Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 942: Can you fight one? (3/4)

When Lu Zhou arrived at the No. 1 lecture hall, the report meeting had already begun.

Standing in front of the ppt showing the curtain, an old man who had to be whitened pushed the glasses on his nose and said something that the boat could not understand at all.

However, although he did not understand it at all, the scholars at the stage listened very seriously and even drunk.

This made Lu Zhou think of his own report meeting. When he was opening a report meeting, the audience in the audience was basically this look.

It is a master.

Thinking in my heart, Lu Zhou did not stay at the door, and soon found a space in the last row of positions to sit down.

In fact, the statement of Dr. Weiss's doctor is exaggerated. Although there are many people in the lecture hall, it is not so much that one location cannot be found and must sit in the corridor.

And a few people who sit on the floor under the podium are basically wearing very thick glasses and look very young. These people are listening to the report with questions or purposes. Whether there is a seat in the lecture hall, they are basically sitting there.

After finding the position, Lu Zhou sat down on his neck and looked around. Then he pulled out his mobile phone and found out the paper review of his previous collaboration with Xiao Xiao. He also divided a part of his energy to listen to Professor Joseph’s. explain.

The theory of the lu-bewley model part, he has basically forgotten. Although this stuff seems to be a bit important to the economics community, for himself, it is the gadgets that are made by hand, so it is not at all in mind.

But now that the paper has been revisited again, he quickly succeeded in smashing the core of the paper, the part of the mathematical model.

This kind of one-minded way for the average person, the biggest possibility is that the two ends are not pleased, whichever is not taken care of.

But for Lu Zhou, who often does so to save time, he is almost ready to get used to it.

I still remember that when I was a professor at Princeton, I was not only single-minded. He could even use it with one heart and mind, and ask questions when he heard it.

Standing on the stage, slowly speaking, Professor Joseph, who saw a glimmer of light from the back of the podium, frowned.

The light from the screen of the mobile phone is actually not obvious. It can even be said that if you don't stare at it especially, you won't notice it.

However, in the lecture hall where everyone is staring at him and looking forward to his continued talk, one person has been burying his head against the screen of the mobile phone, even if it is far apart, even if it is Sitting in the last row, it is also so conspicuous in his perspective.

Although it is not uncommon to play a mobile phone at a conference, he has always been disgusted with this behavior, which will make him produce a research result that is not as attractive as a mobile phone.

However, Joseph only frowned, and then ignored the person who made him unhappy.

If this is in his class, he will definitely ask the person who plays the mobile phone to go out, but here is the academic report meeting. He can't delay the time of other scholars because of this little thing, and there is no such thing as a credit. ......

At this moment, Lu Zhou did not notice that he was hated by an economic big cow because of this inconspicuous movement.

However, if he knows the reason, he will definitely laugh at the old man’s eyesight.

Not to mention the conscience, he is not playing the phone, but reviewing the previous article!

However, even if he let him know, Lu Zhou may not be too concerned.

First, he is not a scholar in the field of economics. Second, he came to his present level. He remembers that there are not a thousand or eight hundred people, and there is no difference between them.

I read the paper from beginning to end, both in the mathematical model and in the theoretical part.

After watching it, Lu Zhou collected the mobile phone and was interested to listen to how Professor Joseph evaluated his mathematical model. He did not expect that he just focused on the stage, the old The next sentence of Mr. is almost that he did not vomit blood.

“We all know that a fairly novel mathematical model has recently been born in the field of economics. Its creator is a well-known Fields Prize winner, Professor Lu Zhou. It has been improved on the basis of the classic bewley model, saving a lot of tediousness. Calculations and make the results of the model calculations more accurate..."

"I don't deny that this mathematical model is very beautiful. I don't deny it."

Looking around at the scene of the lecture hall, Professor Joseph continued in a serious tone. "Although I am a supporter of the new economic trade theory, I often use mathematics as an aid to assist me in the quantitative study of economic theory. But I have to emphasize again that in economics mathematics is just an aid, just like we are a 'macroeconomic forum' rather than an 'accounting financial forum'."

There was a friendly laugh in the venue.

For the joke that the old gentleman opened, many people still agree with it.

Indeed, the new economists now rely more and more on computers, rely more and more on mathematical tools, and even Nobel's economics has become a trend of becoming the Nobel Prize in Mathematics.

In the eyes of conservative scholars, this is simply too stupid.

After a pause, Professor Joseph continued.

"The meaning of economics is to study the laws of human economic activities, that is, the law of creation, transformation, and realization of value, not digital games. We are economists and not financial accountants."

