Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 943: I only used me for an hour (4/4)

For Professor Joseph’s explanation, Lu Zhou did not understand too much.

However, he is too familiar with the formulas on the whiteboard.

Although it took only an hour to complete these things, it does not mean that there is no value in this hour.

"...I don't deny your point of view. Any discipline should have its own research ecology. Mathematics should not be overwhelming under any circumstances, but I don't want to say this." Gently coughed, Lu Zhou pointed The direction of the whiteboard continues, "The formula in the third line... is not so useful."

The moment of export in this sentence.

The lecture hall, which was originally a commotion because of his getting up and asking questions, became more lively!

Many people have cast their eyes on the back row to see the lively eyes, wondering who is so arrogant, not at all euphemistically positive. Well, Joseph is also a big cow in the economics field. Is he so anxious to avenge his mentor?

“Someone questioned Professor Joseph’s mathematical ability?!”

"No even Professor Krugman speaks..."

"Who is this guy? It looks pretty young, is it a student?"

"Wait, I feel... this person seems a bit familiar, but I forgot where I have seen it."


"Please tell me where the problem is, otherwise please don't mess," the glimpse of the person who stood up, the one who played the mobile phone at his report meeting. Professor Joseph's face could not help but appear a bit unhappy, dissatisfied. Say, "Still, do you think you know how to use these things better than me? Do you know the lu-bewley model better than me?"

Lu Zhou nodded: "If it's just the math part."

The audience is at a loss.

Professor Joseph frowned, not angry and laughing.

"Oh? Then I am a bit curious, what is your name? Which university is it?"

Hearing this question unrelated to the report, Lu Zhou could not help but have a headache.

Speaking of it, is this face so difficult to identify?

This is the second time someone has asked this question today.

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if the race is different, handsome stuff should be universal, right?

Sighed, he said.

"Jinling University, Lu Zhou."

"Or, you can also call me Professor Lu."

The original report hall, with the exit of this sentence, is strangely quiet.

Lu, Lu Zhou? !

When the name came out of his mouth, not only was Joseph’s heart screaming, but all the scholars in the entire lecture hall were stunned by this sudden reversal.

Looking at the young scholar who stood up, many economists present at the moment are all capitalized.

There are also many people who have already recognized the face when Lu Zhou just stood up, but he did not dare to confirm.

After all, no one can think of it. Lu Zhou actually appears in such a place, which can be said to be a macroeconomics forum that has little to do with mathematics.

What's more, no one has ever heard of it before, at which economic conference this guy showed up.

This kind of thing has no precedent at all, unless it is staring at the face every day, otherwise the ghost can recognize him at a glance!

On the other side, sitting in the venue, a little girl about twenty years old, also instantly widened her eyes.

Brother? !

Listening to the familiar voice, looking back at the person standing up in the back row, Xiao Yan was surprised to see his eyes come out!

Sitting next to her, Professor Krugman’s face was more exciting than her, and she said with excitement.

"He really came! I said it! He will come!"

As he said, it seemed that he suddenly remembered something. He immediately looked at Professor Andis sitting next to him.

It seemed that the crisis was pre-emptive, and Professor Andis suddenly coughed and stood up from his seat with a hook and dropped a word to get ready to go.

"I went to the toilet..."

Professor Krugman smiled happily.

"It doesn't matter if you go to the bathroom, but don't forget our bet!"

Seeing that he could not escape, Professor Andis complained angrily: "I know, you are a little mad... Isn't it just a few 'gold coins'? Eat so much chocolate and don't lose your teeth."

"Haha, I just took what I deserved... I said that you really want to go to the toilet now?" Professor Krugman picked an eyebrow in the direction of the whiteboard and continued, "He is like that... It seems to be I am on the board."

Upon hearing this sentence, Professor Andis apparently hesitated and finally returned to his seat.

"I suddenly felt that I could stay for a while..."

"Look first about what he is going to write."


Lu Zhou did not expect that he was only going to make a soy sauce, and eventually he stood in this place.

After he pointed out that there was a problem in the calculation process on the whiteboard, and as the old gentleman had asked for his name, Professor Joseph still did not give up, even let out the podium and the whiteboard, asking him to point out what was wrong. .

In fact, Lu Zhou originally did not want to come up.

