"I have done it, don't talk nonsense," interrupted the story of this guy. Lu Zhou put it down and said, "This little thing is not even, how can I give you the major research results to report." ”

Said, Lu Zhou went forward, smiled and patted the shoulders of his brother.

"Good to cheer!"

"This is also the basis for the future, you will take this opportunity as an exercise!"

I don't know why, looking at Lu Zhou's expectation, Luo Wenxuan always has a bigger trouble and is waiting for his own hunch.

But he has no evidence.

Not too good to ask.

After thinking about it, he finally sighed and patted his right hand on his shoulder.


"Since you have said this, I can only go to **** without going to hell."

"I am going to prepare."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Mmp, I always feel that the voice of this guy is so good!

He is training him as a successor. How can he be said by this guy? It feels like he is planning to hang him?

Can such a good thing be called a pit?

Otherwise, it is still good to train a spare tire...


On the other side, Shanghai International Airport.

Through the crowd coming and going, Professor Krugman, who was on the ramp, put the hat on the trunk of the suitcase on his head, and then threw the tow to the doctor carrying the travel bag next to him.

"Wiesell, help me get the suitcase!"

With a weak voice, Wisl took the suitcase.

"Okay, Professor."

Looking at the crowds coming and going in the airport lobby, Professor Angus, who was walking next to Professor Krugman, complained, "Jesus! There are too many people here! I remember that when I came here for a meeting ten years ago, it was not like this. child."

Not only Chinese people, but also many faces with different skin colors.

Looking at this scene, Professor Anders suddenly felt like being in another New York.

After hearing this sentence, Professor Krugman said with a smile.

"My friend, you should go out and go, the world is changing with each passing day, staying in Princeton and not coming out, sooner or later will be out of touch with the world... Wisl, you don't show your gentlemanly manner, help Is the only lady in our team taking the luggage?"

Being taught to look at the eyes, Wisl’s face was speechless, but he still had no temper to reach out to take the suitcase.

Watching this brother come to help him with his luggage, Xiao Yan did not hand over the tow bar in his hand, he said

"...My suitcase can be taken by myself."

Although the refusal of Xiao Xiao’s euphemism relieved the free labor of being a younger sister, the expression on Dr. Weisl’s face at this moment is still a look of anger and anger.

This old man, completely robbed himself as an errand!

Although he had expected it to become like this before departure, he was also prepared to act as a free labor force, but it was still a humiliation!

However, although this is the case, he is only grievous in his heart.

I thought that I could attend the academic conference with the Nobel Prize, and then follow the mentor and know more about it. The point in the heart of Wisdom quickly dissipated.

As a scholar with ideals and ambitions, what is the bitterness of eating this?

This is all for the future!

When I think of it, not only does it accumulate in my heart, but I don’t see it. Wess looked at the mentor’s warmth from the Chinese New Year. It’s not even lemon, even the shoulders with a lot of luggage. Strength...

Well, it’s so sweet!

The small stumbling in front was not aware of the rich inner drama of his brother, but it was because Professor Krugman’s meticulous care was a bit aggressive.

Are the professors at Princeton so enthusiastic?

When she was studying for a master's degree at Oxford University, although she was often treated with unusual gaze, this enthusiasm was really the first time...

"...I just asked by the way, Miss Xiao Xiao, don't you call your family to report peace?"

Looking at the teacher who was concerned about it, Xiao Yan replied cautiously: "...but I just played it a few days ago."

Professor Krugman seriously persuaded: "I know, but are you not flying again now? And flying in the sky for more than twenty hours! If your family knows, you will definitely worry."

Xiao Yan: "..."

So the correct operation should not be, let them know that it is not good?

Looking at the teacher's expression of almost writing his thoughts on his face, Xiao Yan's heart burst into tears and laughed. He didn't know what to say, but he had to go back euphemistically.

"Wait until the hotel is playing again..."

Did not hear this sentence is actually a kind of euphemistic rejection, Professor Krugman suddenly smiled, haha ​​smiled and said: "Good, good! Go to the hotel and say ... remember not forget."

Xiao Yan took the spot.


It is impossible to call the phone. Even if it is played, it is impossible to say that I have returned to Shanghai.

If this is to let the old brother know that his forefoot has just landed at the New York airport, he has not stayed in Princeton for two days, and then flew back to Shanghai with his mentor. He will not be laughed at him until the next meeting.

I just don’t know why, looking at Professor Krugman’s expression of “planning and success”, Xiao Yan always has a feeling of “not good”.

"But my brother is in Jinling, you should not touch it..."

In Chinese, he whispered to himself, and the little girl shook her head and threw the matter behind her head. She took the suitcase and followed the mentor’s footsteps, heading for the taxi. went……

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