"This report will be based on the lu-bewley model, but what I will talk about next may disappoint many people," took a deep look at Professor Krugman sitting in the front seat, looking away. Staying for a few seconds on the scholar who praised the lu-bewley model as a Nobel Prize winner, Joseph continued, "I will focus on the disclosure of the shortcomings of the lu-bewley model."

"In my opinion, these shortcomings are fatal!"

At the moment when the voice fell, the voice of the whisper was suddenly heard in the lecture hall.

For Professor Joseph's criticism, Lu Zhou did not vomit blood at first, but after hearing what he said later, his expression returned to normal.

He is a mathematician himself, and he is completely a layman in the field of economics. Even if there are really fatal flaws, it is understandable.

What is more, Professor Joseph criticized the economic value of his lu-bewley model, and did not say that his mathematical theory is problematic.

Lu Zhou did not care at all.

Let him go.

Just as he returned the back of his head back to the chair, he just heard that the two faces sitting next to him looked very young, like scholars who were studying doctors, whispering whispers.

“Dr. Krugman did not discuss the lu-bewley model in his new paper? Seeing his attitude seems to be the opposite of Professor Joseph?”

"Do you still use it? Professor Krugman and Professor Nash have always had a good relationship! It is a supporter of mathematical economics theory. His most classic view is that a beautiful economic model must have a mathematical sense of beauty. ...but he seems to have a very general mathematical ability."

"This report will look a bit interesting."

"Yeah, yeah, Professor Krugman is on the scene! Professor Joseph’s sentence is probably to say to him... the response to his paper some time ago!"

"Unfortunately, Professor Krugman's coffee is still a bit lower than Professor Joseph! Even the author of "Economics" Samuelson said that he is not good enough!"

Listening to the whispering communication of these people, Lu Zhou's eyebrows gently picked up.

Professor Krugman is also in the lecture hall?

These words are what Joseph specifically told him to listen to?

Although I don’t understand the debates in the economics world, I always feel that things are getting more and more interesting...

Sitting in the lecture hall, Professor Krugman's expression was a bit stiff.

The words of Professor Joseph undoubtedly hit his face.

Some were unsettled, and Xiao Xiao finally couldn’t help but whispered: "Professor, lu-bewley model... Is there really a flaw?"

“It’s hard to say,” Professor Krugman shook his head. “I don’t think there is anything wrong... but Joseph’s old guy, his mathematical model of economics is more than me, maybe he found me. The problems that have not been discovered are also uncertain."

Professor Andis also nodded, and he agreed with his old friend Professor Krugman.

"You have to listen again, maybe it's not that bad."

Professor Krugman has a dignified expression.

"Yeah, I have to listen again."

Professor Joseph on the stage continued to speak, while the marker in his hand was on the whiteboard, and the key part of the floor was explained from time to time.

"As we all know, the bewley model has gradually become the mainstream method of macroeconomic research because it overcomes the inherent shortcomings of the stochastic dynamic general equilibrium framework. The lu-bewley model has been improved on this basis, such as the use of the 'endogenous grid method'. Many mathematical tools replace the Lagrange multiplier method to solve each step in the optimization process.

“However, this also caused the bewley model to lose his original rigor.”

[f(x,y,z)=ag3,1+bg3,2+g3,3...where x,y,z≥0......]


As his explanation continued, line-by-line calculations were also printed on the whiteboard.

Stopped the marker in his hand, Professor Joseph looked back at the lecture hall and continued.

"If you introduce the kpr utility function for Equation 3, you can clearly see the problems in the model."

"As I said earlier, the lu-bewley model has a fatal flaw in theory, at least a major revision."

"My story is over. If you have any questions, you can ask."

The venue was silent and silent.

It seems as if a needle falls on the ground.

When he said this, Professor Joseph glanced at Professor Krugman's direction and saw him look at the blackboard with a look of arrogance. He could not help but gently smack his lips.

High judgment.

This guy didn't even keep up with his speed.

Although he didn't intend to compare anything with this guy, he was quite dissatisfied with the argument that this guy admired the lu-bewley model.

Originally thought that this guy can tell something, I did not expect even a question can not be asked.

Thinking of this, Joseph’s face showed a faint disappointment and the loneliness of a few masters.

No one can play!

Just as he took the paper on the desk and squatted, and prepared to wait for a while, no one raised his hand, and when he was not wasting his time, a hand that he could not expect was lifted from the back row.

"I have a question to ask."

As the sound came from the back of the lecture hall, the big lecture hall was so lively...

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