But as a scholar, when he discovered that someone had mistakenly used his own theory, as the proponent of this theory, it was his duty to point out the mistake and correct it.

After all, no one in this world knows the meaning of the lu-bewley model better than him.

I also want to keep a low profile, but the strength is not allowed...

Suddenly sighed in the heart, Lu Zhou picked up the marker, cleared the throat, and said casually.

"I only write once, I am optimistic."

Professor Joseph was expressionless and stared at the whiteboard with a pressureful look.

However, this oppressive sight did not put a lot of pressure on Lu Zhou.

Standing in front of the whiteboard for about five seconds, the marker in his hand moved like a light goose feather, but between the counts, he wrote a line of calculations on the whiteboard.

Time is a minute and a second, watching more and more calculations on the whiteboard, Professor Joseph's pupil shrinks instantly, and then slowly enlarges, writing a trace of unbelievable, and even gradually became shocked.

It is not a surprise to the contents of Lu Zhou.

Although the huge amount of information in the line is really amazing.

But what shocked him even more was that there was no pause in the boat that wrote these calculations! There is no plan to stop and review the previous steps and then think about the next step!

Yes, even if there is no pause for half a minute!

It is as if the entire model has been printed in his mind, how each piece of bricks should be piled up, and there is already a complete blueprint in his heart.

A drop of sweat gradually slipped down the forehead.

What Joseph couldn't believe most was that he had undoubtedly decided on his own process. He had gradually begun to doubt that the mistakes he had revealed were really so obvious that they did not need to think at all...

When Lu Zhou wrote the last stroke on the whiteboard, the venue of the entire report was unusually quiet.

Obviously, it was not just the conquest of Professor Joseph that the economists who sat here were completely conquered by the formulas he listed on the blackboard.

Compared to Professor Joseph's blackboard, every step he wrote was meticulous and accurately circled and corrected in the content of Professor Joseph's board.

The shoulders shook slightly and looked at the contents of the whiteboard unbelievably. Professor Joseph said with a trembling voice.

"This is impossible……"

"Even if you sit in the library and count these things, it will take at least a few hours..."

"How did you do it?!"

Lu Zhou smiled and hung the marker with a magnet on the side of the whiteboard.

"You tell me first, right?"

Although not willing to admit this, the results are already obvious.

After a moment of silence, Professor Joseph finally managed to stand down.

"I admit... I have a misunderstanding of the lu-bewley model, you are right."

There was a commotion in the lecture hall.

Professor Joseph actually admitted that he was wrong? !

Almost the vast majority of people's faces have emerged with unbelievable expressions.

Even after hearing Lu Zhou’s name, many people expected that Professor Joseph might lose. After all, his mathematics was not as strong as that of Professor Nash, and the gap between the winners of the Fields Prize was even greater. There is an insurmountable gap.

What everyone just didn’t think was that he actually lost so thoroughly that he didn’t even have the chance to debate...

"Do you know what is wrong?"

"Got it……"

Although he bowed to a younger scholar than himself, this gave Joseph’s heart an unspeakable humiliation.

But if it is to bow to the right point of view...

That is not shameful.

Looking at Professor Joseph, who nodded like a student, Lu Zhou also appreciated the location.

Not bad.

When he first came to power, he was still thinking that maybe even if he put the mistake in front of the old gentleman, the old gentleman would also deny the face and argue with himself from the perspective of economics.

But now it seems that he is not that kind of person.

Seeking truth from facts is a virtue.

Especially for scholars.

"That corrects the problem and handed it over to you. I don't know much about this stuff." After leaving this sentence, Lu Zhou did not continue to fall on his face, and turned to the lecture hall. The main entrance.

Seeing that Lu Zhou was leaving, Professor Joseph quickly stepped forward and tried to hold him.

"Wait, you haven't told me how you can be in such a short time"

"Oh, you ask this... because it is not difficult."

Stopped and looked back at Professor Lu’s Lu Zhou, and smiled embarrassedly.

"Not to mention the lu-bewley model, I only spent an hour."

"Just change the wrong one, can't it take much time?"-

(Yesterday cd a bit, today continues to erupt, in order to read the experience will not open a single ticket, let me ask for a ticket at the end of the chapter is good ~ please, the brothers and sisters with monthly votes [.] vote for it ~ )

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